Thanks so much for responding fm, very much appreciated
The situation has moved on, the whole school has now closed, parents had to collect their children at 11am
My situation is that I have one family who are waiting for test results for children at school - whole family (including the one that I have with me) are obviously all self-isolating
I am just off the phone, rang LA for advice, I knew what their take would be it was along the lines of "unless you have a child attending your setting who has tested positive then carry on as usual", the other priceless piece of advice was "if you feel especially at risk, you stay home and your staff should carry on without you" - yeah right, I am not doing that, how can I possibly ask that of my team - oh and "follow the guidance issued"......
I am going to have a long hard think about all of this, it all feels very unsafe, almost all of my children have siblings at school
Sorry chaps you will have to be my 'sounding board' - Mr S tries hard but he has no grasp of how this all works
For what it's worth, I couldn't give a flying flamingo about funding, LA seem to think that is the be all and end all - it's really not