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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Fingers crossed then
  2. I bet When do you break up young Froglet?
  3. Oh have you seen that there is an amber weather warning for you tomorrow - is it going to be the dreaded white stuff?! Our white stuff is just hanging about too long now - I don't think that we got above freezing today...
  4. I just asked Mr S - he said 'no' with a bit of a sigh 🤣
  5. Good decision louby! I think you had it far worse than us - my sons tried to reach a job in Cobham early this morning - the M25 was 'closed' 🤦‍♀️ Stay home and keep warm is my motto for today! Looks like a slow thaw is setting in I do hope so...
  6. Oh no ouch - is he okay? Snowing really hard now - it's okay for us retired folk - well apart from the need to get down to my lovely MIL (91), quite sure that one of our sons will do that for us...
  7. Breaking news - it's snowing here!⛄
  8. Well...it was good while it lasted 🏐 (is that a football or a ball of wool)
  9. Not long now louby
  10. Good morning all - 'tis Friday Another busy week, particularly enjoyed having two of our 'granddogs' for the day on Wednesday (mind I think I might be hoovering up Golden Retriever hair from now to Christmas!) Mr S is well and truly in my good books - when I got back from knitting group yesterday, he had put up our Christmas tree, all decorated too, super job! Must, must, must write my cards today - ask me later if I have actually done so 😂 Have I mentioned before how cold it is and just how much I dislike the winter - I fully intend to moan from now to the first signs of spring! 🤣 I was explaining to youngest son that we have been taking part in Octopus energy 'saving sessions' - I was feeling so proud of our efforts and said we have managed to save just over £5.00 for 4 x 1 hour sessions - he said "come on, I'll give you a fiver if you need it" 🙃 he has spectacularly missed the point, but hey ho 😂 Are we going to get past France tomorrow - hmmm - well it would be wonderful if we did! Have a lovely weekend x
  11. That is so true
  12. Mousie - I feel your pain with the forms - actually my lot often lost them so then I was not only reminding but having to print duplicates 🤦‍♀️ Zigzag - your seaglass collecting is super impressive and those scenes from Appledore are stunning (I was a bit confused as there is an Appledore fairly close to here - I did a bit of a double take thinking but zigzag was going to Devon!😂
  13. Aha - I've obviously been doing your share Louby 😂 Good that you enjoyed CentreParcs
  14. Thanks Mousie and young Froglet - I have done the school governor bit, but luckily it was as a 'parent governor' which meant I only had to serve for three years There has never been a time in my adult life that I haven't been on at least one committee, I always seem to end up in the secretarial role... Enough already! 🤣
  15. Pass! 🤣 But indeed 'tis Friday I feel that I am really busy, but conversely, I often think 'what have I actually got done'? 🤷‍♀️ I made a 'big' decision this week - I am standing down from a Committee that I have served on for 27 years - why do I feel so guilty about that - I know that I have gone over and above for all of that time I am enjoying the football so much; I realise that it is not everyone's cup of tea 😂 Hope everyone is okay? Hasn't it got cold - I may have mentioned that I don't do winter! Have a lovely weekend all x
  16. She won't need a plane - she's only going from Cornwall to Devon 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Have a lovely time in Devon zigzag - I will keep everything crossed that you have some good weather
  18. Too late to say 'Good morning' - so good afternoon 'tis Friday! I have had a lovely week - very busy - my little feet have hardly touched the ground 😂 Best event was a 'wreath making afternoon' that a friend and I organised - she has the creative skills and I have the organisation skills so a pretty good combination if I say so myself - what a lovely afternoon we had - we didn't advertise, just spoke to friends about it, ended up with 15 of us attending - it was great, think we will have to make this an annual event! Oh my actual goodness - how great was the football on Monday - whoop! This evening we are going to youngest son's house to watch England v USA, very much looking forward to that No plans for the weekend - after my busy week that's probably for the best! Hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  19. Oh rotten luck with the car breakdown A Nepali take out sound interesting - not available anywhere near here (as far as I know)
  20. Good morning all - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? We know Mousie is more than okay! Worried about fm she seems to be missing in action... We have blue skies here this morning - so lovely after the rain, rain and more rain Onwards and upwards - hope the weekend is kind to all x
  21. Whoop! Whoop! I am doing a little victory dance for you! Many, many congratulations to you and your team!
  22. That made me laugh louby! Cait - I am sure young Froglet will come up with something but if not, I can ask one of my daughters-in-law - she makes a mean brownie!
  23. That is truly shocking - I had no idea... What the heck - how ridiculous - I'm so sorry to read this
  24. I hear you Cait - so many people will be struggling - it is all so sad... I have totally missed 'celebrities on TV saying they will be shredding money' what on earth is that all about? We have our first 'saver session' this evening 5 - 6pm (with Octopus Energy) - I am as keen as mustard with this sort of thing, Mr S less so 🤦‍♀️🤣 oh well, we will see how we get on! Weather is dire here today - rain, rain and a bit more rain - I am trying hard to convince myself that it is a good thing - it will help to fill aquifers - hmmm
  25. 🤣 Just had a delivery from Sainsbury - my favourite driver today yay! As he left, he said, "hopefully I will see you before Christmas, but in case I don't, have a good one"! So that's my first 'Happy Christmas' 🤣
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