So 'tat' - I will really have to watch my tongue, that's not a very nice description is it 🤦♀️🤣
In the first week we made lavender dollies - okay they are sort of cute, but so not my style (mine is currently residing in my downstairs loo...
Then came the poppies - I loved this - enjoyed knitting them and loved going down to the church to make arrangements - some of the group can't knit so they made paper poppies which were really lovely and one really talented lady made some huge crochet poppies which have been added to dried hydrangeas around the arch over the door - they are fantastic. I hope that the poppies can be saved and that we can add to them next year (the church warden had been a bit 'sniffy' about the idea, but is now very pleased with the displays!)
We did a dried flower arrangement and a fresh flower arrangement - enjoyed these but there could have been a bit more tuition really
Last week was 'salt dough' - now you would think that I might be a bit of an expert here 🤣 but my dough was a flippin' disaster 🤦♀️ - we were meant to be plaiting dough to make a wreath shape - my dough kept breaking...I tried four times and then the tutor had a go, she couldn't work with my dough, I said "oh, I'm going to bin this and do it again at home" - I didn't need to, as the following morning, as if by magic the most beautiful salt-dough wreath appeared on my of the other lovely ladies had made it for me, how kind is that?! This week is painting and decorating said salt-dough wreaths - well...I don't want to paint mine, it is a lovely natural colour, nor do I want to decorate it with painted dough stars etc - I have found some pretty bits from some Christmas pot-pourri that I am hoping can be glued on - we will see...
Next week is Christmas wreaths, which I am really looking forward to
After that it is 'cracker making' (no thanks) painted pebbles (hmm not really), some sort of 'santa in a bed' sewing effort (definite no thanks from me), a very tatty looking plastic arrangement on a plate with a log and candle in the middle (pass) - gosh I am an old moaner 😉 in my defence, the clever lady who made the lovely crotchet poppies commented to me in a phone call "I don't want all of this sh*t in my house, we could just go for the chat and laughs" so it's not just me 😂