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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh zigzag you poor thing that all sounds incredibly tough - sending you the hugest virtual hug xxx
  2. Hope that you now have a lovely, relaxed weekend - it's a great feeling when it is all done and dusted and you are happy with the result isn't it
  3. You are a woman after my own heart (well we have known that for a long time) - I love having lots of projects on the go at any one time
  4. Oh my word fm - trust that you are happy with the result - how long between inspections for you?
  5. Would you like to know how many WIPs (Works in Progress) I have on the go? 🤦‍♀️🤣 Still edging squares for the group's blankets - one will be finished quite soon I think (I'm not doing the joining up - phew!) I will be sure to post a photo when it's done, it is so pretty... Anyway - edging squares, my own crochet blanket, square knitting, hat knitting (adult size for a homeless charity), hat knitting (tiny ones for Age UK campaign) and I'm thinking that I would like to make some 'Trauma Teddies' there was an appeal for those in our area this week they were being included in a shipment of goods for Ukraine so I thought I might make some and be ready for the next appeal... What is everyone else working on?
  6. Oh dear louby, I do hope that your new starter 'calms down', is it difficult to get help in your area (certainly is here), what do his parents have to say about him? Look forward to seeing the photo! It is a bit chilly here but not too bad - we had some rain overnight, my garden is happy about that...
  7. Good morning all - tis Friday again! I have no idea where this week has gone... How is everyone getting on? Nothing interesting to report from here, although Knit and Natter was great fun yesterday, I am so pleased that I bit the bullet and set this up, always such a lovely atmosphere Hope that the (long) weekend is kind to all x
  8. Tis Friday again! Off to a very slow start this morning - but hey I'm retired so sure that is allowed😂 Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  9. Not a song but a book 'Journey Home from Grandpas', Barefoot books, comes with a CD
  10. Good morning all Tis Friday! I have been very busy and productive this morning - yay! One of my neighbours has appealed for items that she can sell at a series of Boot Fairs with all proceeds for Ukraine - I have sorted a couple of bags and taken them over to her, all good 'stuff' and there will be more to follow... Dog has enjoyed a long walk (me too) I am just stopping for coffee and then it will be housework, prepping evening meal and then I will get on with edging the squares that my knit and natter group have made - I am 'stunned' by how many are brought in each week... Hope that everyone has a great weekend x
  11. That's a great idea - all a bit more 'controlled' that way
  12. Oh he is a handsome boy!
  13. Honestly zigzag I am still thinking about him, he was gorgeous... I have my eldest son's dog here for the Easter weekend, she is a 'Sprocker', she is dear little dog. She goes home on Tuesday and then youngest son's dog will be coming to stay, he is a very handsome chocolate Lab, so it's all go here on the dog front!
  14. They are lovely young Froglet
  15. Mine would go on a bonfire - but I appreciate not everyone can have a bonfire... I'm just back from a lovely walk, through woodland today, great to see that the Bluebells are just starting to show (shhhh don't tell Mr S where I have been, he doesn't think that's a safe walk), met the most gorgeous handsome working Cocker (with his owner) his colouring/markings were very special, he was black and tan and was sporting a perfect set of tan eyebrows, just lovely!
  16. Beautiful
  17. Damn - too late to edit - have added an extra 't' there
  18. For sure! Will it be crotchet edging more squares, will it be knitting bonding triangles or will it be working on my own crochet blanket, or will it be a mix of all three... I will also be dog sitting - so not sure how much I will get done 🙃
  19. Whoop! Enjoy louby - sewing just defeats me, I am full of admiration for those clever, talented peeps that can master it
  20. 🤣🤣🤣
  21. I have often thought that!
  22. Lovely colours young Froglet
  23. The garden Easter egg hunt was a huge success! Lovely to get to spend some time with the two littlest grandchildren - one happy nana here!
  24. Yay! Go young Froglet! You can do it!
  25. I relate to 'I am so not an afternoon person' but that said - keep going young Froglet you know it makes sense!
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