Not 'moany' at all young Froglet x it all sounds extremely challenging
Why such an early return?
Finishing so late 27th July and returning so early 31st August - hmmm - remembering how long it takes to 'come down' at the end of summer term I am worried that you won't have time to truly relax (that's got to be one of my most unhelpful comments - sorry)
To lighten things and possibly make you laugh - have just had a telephone chat with eldest son - we talked about the 'leadership challenge', plans for the weekend (none) and many other topics...but then, he is obviously very worried about his dad and how he will cope through the predicted heatwave...this is how that part of the convo went:
Son: Where's dad now, he's not doing anything is he?
Me: No, he is right here, just chilling in his armchair
Son: Good, I have told him he needs to sit in his pants with a fan blowing on him for the next few days
Me: Good grief, I'm not sure that is something I want to look at 🤣
Son: Well, you will have to wear sunglasses!