Well it has been a busy and productive day thus far at 'sunnyday towers' 🤣
I was awake at the crack of dawn, worrying about my eldest granddaughter - she is at Uni in Leicester - one of her flatmates tested positive on Monday, granddaughter and other flatmates all tested negative on Tuesday/Wednesday. However, she is not well now and had another test yesterday - no results as yet
My rational 'daytime brain' can cope with this - she is young, fit and healthy, she will be fine, she is in constant contact with her mum and dad, the University are sending in food parcels, she has other flatmates who are still well that will look out for her.....
However, my wee small hours brain is saying - she is only eighteen, she is such a long way from home, who is going to look after her etc etc
Having acknowledged that I was not going to be able to get back to sleep, I got up and started on the old TDL, further to that, my washing line is full (I get a real kick out of drying outside all year round when possible), I have hoovered and polished whole house, have cleaned the inside of my car (not before time!), Mr S has cleaned the outside of my car - was slightly miffed about this as I like playing with the jet wash 🤣 he has also 'painted/stained' our newly installed (and very posh) new gates, he is now riding around the field on his tractor mower cutting the grass up there, hoping that the grass down here will be dry enough for him to cut that too.... I am back to the TDL which I am determined to finish today, need to prepare this evenings dinner for us and MIL, then i might allow myself a little 'nana nap'!