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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. All sounds brilliant to me - enjoy!
  2. That's more than we were given - nada from our LA until now Hope your First Aid goes well louby - my deputy had training booked but cancelled as she was too worried about the Covid situation (£120.00 down the drain but hey ho)
  3. Mousie - you will be fine! Keep your arm relaxed I'm sure that makes a difference - I have been having flu jabs for years primarily to protect Mr S, used to pay for them but now I am in my dotage I get them for free 😝
  4. Oh - this thread has been busy! The PPE thing was in a message from County - as it is being funded and organised by DHSC and DfE I imagined that we would have all had the same message, but obviously not, the rates in parts of Kent are now very, very worrying so perhaps that explains it - right here is a copy and paste job DHSC and DfE have already delivered PPE packs to all schools and further education providers in Kent to help build resilience across the education sector to respond to suspected cases of coronavirus (COVID-19). KCC will be receiving a quantity of PPE for distribution to registered childcare settings next week (w/c 23 November). We are working with KCS to arrange delivery of a PPE pack to all registered childcare settings in Kent, including childminders. Each PPE pack will contain: · 1 x pack of 200 aprons · 1 x pack of 200 gloves · 1 x pack of 50 Type IIR masks · 5 x pairs of goggles · 1 x alcohol hand rub (provided solely for use in the putting on (donning) and taking off (doffing) of the above emergency PPE). Please note, this is PPE solely for use when dealing with suspected cases of COVID-19 within your setting and should not be repurposed for any other use. We are advised by DHSC that schools and childcare settings are still required to supply their own PPE for any other purpose.
  5. Well I'm not sure how it is Friday again - but yay it is! Bit of a mixed week for us - the natives have been restless - decided to change things up a bit this morning to create a different vibe - it worked! Has everyone had the email that tells us we are going to be sent eleventy-billion items of PPE? Hope the weekend is kind to all - wouldn't it be lovely to have some plans.......
  6. Oi wait for me!
  7. She's just brazen that louby 🤣 Very low key on the old yuletide front for us - have already let parents know (in one of my frequent updates) - so no entertainer and no Father Christmas - however, I have it on good authority that FC will be leaving a sack filled with presents for the children at my house this year - we will have some sort of 'party' not sure what yet and I will distribute the pressies That's always supposing we actually make it through to end of term fingers crossed on that one - oh and we finish Friday 18th - no early dart for us
  8. Phew! Think my pre-school TDL is completed Now to think about my 'domestic TDL' - lots to be done there Tomorrow I hope to 'put my feet up' and recharge for next week - famous last words I expect 🤣
  9. Here we are then another Friday - I have no idea where this week has gone I am absolutely 'cream-crackered' - have a fairly lengthy TDL but as the weekends weather forecast is dire I won't feel so bad about starting it tomorrow Hope the weekend is kind to all
  10. Oh poor you - that is some TDL you have there Definitely stop now - are you going to watch Strictly, I can't quite remember if you are a fan or not I still need to clear the kitchen and load the dishwasher - best get on with that now
  11. Thanks Mousie! Have just had a text from her - she is and I quote 'still feeling rough, but result was negative' Phew! I hadn't realised that I was wearing my shoulders up by my ears until I physically relaxed 🙂
  12. Well it has been a busy and productive day thus far at 'sunnyday towers' 🤣 I was awake at the crack of dawn, worrying about my eldest granddaughter - she is at Uni in Leicester - one of her flatmates tested positive on Monday, granddaughter and other flatmates all tested negative on Tuesday/Wednesday. However, she is not well now and had another test yesterday - no results as yet My rational 'daytime brain' can cope with this - she is young, fit and healthy, she will be fine, she is in constant contact with her mum and dad, the University are sending in food parcels, she has other flatmates who are still well that will look out for her..... However, my wee small hours brain is saying - she is only eighteen, she is such a long way from home, who is going to look after her etc etc Having acknowledged that I was not going to be able to get back to sleep, I got up and started on the old TDL, further to that, my washing line is full (I get a real kick out of drying outside all year round when possible), I have hoovered and polished whole house, have cleaned the inside of my car (not before time!), Mr S has cleaned the outside of my car - was slightly miffed about this as I like playing with the jet wash 🤣 he has also 'painted/stained' our newly installed (and very posh) new gates, he is now riding around the field on his tractor mower cutting the grass up there, hoping that the grass down here will be dry enough for him to cut that too.... I am back to the TDL which I am determined to finish today, need to prepare this evenings dinner for us and MIL, then i might allow myself a little 'nana nap'!
  13. Oh Mousie - I am worn out just reading that...... I think we have a problem this time round, in that parents are thinking 'lockdown, what lockdown' as schools are still open My understanding (but I could be wrong - I often am) is that each family can only use one set of grandparents for support
  14. 'Whinge' away - we all need to get it all out at times - no safer place to do so than here amongst friends who will understand
  15. How the actual goodness can it be Friday already?🤦‍♀️ Have a great weekend y'all
  16. Just wanted to wish everyone the absolute best as we enter the last term of this extraordinary year x
  17. Have received some videos of the youngest grandchildren's Halloween lunch 'party' - they had a lovely time! Youngest grandson (soon to be three) thinks the phrase 'Trick or Treat' is 'Tickle Feet'
  18. Hope you both make heaps of profit
  19. Thanks both - if it ever stops raining I'm sure that we can do a garden meet before he goes back up on Monday I just so wanted some fun with the two little ones too - it was going to be a surprise for them! We are a family of 'party throwers' - we would throw a party if the wind changed direction - so has been a tough year - I have lost count of the times that I have had to say "that sounds great, but we won't be able to come, hope you have a lovely time" Never mind - people would pay to have my problems - it is nothing in the grand scheme of things
  20. All hugs gratefully received - thank you louby
  21. Thanks zigzag - we have missed all of the family celebrations this year, I have managed to just put on a 'oh that's fine', but this just feels a bit too much - silly really, I will just have to 'suck it up'
  22. O I need a little moan - DIL said yesterday "we are going to do a little Halloween lunch on Saturday, we would love you to come", I wasn't sure that we could really and said that I would ask Mr S what he thought......we have been mixing with son, DIL and our two youngest grandchildren, but oldest grandson is down from Uni for a few days, obviously I really want to see him, but it feels risky for Mr S...….anyway, having established that DIL's mum wouldn't be there (she is lovely, I am really fond of her, but now is not the time to be mixing indoors), we threw caution to the wind and said "yes, thank you we will be there" I was so looking forward to this, I haven't been anywhere all week (hardly been anywhere for months) Just had an email from DIL to say "I'm so sorry, mum has just said, completely out of the blue, that she would like to come up on Saturday, and how good it would be to see you two" So that's it, we can't go now
  23. Clever girl! (obviously gets her brains from her paternal granny - have identified same in my grandchildren) 🤣
  24. Result! Fantastic - well done you - so what toy is it?
  25. Apologies - much too hard and hardly a classic - lovely story though Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell
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