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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. It has gone gone louby! 😉
  2. Friday again! Weather is just beautiful here - not set to last though which is a real shame Have a lovely weekend all
  3. Yay! Good to have you back where you belong!
  4. tsk - is that not enough? 😝
  5. Love those socks young Froglet, lovely colours Mr S has been jabbed - woohoo! I have completed my weekend to do list - yay! Off out into my garden now, sun is shining here, though the wind is making things a bit nippy!
  6. 'tis Friday! Mr S has appointment for his second jab tomorrow - whoop! Have a good weekend all
  7. I don't like it Sue (the change that it is), we all know that I have far too much to say for myself, we don't need it confirming 🤣
  8. Oi - not for all of us, I went back today!
  9. Oh my word - that's a surprise You have beaten me to it, but only just 🤣 Wishing you a long and happy retirement
  10. Note to self - you do not need to buy any new books 🤣
  11. I think it might be all of the 'lounge' threads - I had a look at 'funny things children say' and it seems to be the same🤷‍♀️
  12. On the right?
  13. Who knows! Quite took me by surprise (also shows that I have far too much to say for myself🤣)
  14. Err - right hand side even 😂
  15. Oh goodness - have just noticed all the new info on the left hand side of this page...
  16. I have my late mums Singer with a 'winding handle'
  17. That all sounds lovely young Froglet When are you back to school?
  18. I mustn't fill this thread with puppy pics - but she looked so big in the other one - she is in fact really little, so for scale he she is with their Border Terrier
  19. I think she is 'Marnie' - will find out very soon as I have been invited for a garden visit today! Best news is that their elderly Border Terrier has really taken to her - phew! Happy Friday and happy weekend all
  20. Eldest son and daughter-in-law fm - so I am her nana! ❤️
  21. Look who is settling into her new home
  22. Hope you are okay young Froglet - sending a huge virtual hug to you xxx Happy Friday all - enjoy the break (what has happened to the weather?)
  23. I sent our two youngest grandchildren a card from the 'Easter Bunny' - it told them that he would be leaving some eggs for them to find in nana and grandad's garden - wondered if our 5 year old granddaughter would see through this - she has just facetimed us, bursting with excitement - love it when a plan pays off! 😂
  24. 🤣 tis true louby, I am actually retiring! Can't believe myself at times...
  25. That's me done now, back 15th April (as long as LA give me my funding) Last ever Easter Egg Hunt for me - I thought I might feel a bit sad about that, but no...guess that shows that I really am ready for retirement🤷‍♀️
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