Call me a cynic, but I get the feeling this has all been a bit rushed through because of a certain person.
Track n Trace...... surely their method is just what anyone (well most of us would do anyway). You get the virus, you'd tell your friends and family, well I"m sure most would! Personally I think we need an app to find the people we don't know, the ones we may have been in a shop with etc Note: I've not actually been anywhere for the whole of lockdown so I don't actually know what it's like in the outside world anymore.
The two medical men seemed very 'down' and negative I felt, kept saying over and over we must still distance, try not to see too many different people if poss, admitting the numbers on the graphs weren't reliable, that the R rate was probably near 1 than .7. And I'm sure one said the infections rate was probably more like 9,000 rather than the just under 2,000 ........ However I may have heard that wrong- I really hope I did!!