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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Ah good idea but we don't have a WI here...one good thing about making those poppies was that it got me back into knitting, I have been making little hats for the Age UK/Innocent smoothie campaign, have also knitted a hat for littlest grandson and I'm currently knitting a hat for youngest granddaughter, I'm wondering if I can, very politely decline the craft stuff (must not, must not, must not use the word tat 🤣) and just go along with my knitting - I don't want to just drop out, that's not my style at all, but I am so underwhelmed by the plans. I would love to make crackers if they were 'wonderful' but sadly they are just a loo roll middle stuffed with sweets with a bit of wrapping paper to cover 🤦‍♀️
  2. Oh my, she is just beautiful xxx
  3. Oh in other news - I have received my first Christmas present and card today! Super - duper tulip bulbs from the very lovely Cait! What a fabulous idea and I have just the right spot for them
  4. Oh my actual goodness that is amazing, well done her!
  5. So 'tat' - I will really have to watch my tongue, that's not a very nice description is it 🤦‍♀️🤣 In the first week we made lavender dollies - okay they are sort of cute, but so not my style (mine is currently residing in my downstairs loo... Then came the poppies - I loved this - enjoyed knitting them and loved going down to the church to make arrangements - some of the group can't knit so they made paper poppies which were really lovely and one really talented lady made some huge crochet poppies which have been added to dried hydrangeas around the arch over the door - they are fantastic. I hope that the poppies can be saved and that we can add to them next year (the church warden had been a bit 'sniffy' about the idea, but is now very pleased with the displays!) We did a dried flower arrangement and a fresh flower arrangement - enjoyed these but there could have been a bit more tuition really Last week was 'salt dough' - now you would think that I might be a bit of an expert here 🤣 but my dough was a flippin' disaster 🤦‍♀️ - we were meant to be plaiting dough to make a wreath shape - my dough kept breaking...I tried four times and then the tutor had a go, she couldn't work with my dough, I said "oh, I'm going to bin this and do it again at home" - I didn't need to, as the following morning, as if by magic the most beautiful salt-dough wreath appeared on my doorstep...one of the other lovely ladies had made it for me, how kind is that?! This week is painting and decorating said salt-dough wreaths - well...I don't want to paint mine, it is a lovely natural colour, nor do I want to decorate it with painted dough stars etc - I have found some pretty bits from some Christmas pot-pourri that I am hoping can be glued on - we will see... Next week is Christmas wreaths, which I am really looking forward to After that it is 'cracker making' (no thanks) painted pebbles (hmm not really), some sort of 'santa in a bed' sewing effort (definite no thanks from me), a very tatty looking plastic arrangement on a plate with a log and candle in the middle (pass) - gosh I am an old moaner 😉 in my defence, the clever lady who made the lovely crotchet poppies commented to me in a phone call "I don't want all of this sh*t in my house, we could just go for the chat and laughs" so it's not just me 😂
  6. Whoop! Whoop! Welcome to the world baby Maddie (lovely name) sending my congratulations to all x
  7. Oh poor you - sending loads of get well vibes x Crotchet robin sounds lovely - we will expect a photo! Thank you for your kind words re the poppy display - not too bad for a first attempt
  8. Ah thank you x
  9. Oh amazing news - sending all good wishes x
  10. louby beat me to it - tis indeed Friday again Happy bouncing louby! Flower arranging - hmm - well haven't done much flower arranging really, it seems to have turned into more of a 'craft' thing, which is okay but I'm not particularly interested in all the proposed Christmas projects, I don't go in for a lot of 'tat' in my house...that said, we will be making Christmas wreaths next week which I am really looking forward to I do have a photo of my poppy arrangement at the church but it's on my phone - I can't upload it here - but I did text it to Cait, she might know how to do that??? Anyway, the company is good at the class, we do have a bit of a laugh, so it's all good
  11. Oh my actual goodness young Froglet - that is far too much work for a weekend - not that I have any bright ideas about how you might change that Ginger cake sounds divine!
  12. Ah very well put
  13. Whoop! Yay louby it's all over and all good - I am so very pleased for you
  14. Another Friday! Hope everyone is okay - how was your first week of term 2 - next stop will be the festive period that must not be named! I have just booked my booster jab for 23rd November, Mr S has his next Friday...will be good to get them on board and then, hopefully, forget all about vaccinations for a while Have a lovely weekend x
  15. oh yes and parents being in complete denial at times! Everything crossed here for your daughter fm - it is hard, I think, when they are 'all grown up' and you can't sort things out for them...
  16. Get well soon louby I have had all five of my grandchildren at pre-school with me, all perfectly fine, that was one of my very few regrets about retiring that I wouldn't see my youngest grandson right through and off to school - but he is (touch wood) doing just great with the new owner and her team
  17. 'what do you get when you lay under a cow...a pat on the head'
  18. Er...hmmm...er... <that's me thinking> 😂
  19. But...over eager puppies are cute 🤣
  20. Oh and someone needs to have a word with the wardrobe dept - that outfit that Judi (or is it Judy?) wore was quite awful...I suppose it was 'fitting' for the song choice, but in her shoes, I would have said 'no I'm not wearing that' 🤦‍♀️
  21. Nope not just you, I find him quite irritating (poor chap, he is probably a really nice young man)
  22. That's my prediction too
  23. Are we all watching 'Strictly'? Oh my actual goodness (!) Rose and Giovanni were just wonderful tonight
  24. Yay! Mousie that is the best news - you will love being a Grandma, nanny, nana or whatever the little one calls you, make sure you let us know when he/she arrives!
  25. 'the children are happy, safe and progressing' sums it all up for me...would just add bl**dy Ofsted, they have no idea of the stress that they can cause for dedicated practitioners
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