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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Hiya - tis Friday! How is everyone getting on? For my part - we have water, we have electricity, we have mobile signal - that's a big whoop from me! Holiday dog is being such a little sweetie - we have another week with her...
  2. I have nothing to say about the sewing - it's a case of can't do it, won't do it here...but yay to your last day tomorrow young froglet hope it's a good one!
  3. That has actually really cheered me up and made me laugh out loud 🤣🤣🤣
  4. We have no mobile signal now - what is going on?!
  5. I wish ☹️
  6. Yay! Rain glorious rain here this morning - I'm a very happy bunny - will have dampened things down a bit! Update on water - we are still being 'turned off' overnight - I can live with that...water station still present in the car park, I won't stop worrying until that has gone
  7. Phew! Onwards and upwards dear zigzag - you might feel a bit strange in September I certainly did x
  8. hmmm - bit worried that we haven't heard from dear zigzag - hope all is okay...
  9. Thank you louby! At least we could flush loos here as we live in an older house with water tanks in the loft - felt so sorry for people that couldn't do that - complaints made to South East Water resulted in them putting 'Arlington tanks' on the hall car park with water for this use, but they failed to provide the bags to collect the water in for another 24 hours Anyway - I must stop now, I could rant on for ages but I promise I won't 😉
  10. They allowed the storage tanks from the pumping station that feeds us to run so low that the boosters wouldn't work to pump it up to us - they have had to rezone water to be pumped into those tanks...it's complete and utter mismanagement from South East Water - they should be hanging their heads in shame Can you imagine how hard it has been for farmers with livestock? I have been utterly terrified about fire - to the front of us is the tinder dry village green, behind us is our own tinder dry field and behind that equally tinder dry corn fields - a fireman who lives in this village has been absolutely fuming about the "danger to life" (his words) No water shortage around here - 4 miles down the road they are using sprinklers - grrr Can you tell I am pretty flippin' angry about this - you really shouldn't have got me started We have no certainty about when this will end...
  11. That was it exactly - the beeb left and so did our water - you remember that I said to you "I've put a wash on" and we had a little worry that it might not complete it's cycle
  12. Oops - I am telling fibs - somewhere within that five day period we did get water back for a whole four hours
  13. Oh louby - I said i wouldn't go on about it...we had five, yes five days without water...we have water now but they turn it off at night...oh and at one point the bottle water station ran out It has been a flippin' nightmare and there is no guarantee at all that this is over - the water station remains - who knows
  14. We used simple programs for a laptop Really enjoyed using a bee-bot with both shape and letter mats Used a constructabot with a numbers mat that we made ourselves - numbers with the appropriate number of stars stuck on - children counted the stars then added the right number of counters to the constructabot's bucket - programmed the bot to deliver the counters and matched them up with stars - happy days!
  15. Good morning all - tis Friday again Right now - we are we up to... louby has absolutely no exciting news at all - but if she had I would be sending congrats to all zigzag has to get through her last session - sending positive vibes your way dear zigzag poor young froglet still has days to go - sending strength Would you like an update on my water situation - no I won't - I promised not to bang on about it! 😂 I took delivery of another holiday dog yesterday - whoop - eldest son's Sprocker - looking forward to a fortnight of fun with her! Have a great weekend all x
  16. Right - whoops - erm - what do I do now...🤣
  17. Oh louby - if I knew the news - which of course I don't because you haven't told us yet - I would be saying whoop! whoop! many congrats to all - but obviously, I'm not saying that because (Manuel stylee) "I know nothing"!
  18. Hey - good thinking young Froglet 🤣
  19. How about a lovely Rose in a really lovely pot?
  20. That would have the film crew, reporter, residents and those manning the water station running for the hills >>>>>>🤣
  21. I hear thunder, I hear thunder, hark don't you... It's rumbling about in the distance - hope that I can add 'pitter patter raindrops' soon 😂 Mr S is sitting out in the garden - it is now cooler out than in - he is suitably dressed in shorts and t-shirt 😂 We did feature on the local news... Water went back off at 5pm - I have resolved to stop banging on about the situation - there are far worse things going on Right off to do a rain dance!
  22. Sheesh - I think I spoke too soon - it would seem that we will get some water at undesignated times for 'sanitary purposes' 🤦‍♀️ I know, I know #firstworldproblems
  23. Well, well, well - we have water, not only do we have water we have pressure - whoop! whoop!
  24. 🤦‍♀️ Can you imagine!🤣 Just to add insult to injury we had a two hour power cut yesterday afternoon - we're doomed, doomed I tell you! Interesting change in update from South East Water - they say that they are going to 're-direct' some water our way - a suspicious person might conclude that has happened because the Beeb are on their way...
  25. Nope, no water, not even a trickle... Apparently the BBC are coming up to film this afternoon - hmmm - wonder if I should Mr S up there in his pants - what d'you think?🤣
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