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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. No water again
  2. This is true - it is such a busy time - adding a heatwave into the mix is not helpful either 🤦‍♀️
  3. Enjoy your 'grandson fix' Mousie - there is nothing like it Good luck with all the end of year stuff x
  4. <whispers> we seem to have water this morning - will it last 🤞
  5. Absolutely! I rather enjoyed the 'blitz spirit' when I went to collect my bottled water 😀
  6. I do apologise for that louby😂 Guess what - we have no water - eek - water station set up in village hall car park - might be back tomorrow morning if levels can be restored and if not 9pm tomorrow evening - oh well 'we will survive'!
  7. Not 'moany' at all young Froglet x it all sounds extremely challenging Why such an early return? Finishing so late 27th July and returning so early 31st August - hmmm - remembering how long it takes to 'come down' at the end of summer term I am worried that you won't have time to truly relax (that's got to be one of my most unhelpful comments - sorry) To lighten things and possibly make you laugh - have just had a telephone chat with eldest son - we talked about the 'leadership challenge', plans for the weekend (none) and many other topics...but then, he is obviously very worried about his dad and how he will cope through the predicted heatwave...this is how that part of the convo went: Son: Where's dad now, he's not doing anything is he? Me: No, he is right here, just chilling in his armchair Son: Good, I have told him he needs to sit in his pants with a fan blowing on him for the next few days Me: Good grief, I'm not sure that is something I want to look at 🤣 Son: Well, you will have to wear sunglasses!
  8. Thank you
  9. Thank you Cait - my wonderful techy friend x
  10. So here we are again - tis Friday! Dear zigzag, so pleased that everything went well yesterday Nothing exciting to report from here - oh except that our Knit and Natter second blanket is finished and ready for me to send off to 'Knit for Peace', it is really lovely and I would like to think that whoever receives it will enjoy...this one is absolutely enormous, that is apparently what is most needed... Louby - is it your last day today? Sending warmest wishes to all - have a lovely weekend x
  11. Dear zigzag, I will be thinking of you tomorrow x
  12. Hi all - tis Friday... Thoughts very much with our dear zigzag What a week it has been in politics! Holiday dogs have just gone home - will miss them - however my other holiday dog will be arriving in just over a weeks time Tennis has been brilliant - sad that Rafa has had to withdraw though Wishing you all a lovely weekend x
  13. Oh zigzag, I'm so sad for you but your post is wonderful, there is a right time... Sending you much love xxx
  14. Well, here we are again, tis Friday Hope everyone is okay - not long now until the lovely summer hols! Enjoying my two beautiful holiday dogs and the wonderful tennis here Have a lovely weekend all x
  15. Oh louby - I like twitter - it is both fun and interesting (I don't do faceache!)
  16. Oooh - we have a 'Twitter button'!
  17. Well here we are again - tis Friday How is everyone getting on? Are your leaver group all being 'too big for their boots' yet? 😂 Cleaned our Church on Wednesday - four of us worked solidly for two hours - all in preparation for a wedding tomorrow - one of the cleaning team also takes care of Church flowers...she was there yesterday, when a huge group of walkers complete with their walking boots descended 🤦‍♀️ oh well, we did our best... I have two 'holiday dogs' arriving tomorrow - youngest son's old lab and young retriever - they will keep me on my toes for the next two weeks! Have a great weekend all x
  18. Fantastic! Huge congratulations to all (that includes the rightfully proud mum!)
  19. Nor me! But, indeed, tis Friday! Hot, hot, hot today - not that I'm complaining Waiting for a four legged friend to arrive - she will be here for the weekend, which will be lovely... Middle granddaughter's birthday on Sunday - a barbecue was planned - but not sure now about the weather Have a lovely weekend all x
  20. Ah zigzag you poor thing - migraines are awful - hope that you feeling much better now x
  21. Oh rotten luck - get well soon xxx
  22. Well I never - tis Friday again How is everyone - hope first week back has gone well for all I am off out to lunch tomorrow with two of my oldest friends, one of whom I haven't seen since last August, really hoping that the weather is kind to us and that we can sit in the pub garden... Have a lovely weekend x
  23. I changed that so often fm - but finally settled on the same as Mousie...
  24. We have just said goodbye to our youngest two grandchildren they had been here for the day - what a lovely time we had with them!
  25. Oh yes I remember it well 🤦‍♀️
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