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Everything posted by Panders

  1. My council switched to garden waste collection every 2 weeks and charging extra for it. I am not sure how they know who has paid and who hasn't - can't really see the bin men having the time to check that! They are efficient though. It's £50 per year and currently because of Covid when they didn't collect, they are extending the collection time by a couple of months when we will not have to pay. They collect all year. We have a fairly large garden and so any "extra" garden waste which we cannot fit in during the summer months my husband keeps stored in a large canvas bag (like sand gets delivered in) and feeds it into the bin during the winter months if he needs to. He is not a compost maker😀
  2. isn't that where they got the idea for Velcro from, those sticky balls, not balaclavas😁 Burrs??
  3. An aunty-inlaw of mine had a King Charles spaniel I think it was - very long floppy ears, she used to tie them back with one of those large hair curlers with a ball on elastic which fitted into the end of the curler - this was so that his poor little ears didn't get in his food 🤪
  4. excellent news Cait. I too have been making masks today! My eldest granddaughter now 9 had a sewing machine for her birthday a few weeks ago. I've been expecting 2 things a) My machine isn't working what can I do and will you fix it? and b) What shall we make together. Both coincided today. Her mum and dad have no idea about the sewing machine and if I'm being sexist I would say my DIL has no interest in sewing or indeed the machine. I did manage to sort out the machine - it's a cute little thing I must say, but not particularly robust. It was just the tension really causing all the problems and while GD said she had not touched any dials the younger GD said she hadn't - but we aren't quite sure about that🤩 (she's obviously been told to keep her mitts off of it in no uncertain terms)😨 We got half way through a mask but ran out of cotton - my spools would not fit her tiny machine. They are both back for a sleepover later in the week - we'll sort it then.
  5. Wow, I popped in briefly Friday and all seemed relatively quiet - was surprised to see so many posts on here. Cait, a very worrying time for you, given that you have also had the virus in close family to deal with. I'm thinking of you, and know your mum will receive the best of care, just difficult when you are unable to visit and even when you can, it's not an easy thing to do. Zigzag, I think it's amazing how many times the older members of our families can pull through really difficult times. Glad your dad is on the road to making a recovery.
  6. Friendship type of bracelet - you could make one for them and give them enough resources to make one for you in return - or to post on to another friend
  7. I needed to pop to ASDA tonight, to customer services - I hadn't been over that side of our town in nearly 3 months! I certainly wasn't sure about going in there as I have only been going to our local Tesco once a week all that time - ASDA customers were going in and out of one door - at Tesco we go in and out of different doors - I'm sure ASDA could do it that way - so that was odd and then what I thought was going to be an easy drop off a parcel to customer services for them to scan turned into a technical nightmare of having to use a machine and type in details on the screen etc., not a happy bunny. I have been out quite a bit in the locality though over the last few months and so I don't have much anxiety on the driving front or going to places that I know the set up. We were on the M25 yesterday and as it had been shut for a few hours the traffic build up was really heavy, was glad it wasn't me doing the driving for once.
  8. It does though, sound like the traditional Indian story - The Parable of the 2 Villages - maybe it was a re-interpretation
  9. Try not to think about it too much now Sunnyday - the decision you made a few weeks ago - those issues haven't really changed. It's easy to think they have, but they haven't - when we see some return its hard not to want to - you miss it so much, but your reasons haven't changed, you know your own circumstances so well, I am sure you have taken the correct course of action for your group, for all the right reasons.
  10. I thought you had to have symptoms before you could be tested? Parents must understand, as was mentioned some while ago - nobody is going to be 100 per cent safe. They will need to make up their own minds about possibilities - look at the percentages of people who have had it against how many people live in their locality or in the country. They are your odds.
  11. 🤓
  12. Wow yes!
  13. So pleased for Mr S - knowing what a difference it has made in the past will really make him want this again. Well, Sunnyday, regarding the nursery I hope the decision goes the way you would wish it to.
  14. Old saddo here - I have been recording for weeks where I have been, at what time etc. (generally just the trip to Tesco's to be absolutely honest) so that, should I develop symptoms and I am asked, who, when, where by NHS I could tell them
  15. Finleysmaid - the chances of getting flour through usual channels such as supermarkets is probably a bit tough to say the least, the last time my tescos had any was about 8 weeks ago, although I did manage to get some with my on line shop, but in person, sadly, never any there. HOWEVER, I do frequent my local farm shop for veggies and they have started bringing in huge bags of the stuff and we can weigh out what we want. Maybe you have someone doing something similar nearby if you want it, not necessarily for school. Ive also got some air drying clay leftover from nursery days, (not sure how long that keeps must go take a look). That though, might be a good lockdown activity and if the poppets make something and paint it, it could be a keepsake for their "time capsule" boxes :O)
  16. When you seem umpteen thousand sitting on beaches over the weekend, I suspect a huge spike in virus cases in the next 10 days.
  17. Your largish sandpits - could you not rotate their use, they could take it in turns to be untouched after a cleansing solution put on them? Using Sand trays for the purpose you have suggested is good, but when one thinks of children using sand its for the use of larger muscles and ideas
  18. I have to say, I'm still struggling with the sand thing. Surely the tools can be washed etc. Years ago, I remember one of my old supervisors "cleansing" the sand with a solution of Milton and water, anyone else???
  19. there was a lot of wriggling once the reporters got their chance to ask questions. Poor old Boris.
  20. The more you over think it, the worse it gets. Huge part of me just says, get on with it, wash hands as often as possible, issue no assurances to parents, this is something we must live with for an awfully long while. The next moment I'm thinking the opposite. It's an impossible situation for you all to have to think about.
  21. Go the full hog and have a jet washer (oh no, the spray!)
  22. I used to have shallow cat litter trays for the children to use for individual containment while in use, worked reasonably well, kinetic sand can get messy to clear up, but the children do enjoy it, so always worthwhile. I have made my own, don't remember putting w u l in it, but excellent idea. I think anything the children can tolerate that may be a little sticky on their hands so they need to wash them afterwards would be a good idea One of the other activities ours liked was making patterns on the table top (it was red) with a soapy mix, they could write and draw and quickly rub it away and begin again.
  23. Anyone see the short section at the end of the 1o'clock BBC 1 news, a nursery which has been open all during the emergency for keyworker children talking about how they have been managing up until now.
  24. I'm going to say shaving foam as its soap could be ok, we always used to put anti-bac soap in our water rather than washing up liquid. Washing babies and caring for the dolls, washing their clothes. A lot of filling and emptying containers of different sizes with coloured water. Using ice for activities
  25. Isnt this really what the Government are doing with a lot of stuff - they are bringing in "laws" for want of a better word, for the duration which should be dispensed with once the emergency is over - although the usual people who hate governments having too much power would say, but they will keep some emergency powers rather than relinquish them. I would only do what you need to Finleysmaid - things change on a whim these days and you could involve yourself in a whole load of work which isn't necessary.
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