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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I'm in the middle of one those conventions via email ............. like you I'm really not sure what's happing now. I 'think' we have deferred the place until Jan, 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤣
  2. Very true. And I'm glad I went out- we went to Halfords to look at buggies for my daughter, long story short after much fun and giggles from the staff and us we ended up getting a £160 one for £45..... less 10% AA membership discount. 🤣
  3. I've ventured out again today, and everything seems pretty normal out now (apart from the masks) which actually makes me feel more comfortable about going back to work.
  4. As I should be! 😁
  5. I hope you make a full recovery over time. Your post serves as a reminder to us all that we do need to have a strict (and clear) illness policies in place.
  6. Looking good Zigzag 😃😁
  7. I know the feeling 😳..... I have been out eating every day this week so far, it is making me realise things are sort of a lot more normal and not so scary. Really not getting on with the masks though. I've not really done shopping as such M&S to collect something - it's a food store so very quiet in the small clothing bit, and baby shop, and the garden centre. I can't seem to focus/concentrate with mask on and I'm just in and out as quickly as possible.
  8. Ok, so I'm posting on the Friday thread because I have been out out again. Went out dinner for the first time since March with our regular 'Friday Night' friends, All the way me and Andy have been say 'today is Tuesday- tomorrow will be Wednesday" Having enough trouble with days of the week without throwing a spanner in the works 🤣🤣
  9. I've never thought of that but you're right!🤣
  10. White and tabby.
  11. Oh no! We're in '101". .... we may all disappear 😳 Off to take photo of Jimbob, sadly he is neither Grey Tabby or Ginger - but he has just walked in and stolen Holiday dogs lunch and treats!! (Dog couldn't care less as he's already eaten the cat food!😭
  12. Love it I do like a teapot I really don't like bag in cup method of tea. Bag in pot is fine though.
  13. Good point. I haven't had a magnum years 😃 ( I had to stop buying them as my husband make so much noise eating them it give me the total rage... and I'm actually a very laid-back person normally 😳)
  14. This method was used when I very first went into childcare (I only went to help out for two week holiday cover and seemed to stay a lot longer!!)
  15. A week works for me I could bring the gift of a talking cat if this is of interest to you? ( He says Hello whist bringing gifts)
  16. okay, all round to young froglets NOW!!!!!!!
  17. Six months off, and I just got ridiculously excited we we now have an extra day off at the beginning of new term 🤣🤣🤣 We were going back on the 2nd- with children starting back 7th. I just got a call from the scouts asking if they could use the hall during the day on 2nd (small group adult training event- not a hall full of children! 😊). Bonus is they are getting a deep clean for their event, and it will be cleaned again when they leave.- which means our cleaning day will be a bit easier. Our scouts are actually disgusting and I went to visit hall this week and it is such a mess 😳😬
  18. Am I to late ? Although I have been on the wine already, so I will have to hitch a lift! 🙀🤣
  19. Four years! 🙀 And I still can't access the EYA downloads 🤣🤣🤣
  20. I have just had an email saying it should all be sorted soon, if not already. I haven't tried it yet- as I'm currently in the middle sending all the letters out to our returners too!
  21. So please for you and your family
  22. Well officially it's Jimmy, but we call him Jimbob as it suits him better. 😁 He refuses to live with the owners, and they [owners] say we can have him as they've given up on trying to keep him indoors, and got a dog instead !😮 Trouble is we don't really want him . He is very friendly, but my cat's not that keen on him, it's a difficult situation as he is very much an outdoor cat, it's fine at the moment as the weather is not to bad- but come the winter we may have to rehome him to a shelter.... in the mean time he brings us the daily gifts. I guess if our cat accepts him we'll end up keeping him though- but I really don't want another cat! He has just come in while I've been typing this and eaten our cat food 🤣 Note: I have made the owners sound mean, but they're not really-they are just a bit naive .... They are the only young couple in a road of 'oldies', they have twin children aged around 3-4, and the cat just seems to like 'quiet people' hence coming to us, also to our very elderly next door neighbour who feeds all kind of wildlife. The cat owner seem to think that as the cat likes the outdoors he can just happily live down our end of the road and drift between us and next door! He is the most loving and docile cat I've ever met, but he doesn't really like being with more than two people at any time- he would make an excellent 'company' cat for the right person/couple. Any takers? I will deliver!
  23. No not funny! 😭 We have been adopted by the cat up the road.... every day he bring us gifts- I soooooooo know that 'hello, hello, hello' call! I have a very pretty little (self-imposed) house cat, and I think Jimbob from up the road is in luuurrvve with her! 😭😭😭😭
  24. just seen this on facebook
  25. Oh .... and I've just been 'out' 'out' !!!! Took my daughter out for lunch, first time she's been properly out on her own since having the baby 🙀 Dad's off work so we went out We did a couple of shops, obviously I had to buy the baby something 😊 found it quick difficult wearing a mask. When eating the only people to not follow the guidelines where a couple of around 60-70ish? Very 'with it' so can't blame the age- but strolled in as if they owned the place, by-passed the sanitising station (difficult to miss) were about to pick there own table to sit at..... then got told off by Manager, and had to go and sanitise and wait! 😁
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