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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. We are a term-time setting our phones are stored in kitchen on full display, but out of children's sight/ reach. Our staff work different hours and all have either dependent children or elderly parents, and I feel times have changes so much (not just covid related) that phone policies need to reflex individual settings. Ours clearly sets out how and we why do what we do. If we were a full time setting we would probably have a completely different policy.
  2. if you're not a coffee lover maybe just a very small amount of sugar 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon just to take the bitterness off? Or completely leave it out if you like strong coffee.:)
  3. Oh, I shall try that on Wednesday, my daughter coming over again and we miss our coffees out. 😁 I made one where you frothed up a small amount of instant coffee mixture for about 5mins with a small whisk and poured over milk and ice cubes. Note; I may have made my 'pool party' sound a bit posh- I should add it was a kiddies small blow up paddling pool party 🤣
  4. WHAT!!!
  5. Well my day started well... I was in the 'office' at 8.50 ready to crack on with TDL........... 9.05 daughter arrives with the baby, and the day went to pot! We had an impromptu socially distanced 'pool party' with my friend a few doors down who looks after her grandson. We had a lovely morning at it was good to see the two babies socialising as they should (10mths and 7mths). The two mums are best friends too- it was so nice to be 'almost' normal. Days like today make me feel a bit more positive about the future. I still sometimes think it's all like a bad dream.
  6. Well I did read if you have trouble sleeping in this heat you should put some socks in the freezer then slip them on- apparently cooling your feet this way helps 😃
  7. Well done!!! ☕🍰
  8. Mine was frustrating. They all live in an English village near Salisbury ... yet the child has completed 5 weeks of school during the 3rd week of August which is the same time the main character finds out she is pregnant- fast forward 5 months and it is the start of winter 😂
  9. I love the randomness and the casual 'I bought a car this morning' being secondary to the importance of turning a sock heel 😂 For the record I have done nothing all day other than finished reading an annoying 99p kindle romance.
  10. A few days rarely but you might see a few shooting stars 🌟
  11. Ours has always been this method. We only claim for our returners at this point though- just in case we have 'no show/changed minds' etc in September, We then put in the full claim in in September.
  12. Our estimates had to be in before the end of term too.
  13. louby loo


    That was how it did it 🤣 I kept praising the staff for how well they did it.... even if it was a bad batch I'd find something positive about it, lots of imaginative smells etc. When I do actually have make it myself I get the children to do it.
  14. I've got it sussed- I have the update page saved as a favourite 😁 It used to make ages trying to find it- now it just opens.
  15. We're sort of considering opening longer due to such a high demand this year- but want to wait and see how thing pan out for a while.... can't take anymore children if I only have the two staff members that can actually work (under 50🤣🤣) Which bring me to age discrimination - sure even hinting that over 50's might need to work from home etc is going to create this?....... we had someone asking about vacancies and I have to be totally honest- I'm thinking well you do look under 50....
  16. Good to hear you're feeling a bit better today. 💐🍪☕ I posted off my accounts today, so I now feel a weight of my shoulders 😃 I did try and submit online yesterday but I couldn't get logged in- hence the wine so early. Relaxing day after that visiting granddaughter. Obviously not chatting yet - so didn't have sunnydays issues 🤣
  17. louby loo


    I make my play dough the delegation way 🤣😁😁😁
  18. Bath and early night xxx Echo can wait until tomorrow 🙂
  19. I'm on wine now.... but a least they're done 🤣
  20. Hope the rest of your day went well. I've spent the day doing accounts- I really need to get an accountant I think 😂 It was going to be our treat for this year, and new kitchen (children!) and an accountant- will have to have a rethink now we've used up our spare money on covid 😬
  21. My best one was when I brought 10 cat litter trays. The driver said -"sorry I just have to ask- why the 10 trays?" He loved it when I told him they were for personal sand/water trays for the children.
  22. Well he defiantly wasn't the Asda man then! ........... My Saturday delivery was over 1.5 hours late, so I text the number for an update on times, and it arrived within about 5 mins - the man literally chucked it in the doorway and ran off without checking the subs or anything! With hindsight I honestly think he was parked up somewhere local and was watching the football 😮 . I didn't mind it being late, but an update or apology would have been nice. The other week my Morrisons arrived 3 hours early! 🤣🤣 Not sure what would have happened if I had been out. My daughter took it in and never questioned the time as she assumed it was correct as she knew I had a delivery that day. Was quite funny really as I was in the garden and she went in to make coffee... and shouted 'it Morrisons do you want me to sort it?' I said yeas please thinking they'd phoned regarding the order. About 20 mins later she comes back out to garden, I ask her what had she been doing and she told me putting all the shopping away for you! I have to say all the delivery drivers have been absolutely fantastic throughout this situation. ... Well apart from the above Asda man- he's delivered three times to me now, and the first time he argued that my house number was not correct, and that actually our number belongs to a house 4 doors away! (guess who tried to deliver to the wrong house then!). I have decided never to have a Saturday Asda delivery again..... the Saturday man has a bad attitude 🙄
  23. We're planning on hand washing only. We haven't used anti-bac hand wash for a long time.
  24. At least I have a few spring chickens...47 +49. 🤣
  25. Same with us. Not that we can set anything up yet anyway 😂 Staff are back on the 2nd Sept, children not in until Mon 7th. We will spend time working out what we'll do then. Staff are going to be in for a shock though- because they will be expecting an easy few days coming in late, leaving early as no children, usually I'm very leaneant on non-children days ......... however as they've happily taken the money and not given the setting a second thought throughout our closure, they'll be working full hours! They will be completely sorting all our resources between them- whilst myself and deputy work on the updating of paperwork (whilst drinking coffee in another room!!!! -Deputy has been fantastic throughout Ok rant over ....
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