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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Ian Fleming was in naval intelligence I think, don't think he was a pilot.
  2. Did I just hear the QI alarm go off? Feel sure its not that easy, seems like a Heffalump trap to me
  3. I am thinking of it as a heart shaped leaf but that hasn't helped Is it a British one - a proper tree, not a shrub
  4. 4 Silver Birch cant make my mind up
  5. That is appalling - I can't quite get my head around what they are saying, or why they should even be considering it.
  6. Tried to get the answers in the spoiler but didn't manage I have to say, my son and I disagree over number 7 and number 15 he thinks they are the other way around.
  7. I have that for 15. I don't think 4 is British
  8. Defo Yorkie shaped I wondered whether 7 was Lindor
  9. son assures me he has the answers to all!
  10. CHOCOLATE QUIZ -don't have the answers, thats up for debate!
  11. slightly better than my maths
  12. Darn it, kept singing 4 but just didn't get to the "punch line" . Will now go off and listen to number 5, which for the life of me I can't recall.
  13. Zigzag - I do hope that by June, families will be able to gather again. My youngest granddaughter was in hospital for the first 10 weeks very poorly, so in one sense I feel for my son and his partner that they have been in one kind of a lock down or other since 16th December and her condition now means that any hint of this virus could be devastating for her. I'm lucky, I've had cuddles. I hope you get some too in a few weeks
  14. sorry didn't mean to bring anyone own, just thinking aloud!
  15. I do wonder what this distancing will do for this little generation, hopefully they will gain from having their own parents so close to them for a good long while, but their extended family will need to be patient, once we reach some "normality" with distancing relaxed, to let these young babies get to know us. At the moment we are just funny images on a screen - what do they make of that? We feel we know them, we have loved them for a very long time.
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