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Everything posted by Panders

  1. Saturday Night Fever, Shaft
  2. I love sewing Bee, as a school child I had such a rough time with needlework classes - spent a lot of time being sent out! for misbehaviour. As a young adult I got to grips with it and made several outfits, as a young mum I didn't have time but in the last year the sewing machine has been out again and I have dabbled, my eldest grand daughter loves sewing and although I still don't really see myself as a sewer I am happy to fuel her enthusiasm as it really is a lovely craft to have under your belt. What they create on this programme is amazing sometimes. Joe Lycett has made a huge difference to the feel of it.
  3. well I'm gobsmacked - was this a Mr. Sunnyday suggestion?
  4. putting running and dancing together the only one I can come up with is Muhammud Ali he was known for his shifty footwork, and I assume like Rocky he went out runnin'
  5. Looby Lou, so often in your posts I think we live in parallel universes, so very similar - my anniversary is on the 30th August you never know our families may yet get to have at least a meal in the same room! or garden when the time comes
  6. Happy Lockdown Birthday Zigzag🐼🐼🎂🍷
  7. cute!
  8. Loving that Cait. A good GF recipe I can use for the D-I-L to make something special for her birthday in June.
  9. JayZeeeeeee getting down wit the kidz oh no cant be he's way too old
  10. Billie Eilish - just off to dye my hair buttercup yellow right now
  11. you do know we have the answer - it was Georgie Best
  12. I think Sunnyday is giving us all her pin ups from the 60's
  13. surely Tom isn't as old as that
  14. Can I say I hope that Mundia can hold her drink. Shame we can't take her out for a kebab
  15. I feel the need to say, I don't like Orson Welles films and for the life of me never see the fuss made over Citizen Cane worth the effort and the best thing about The Third Man was the theme tune Thank you for that rant.
  16. tulipmania in the 1600's
  17. hot chocolate ………. brb
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