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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Crikey two weeks - that's excellent Train ride sounds lovely You can buy a 'ring' for the base for a wreath from Amazon...'pack it round' with hay and then away you go adding your greenery and whatever else you fancy
  2. Well hello and good morning, tis Friday again How is everyone? Not much news from here, I had my Covid booster on Tuesday, it was Moderna, which I'm sure is fine, but I was a bit taken aback as everyone else that I know has had Pfizer, telling myself to just be very grateful that I have had anything at all, anyway very few side effects just felt a bit tired and cold, I had been hoping that I would get a burst of hyperactivity like louby but no such luck 😂 Oh the wreath making was great, not enough time though so I still have to finish it Hope the weekend is kind to all - do try not to get 'blown away' and/or 'snowed in' x
  3. Oh blow I had missed this thread - sorry fm Hmm - think that anything and everything that I know has already been offered... I do know loads of 'counting down' songs but that's not what you are looking for 😂
  4. So very pleased to hear that your Committee have shown good sense I am so sorry that your cases are so high, it is horrible for you and I really hope things improve soon The mum sending those emails is the one with the problem, I honestly don't know how some people live with themselves...I agree with others, do print those off, I would want those as 'evidence' Sending you another huge hug x
  5. Lovely!
  6. I've been busy out in the garden again today, just cutting back and generally tidying Mr S has been dispatched for fish and chips - yay no cooking tonight!
  7. Eh - what about us - we would like a look at it
  8. They are just fabulous young Froglet
  9. How very odd - pleased that you were able to make good use of the hyperactivity 😂
  10. Tis Friday again! I have felt so sad reading about the hard time that some of my forum friends are having, I do hope that you can all have a restful weekend x keep away from TDLs, it can all wait... All okay here - Mr S had his booster last Friday with not too many side effects, just a bit more 'puffy' and a headache the following day. I have mine scheduled for next Tuesday, I honestly cannot wait to get my immunity back up again Craft class was okay - painted and decorated the salt-dough wreath effort, this week we are making door wreaths and I am really looking forward to that I have had a very busy week in the garden which is great, weather has been just beautiful here. In addition to this I have, for my sins, joined the volunteer team to clean the Church (well I say team, there only 3 of us, is that a team?🤷‍♀️) anyway, that was a long, dusty, but quite pleasurable job this week! As I said above, I am hoping everyone has a good weekend x
  11. 🤦‍♀️ honestly, some people
  12. Dearest zigzag - I would do that in a heartbeat, whether that is the correct advise or not, it is exactly what I would do. Your committee need to give you their backing here. You may remember that I 'tore up the rule book' last January when the case rates were ridiculously high here, I came under enormous pressure from the LA, they made threats to never fund me again unless I agreed to reopen which was Government guidance, I refused, and you know what they were just that 'threats', it never came to anything. I had to protect Mr S who is CEV and that was all that mattered to me. Sending you a huge virtual hug xxx
  13. It is a really difficult situation, as I said, I have nothing but sympathy for the Head, she is just following protocol
  14. I don't know My DIL has just forwarded to me a letter that has been sent out from school today...it explains that there is a problem with Covid in Y5 (not in letter but I have heard that there are 13 positive cases today), Y5 is back into a 'bubble' situation, however, siblings of those positive children must attend school as long as they don't have symptoms, if they don't they will be recorded as 'unauthorised absence' I absolutely do not blame the Head, her hands are tied, this is advice from LEA. For pity's sake it is going to spread right through our lovely school again, just as it did in December of last year
  15. Never mind 'quite selfish' that is very, very selfish in my opinion
  16. Oh no ☹️
  17. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that zigzag
  18. Good point Cait - I don't know, DIL has some I think...all feels a bit 'here we go again' ☹️
  19. Daughter-in-law has had a message from school to say that all children must take a LFT in the morning (primary) ☹️
  20. Thank you - they have passed me by (just as well perhaps)
  21. So cute - you are a very talented lady young froglet
  22. Eh?
  23. How lovely My dear MIL had saved some of the little decorations from our wedding cake (I had no idea) and gave them to us on our silver wedding anniversary
  24. Oooh - ginger cake and custard yum! Where are we paying our subs to for 'cake club' - I'm in Nothing whatsoever to do with cake but can I just say...Rose and Giovanni - just how beautiful was their dance last night - I do believe that even Mr S who pretends not to watch had something in his eye
  25. That is right up my street - thanks for sharing
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