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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I really am beginning to think my little village has somehow offended the gods 🤦‍♀️
  2. Oh yes! 🤣
  3. You know I said "will see what tomorrow brings"
  4. Thanks for taking the time to respond zigzag and young Froglet, very much appreciated I honestly can't believe that Kent is in such a mess with this - we were doing really well, zigzag your parents should think on - we were in Tier 1 before the national lockdown Will see what tomorrow brings...….at least I know it won't be a message from school telling me which year group is closing - that horse has bolted ☹️
  5. Thanks louby - you are right of course Feeling a little more positive now, will discuss with staff again tomorrow (might be virtually all we did do today) Only nine days to go - can we make it - who knows...… I think our numbers will drop off quite quickly now that school is closed, we will see
  6. Thanks so much for responding fm, very much appreciated The situation has moved on, the whole school has now closed, parents had to collect their children at 11am My situation is that I have one family who are waiting for test results for children at school - whole family (including the one that I have with me) are obviously all self-isolating I am just off the phone, rang LA for advice, I knew what their take would be it was along the lines of "unless you have a child attending your setting who has tested positive then carry on as usual", the other priceless piece of advice was "if you feel especially at risk, you stay home and your staff should carry on without you" - yeah right, I am not doing that, how can I possibly ask that of my team - oh and "follow the guidance issued"...... I am going to have a long hard think about all of this, it all feels very unsafe, almost all of my children have siblings at school Sorry chaps you will have to be my 'sounding board' - Mr S tries hard but he has no grasp of how this all works For what it's worth, I couldn't give a flying flamingo about funding, LA seem to think that is the be all and end all - it's really not
  7. Just received email from school - another Year group is closed from today........I really don't know what to do, this is all getting too real now
  8. That's awful Our school is fairly small - so ii is sixty missing children - my heart bleeds for the lovely headteacher and of course for the children and families affected
  9. News from here is not great - our lovely Primary school has had two year group bubbles burst ☹️ I have just sent an update to all of my parents - we are affected because some of children have siblings in these year groups - I wonder what the reaction will be, will my setting be half empty tomorrow.......
  10. I will just add a grrrr on your behalf!
  11. Such a lovely idea - well done young Froglet!
  12. It's the first time that he has produced any form of representational drawing - I loved that it was a digger, he is digger mad!
  13. Oh dear think I might have been having a 'proud nana' moment here! It is digger and a pile of mud - I thought it was pretty good......hmm perhaps not then 🤣
  14. Cheers!
  15. 🤣 nope! 🤣
  16. Going to try to upload a photo - my youngest grandson turned three earlier this month he drew this this morning - can you tell what it is?!
  17. I'm with you zigzag - how the jolly goodness is it Friday again?! Pretty good week, one little boy absent Monday and Tuesday (just a cold) - unfortunately his behaviour goes to pot as soon as he has time off, not just us noticing this his mum talks about it too - deep sigh..... Mr S went up to the Royal Brompton yesterday for Lung function and a CT scan - he could tell without asking that he 'performed' better for the LF - will await news from his consultant re the scan.......they can only complete 3 LF test each day now - versus the usual 20 - 30 as they can't have different patients in the room at the same time and then it takes almost two hours to clean the room after each patient - can you imagine the back-log........ Haven't started any 'seasonal stuff' yet - zigzag and louby you are putting me to shame! Pretty long TDL to get through - think I will leave most of it for tomorrow now Still have some tulip bulbs to plant must do that tomorrow - that's about as exciting as my life gets these days! Bring on the vaccine I say, it is the only way out of this situation in my humble opinion Hope the weekend is kind to all
  18. Oh poor you - it has happened in our setting too (many moons ago) I have the ordinary child scissors and they are freely available and no they are not directly supervised
  19. Tier 3 from next week - no surprise really but can't pretend that I am not disappointed.....we were doing so well just a short time ago
  20. Yep - what my little black and white furry friend said!
  21. Just written feedback here but with the offer that we will always 'make time to talk'
  22. Lovely! I do enjoy a nap - planned or otherwise I have emailed newbie parents so that's good, wat's not so good is that my printer is throwing one of its hissy fits - have tried the 'troubleshooter' which insists that the printer is 'offline' - going to turn it all of now and worry about it another day! P.S. what not wat
  23. 🤣 shall I send Mr S up to build you one fm? Otherwise I have no suggestions sorry......
  24. How bizarre I typed a reply and it just disappeared 🤷‍♀️ Anyway - what I was saying was - I have exaggerated that cost it was actually £108.00 🤣
  25. Crikey fm - I am worn out just reading that! I have been just generally pottering - washing is out on line, it is blowing a hoolie here so that should be good, have half-heartedly looked at printing of Parental Declaration Forms for Spring terms, I must make my next job contacting parents of 'newbies' that are due to start January.......
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