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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. And on that note .... my mixed pot of my dads seeds has gone mad.... I've even grown a lettuce in there!!
  2. Yes. My cat has lots in her tail 😬
  3. Right, so finleysmaid's poor dog is now going out for a walk in- a boob tube, stockings, curlers and a balaclava ......... , but defiantly not a tabard or apron 🤣 ( although possibly she may employ a male dog walker in a half apron..?
  4. Great news x
  5. That's what ours are only 'prettied' up
  6. It would appear he needs a 'head' tabard!
  7. Is it his ears? Not sure if this would be any good but years ago my dog grooming friend (the one that loaned me the afore mentioned thinning scissors 😂) used to breed afghans, she used to put what can only be described as 'boob tube' type thing over their ears. Made of a very fine/soft cotton simply shirred up.
  8. Yes please, it will go nicely with the wine....
  9. Ok, very good point - I've revised my opinion.............. bring back the tabard!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  10. We don't wear any kind of uniform 😮..... staff have some ancient tabards that they sometimes wear if doing a particularly messy art activity, and have the option of the short waiters apron I mentioned before in a fabric of their choice. (someone on Facebook was selling them as teachers aprons) Mind you, we have slightly derailed zigzags post (sorry zigzag 💐) as I think she was wanted more of a 'covid bleach protection' option 😁
  11. I hope all is ok xx
  12. I would find that upsetting 😪. We're surrounded by crops, which I always think is a bit boring- but I'm glad about that now.
  13. I have to admit I'm sooooo with you on this one 😂 I wear a pretty waiters apron (I think that's what they're called -shortish with big pockets)
  14. We send hard copies of our Safeguarding and Key-persons polices out with our starter packs.
  15. Have you got any parents that can sew? Lots of people have taken up sewing recently, and they are very easy to make and you can pick your own fabrics. (maybe suggest your chairperson has a go! 😁)
  16. So sad to hear these stories. Hope he continues to do well though xxxx
  17. Yay! to state pension 😁. Probably not that much between us ... but I still have a few years 😭. My husband is 6 weeks older than my brother, and because of all the phased changes my brother had to wait about 3 months longer to get his. I have decided to take a step back in September though. I think I've said before, but I'm the youngest in our 'age group' of friends- and they are all well and truly retired! I'm now going to take more time for myself now. My deputy has been a star during the last few months and is more than happy to take on more responsibilities.
  18. The 'tiredness' is what this mum commented on. Glad your family are all well on the way to full recovery xx
  19. Gosh Friday yet again 😳 We had our meeting and it was decided (with parent support) that we would remain closed now until September. I had hoped that maybe a few weeks would be good- so at least we had a trial run before September. We had confirmation this week that one of our families all had the virus back in February! Well I say 'had it' - at the time they were not offered any testing as it was to early, both children were quite ill, and the younger hospitalised twice, the parents were both quite mild symptoms, mum a couple of days, dad a week or so. 😟 The family have now been contacted and called in for anti-body testing. I think this has put it into perspective for a lot of our parents with regards of us re-opening a present. At the beginning we acted very quickly, as we knew there were cases quite local to us- and we were one of the first to stop parents entering the building (a few parents 'eye-rolled at the time) , and I am now glad we took the action so quickly. The whole family are absolutely fine now though 😁 I feel I need some normality if my life now, no longer am I just forgetting what day it is........ I'm beginning to forget what month we are in too! I hope all of our re-openers have had good weeks.
  20. louby loo


    I actually read it as ideally you should have no more than 8 if possible - but it can go up to 16 maximum. We haven't reopened in the end, but my plan was one big group 16 with three staff- rather than 2 groups with 4 staff. We do have a massive hall though.
  21. It's good to hear positive stories. Well done to you and your team.
  22. I never actually got to even see it! We were hoping to apply for enough to cover our rent until the end of term. We haven't opened so not to much of an issue in the end I suppose.
  23. I think we all have the 'one' Ours - What sessions would you like? Her- Thursday Oh, that's the one day we haven't got ...... her- but that's the day I NEED! Sorry, you can have another- then go on the waiting list. her - ok, I'll have a think (plays in setting for about 20mins whilst thinking about it) So, have you decided which other sessions? ............ Her - yes, Thursday please In the end I just said well pay the admin fee and let us know what you want, and if a Thursdays comes up we'll tell you- she never paid. And every time a Thursday slot comes up we all have a giggle now!
  24. Well, the only thing I'm going to add is- my thining scissors were loaned to me by my friend who's a dog groomer (they were a brand new pair though!) They are for people who's hair grows outwards rather than downwards 😂😂
  25. Now that's a top tip! We are in a park and the cafe has just reopened..... maybe now is the right time for us to go back 😃
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