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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh my actual goodness - what a nightmare
  2. Sending lots of motivational vibes your way! Oh my actual goodness 'raspberry jam puddle chocolate brownies' sound like my idea of chocolate heaven!
  3. Just back from a ridiculously long walk - was beautiful, lots of lambs about now - also great to be away from the lorries...
  4. Good morning all - tis Friday! My lovely little village, which is miles and miles away from Dover is affected by Operation Brock, we have huge lorries thundering along our roads - but it's nothing compared to the situation for the poor drivers caught up in the queues, think that there are something like 4,500 vehicles now, no facilities for the drivers... In happier news - we are having a little Easter Egg hunt here for our two littlest grandchildren on Sunday, really looking forward to that, weather forecast is good too Happy weekend x
  5. Covid for the second time - what bad luck, I'm so sorry to read that and hope that you are soon back up to full speed x Different jammies at bedtime sounds like a good plan to me! 😂
  6. Hello young Froglet, always lovely to hear from you, who cares what day it is 😂
  7. I know! I used to tackle the task, get to the point where I thought 'right, that's it', walk away, come back a bit later, look at it again and realise that 'no, that's not it at all'🤦‍♀️😂
  8. Yes - it was the easiest way for me to keep 'straight' and suited staff just fine...
  9. Retired now - but no, I always kept holiday pay separate
  10. Your secret's safe with us 🤣
  11. Oooh I had a little boy like that in my last year of working - he was absolutely fascinating - he would label his own drawings, everything spelled accurately
  12. Long may that last for both of you! Do you not have LA audits?
  13. I can't add anything remotely useful - but I am smiling, thinking about that task of working out term dates, had to be very accurate in my corner of the world as the LA would check!
  14. Oh your poor granddaughter - hope she soon feels much better
  15. Hello - tis Friday again! Not only is it Friday it is 1st April - whoa how did that happen?! We woke up to a 'winter wonderland' here this morning - all very pretty... Are you all breaking up today - our schools are here, but I think our half-term break was earlier than some, so not sure really There was a gentle knock at our door on Tuesday evening - our beautiful eldest granddaughter is home for Easter, lovely surprise we thought she wouldn't be home until next week - she is such a lovely, kind and thoughtful girl, she had 'tested' before coming here to keep her granddad safe Knit and Natter was great fun yesterday, we are getting to the stage where we can begin to join the squares for our first blanket - I have to get on with edging them, have managed 168 so far - so another 60 or so to go Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  16. Good luck!
  17. I did that so many times, however I did pay myself back pay later in the year...
  18. Thanks all - we are just home - we had a lovely evening
  19. Thank you both x My house is now looking like a florists - have had three deliveries in the last hour - how lovely!
  20. Here we are then another Friday - are you all breaking up next week? It is a very special day in the sunnyday household - it is our Golden wedding anniversary! 50 years, 50 years my goodness how have we managed that?! We were so young - I was seventeen and Mr S was nineteen - what madness is that! Seriously never thought that we would reach this milestone, not because of any doubts about our love and commitment, but I didn't think that my wonderful Mr S would make it this far with his very fragile health state, I am and always will be so very grateful to the team at the Royal Brompton who have provided such wonderful care for him... No party - which we would have had in 'normal circumstances' - but hopefully a family celebration this evening with our sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren - if all test negative today - keep everything crossed for us please! Anyway, enough of the slushy stuff (!) hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  21. I think that it signifies/changes with number of posts (but I could be wrong, I often am) - so those of us that have an awful lot to say for ourselves have leaves 😂
  22. That's such good news zigzag - what day is it for you today (and yes I know it's Friday!) did you isolate yourself from your husband son?
  23. Oh dear goodness - I am not safe to be let out on my own - just went to pick up a repeat prescription for my dear old MIL - conversation went like this Me: Repeat prescription for (MIL's name) please Receptionist: Was it ordered in February? Me: February, no not at all, my husband ordered it last month... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ My excuse is that it is such a lovely day I thought it was summer 🤣
  24. You poor, poor thing - sending lots of healing vibes your way xxx
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