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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Very pleased for Mr S Will your opening be for all children, or just the leavers? I'm still not 100% as I really didn't get a good vibe from yesterday's meeting. I know we have to reopen at some point, but at this stage I'm not sure whether or not to just wait for Sept and done with now. When do you finish for Summer?
  2. Call me a cynic, but I get the feeling this has all been a bit rushed through because of a certain person. Track n Trace...... surely their method is just what anyone (well most of us would do anyway). You get the virus, you'd tell your friends and family, well I"m sure most would! Personally I think we need an app to find the people we don't know, the ones we may have been in a shop with etc Note: I've not actually been anywhere for the whole of lockdown so I don't actually know what it's like in the outside world anymore. The two medical men seemed very 'down' and negative I felt, kept saying over and over we must still distance, try not to see too many different people if poss, admitting the numbers on the graphs weren't reliable, that the R rate was probably near 1 than .7. And I'm sure one said the infections rate was probably more like 9,000 rather than the just under 2,000 ........ However I may have heard that wrong- I really hope I did!!
  3. Well yesterday during questions he seemed more that confident we'd be entering the stage two... and I think on Sunday he confirmed schools would be opening? (it might have been Saturday/Sunday or Monday to be honest!). I know a lot have schools aren't opening yet - but I think all of ours are
  4. Mines due 30th May!
  5. Well I will do it very soon.... probably next week xx
  6. https://www.gov.uk/pay-corporation-tax/tell-hmrc-no-payment-due 7th on list, and I haven't filled anything yet anyway!
  7. Took me a little while to find it on the page/site, and I did follow a few wrong links. But when it did find it all I had to do was input the ref number on the letter.
  8. I just went the site mentioned on the letter. I did have to have a little look around though.
  9. Another worrying financial issue I've seen developing on other social media [which luckily doesn't effect us] is that parents that use the funding spread over the year are now expecting their 'unused funding whilst closed' to be carried over to the summer months.
  10. Our's issued a longish statement saying we would continue to receive the funding unless a parent wants to use it at a different setting (fair enough really I suppose) - However it would expect the new setting to use any other unclaimed funding from their own non returners first before putting in the claim for the new child.
  11. I"ve literally just filed a 'nile to pay' on the corporation tax website. I haven't actually filled the account yet though . I didn't ask for any codes- just the payment ref on letter. I'll file the accounts some point next week. (if I remember that is!)
  12. Humour is what keeps us going - only yesterday my brother and I had a deep discussion about control measures within the setting. We came up with the best way to handle a suspected case in a child would be quite simple really - three staff members each with a swimming pool cleaning net: staff form a triangle with the 'netted' child in the middle.... staff then manoeuvre the child out of the door when the parent arrives- all from a safe distance.
  13. I have seen 'snot stations' set up - but I hate the expression.
  14. What sort? anything in particular we should watch out for?
  15. It is rather annoying- play dough ok, sand no. I know which I'd think was safer
  16. I agree. I also noted that the BBC film showing the British setting clearly had the parent in the setting too, when advice is- not allowed unless 100% essential.
  17. I'm pretty sure they have sanplay in Denmark wasn't they supposed to be our model settings ?
  18. If we open before September we will not be have anything major re: signage. Our LA produced a A4 sheet which I'll print of a few, and I'll do a few hand washing etc. But we're just a small preschool and I want to keep it all a simple and 'normal' as possible.
  19. Well Boris did mention EYs once when reading his notes - he just forgot about us when he had to think for himself answering questions!
  20. No, you need those extender sticks [for the larger than normal person] that you see advertised in those strange supplements that come with the Sunday papers.
  21. Well my LA finally issued guidance at 1.50pm today. To be fair they do seem to offering support for those choosing to open- it's just late in day for term-time setting that are technically closed next week.
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/collections/starting-primary-school/1 I had a letter in the post about it pre-lockdown complete with stickers for the children. The link hadn't been working, but tried yesterday and it was there I've had a quick look, and there are some activities that I'm going to print off to put in a pack/bag and I'm going to deliver to all parents. I have also signed up for some 'book trust' books which I hope I receive, as this will go in the pack too. Sorry I haven't got a link for the book trust thing though - I found it during the wee small hours when I couldn't sleep and didn't think to save the link.
  23. Pretty sure Riddore just to cover yourself really. https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/riddor-reporting-coronavirus.htm?fbclid=IwAR03shakb28yd1I66GIH8mqGT2-gPqYO8OsnBdOR0Evl5SjWLyI9B8jGmn8
  24. My husband said similar! I must admit I feel shattered . Since we told the parents our decision not to open 1st June (so probably Tuesday night) was the first time I've slept properly since we closed. To be honest I now think the parents actually wanted us to say it, I was expecting negativity but all I've had so far is positive comment from them. Pheww.. There's been so much reading and digesting information, trying to keep in touch with parents and staff etc. I'm now focussing on how we can do a distance learning type transition for our school leavers. The BBC have a good website for starting primary school - I shall add the link to our face book on 1st June. That is the sum total my forward planning for the half-term sorted. I am trying to do nothing. My husband has been tea-total for about 15 years or so due to medication (well he does drink alcohol free drinks). A couple of years ago he was told he can have the odd drink - but the effect of the alcohol will be strong, so 1 drink will possibly =3. He said the after the last month or so dealing my work problems he now feels the need to try alcohol again and will be sharing my bottle of Pimms bank holiday Monday.
  25. My guess is they too are awaiting the 'further guidance' before committing to anything..
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