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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Yes, yes and yes - I liked to hear that I had helped my 'staff' - inverted commas simply because I always thought of them as colleagues as opposed to staff
  2. Even I think it's gone too fast and I don't have to go back to work
  3. I love them! What are their names?
  4. Morning all - tis Friday! How is everyone? Very proud nana here - middle granddaughter received her GCSE results yesterday, she did well... Happy weekend x
  5. That is sad...
  6. Oh young Froglet - you are meant to be on holiday - but I completely understand that 'I should' feeling How did you spend the day in the end?
  7. Our annual bill is usually something like £300.00 (I think)
  8. Oh Gezabel - my heart is breaking for you all - that is so terribly unfair - I'm sending much love xxx
  9. My brother said: "I don't suppose any of you have told the BBC" 🤣
  10. Oh my actual goodness! You know the water business that I bored on and on about...always knew that SEW would have to give some compensation...well they have...drumroll...£500.00 credit whoop!
  11. Eh? Well that went right over my head! 🤣
  12. Absolutely - it goes like this in our house when any of the dogs are staying Me: mutter, mutter, mutter Mr S: did you say something Me: yes but I wasn't talking to you 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Oooh young Froglet - what breed? How old is she - older dogs don't always want to have really long walks in my experience As you know I do a bit (a lot) of dog sitting for my 'granddogs' (!) - I love it and really miss them when they go home but funnily enough I don't actually feel the need for my own dog anymore...
  14. It's so hard to get the balance right isn't it... I used to spend far too much time 'working' at home - I had a 'need' to get everything just right - on reflection I can see now that verged on an unhealthy obsession! Anyway - no matter now - this retirement lark is great don't you think 🤣
  15. I was about to comment 'do you suspect foul play' - then thought better of it...
  16. Tis Friday! Have a lovely weekend all x
  17. Well........you almost kept quiet about it 🤣🤣🤣 no, seriously now I am so happy for all of you, it is lovely news x
  18. £20.00 per week?! I charge £2.50 per week for Knit and Natter - this just covers the hall rent and refreshments - mind you I suppose I am not teaching anything Oh I wonder if young Froglet has been back to 'crafternoon'...
  19. Crikey!
  20. Have youngest granddaughter here for the day - currently she is sitting in a huge cardboard box, out on the patio, playing a drum - as you do!🤣🤣🤣
  21. Go young Froglet - well done and I'm sure your new neighbours really appreciated your kindness
  22. She is fantastic young Froglet - you are too talented by far!
  23. I have everything crossed for you blondie! In other exciting news - I have put a cardi on - lovely
  24. IT IS RAINING!!! Yay! I have never been so happy about rain - all my dancing has paid off - it is pouring down - long may it last!
  25. Nope nothing here - despite my very best rain dance😂
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