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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. How are you doing dear zigzag?
  2. Using DK cast on 22 stitches and knit to 4.5 inches on size 4 needles - some of the most talented have used all sorts of fancy stitches - lots of different colours which was why I took it upon myself to edge the squares with white crochet (white because I had loads knocking about) that should bring it altogether and make it easier to join up - well that's the plan!
  3. Me personally - no idea - lots 🤣 The group 103 - excellent effort I think!
  4. Oh young Froglet - a very mixed update there... I do hope that your littlest niece is okay and that your work 'stuff' calms down a bit for you Hmmm - numberle - think I had better steer clear of that!😂 Don't know why I struggled so much with the blanket calculations - honestly, area is primary school maths - all of the squares are decorating my dining room table at the moment, need to leave them there to focus my mind and to constantly remind me that I have boldly stated "oh yes, I can do the borders, that's no problem at all" 🤦‍♀️😂 Loving the skill mix within our newly formed Knit and Natter - some people are super-skilled, some like me can cope with the basics, some have never knitted anything and it has been great to teach them to cast on, knit just garter stitch and to cast off and best of all we have a lady who suffered a stroke two years ago and was convinced that she wouldn't be able to knit now - guess what - she can!
  5. 🤣 No diagrams - he fiddled about with the calculator on his phone - said "remember 30.25" - fiddled about a bit more - said "what number did I say" and then came up with his answer! 🤣
  6. Aha! Mr S says '238' 🙃
  7. Yes it was - I don't know why I am struggling with this so much...my number was 224 One of the ladies has said that she will join them up (hooray I didn't want to do that bit!) - so I am edging each one in white which should make that a much easier and neater job - she rang me last night and said "I think we need to lay all the squares out next week and agree how we all want them to look" - I said "oh yes, of course, whatever you think" - but I was actually thinking 'we are a long way off that stage'... I will get Mr S on this number problem when he returns from fishing! Just counted the squares - we have 103 so far - which is pretty good going I reckon!
  8. Flippin' heck - I hope that's a joke!!! I have undertaken the task of adding a crotchet border to each square 🤦‍♀️ so have allowed that in the measurement...
  9. Oh louby I might need to borrow her 😂 Can anyone help me with some Maths - never was my strong point ☹️ the blanket that the Knit and Natterers are making will need to measure 80 x 90 inches - if our squares measure 5.5 inches how many squares do we need - I came up with an answer but I'm sure it's not right...
  10. Ooh - you two are not so far behind me age wise - phew - I didn't realise that 😂 louby - you have made me think - I have a very, very small pension thingy that I used to pay into - I deferred many times, need to look now at when I get this... Right - back to the sand clearance!
  11. Hello all - tis Friday again... Hope everyone is okay? We know poor zigzag is 'infected' and fm has a lot to deal with and Panders is another year older ... Nothing at all exciting to report from here - oh 'Knit and Natter' was fun! I'm still trying to rid us of the 'Saharan sand' it is everywhere 🤦‍♀️ how does that travel 1400+ miles... Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  12. So pleased that you are a good day - like the sound of your future DIL 😂
  13. Hey - birthday girl - you should be eating cake and drinking fizz! 😂 Mrs O was nice to zigzag so no wishing Covid on her!
  14. Oh my life! Take care of yourself, how are you feeling?
  15. Have a lovely day my little black and white furry friend!
  16. Candles would be more romantic💖😂
  17. Fingers crossed
  18. Yes I'm sure we could have found a cheaper price elsewhere but I'm trying to limit car use, so this morning it was a trip to our next village for Drs, Post Office (we don't have one anymore) and fill up with petrol... Our Council Tax bill was delivered today too - shock! horror! I might have to go back to work (not really!) 🤣
  19. £5.30 postage and then £1.72 per litre for petrol - my poor pension! 🙃🤣
  20. Honestly it's a load of old tosh really - but it's light hearted entertainment + I could listen to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack over and over!
  21. Has anyone else been watching 'The real Dirty Dancing' on E4 - I have found it so entertaining, literally grin my way through each episode - a good antidote to the current worrying times
  22. Thank you my little black and white furry friend! Coincidentally I have just posted that blanket that I crocheted for 'Knit for Peace' - cost me £5.30 - flippin' heck! 😂
  23. Fm - 'go with the flow' is the only way in my experience (3 sets of bereaved children, 2 mums and 1 dad) - listen to what the family want - we found the most important and useful thing for these children was to keep pre-school the same as ever... Take care of yourself - it's flippin' tough xxx
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