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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. We had such a lovely time celebrating our granddaughters 21st birthday - it's so good that both sides of the family get on really well, I was thinking that there were 4 generations present - eldest 94, youngest just 2... She has gone back up to her Uni town today to celebrate with her friends!
  2. Oh zigzag you poor thing - such a long time with no diagnosis... I am longing for spring/summer too
  3. What do you mean 'at our age' - i am only 23 (I wish) 🤣
  4. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? My knee continues to give me grief - xray results ruled out osteoarthritis which was a relief but I'm not any closer to finding out what is actually going on - will be referred to physio/muscular skeletal team, a steroid injection was talked about - bring it on... Bloods taken on Wednesday - need to repeat as there was a question over kidney function Crikey - I feel like I am falling to bits and I don't like it! On a much more positive note - we are looking forward to a family celebration for eldest granddaughter Take care all and hope that you all have a lovely weekend x
  5. Oops - I'm late on parade today - 'tis Friday! Young Froglet - I think Cait's lamp idea is a good one - worth a try anyway Cait - I love the Gingerbread Man! Zigzag - so pleased that you managed a Peaceful and happy Christmas x We had a lovely two days with our sons and their families - so special after the last two Christmas' have been interrupted by Covid - 2020 Boris put paid to our plans when he cancelled Christmas for us in Kent on 23rd December and 2021 youngest son's wife had Covid so that was that for our usual Boxing Day gathering I have been/am somewhat incapacitated by a very painful and swollen left knee - Christmas Eve found me at our local hospital having it x-rayed...have just rung our GP surgery to see if the results are in - long story short they are but it requires a conversation with Dr to discuss the result, this scheduled for next Wednesday - I did try to persuade the receptionist to give me some idea what is going on but to no avail...looking on the bright side it's a good excuse to get on with my crochet lap blankets for the Foodbank, I have been told to keep it elevated as much as possible... Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year xxx
  6. Oh young Froglet you poor thing - sending gentle hugs to you x
  7. No louby - thank goodness - we seem to be okay for water now Well 'tis Friday - the last before Christmas! Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy and healthy 2023 xxx
  8. Oh Mousie have a break - step away from the horrible TDL - wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas x
  9. Yay!
  10. Yes This village is 'leak city' at the best of times - but, of course, the freezing temps and then a thaw haven't helped matters... It's nothing in the scheme of things - think we are still 'scarred' by our experience in the summer
  11. You have my deepest sympathy - have been watching local news over the last few days and wondering if you were impacted
  12. Oh no - i spoke too soon - water station now set up on our Village Hall car park - I'm guessing that means we won't be on for long 🤦‍♀️
  13. Whoop! Whoop! Water is back on - how long it will last who knows but all good for now!🙃
  14. Guess who is without water again! Estimated time: 24hours No water station either...now where did I put my 'spirit of the blitz' 😂
  15. Yay fm! I have been worried about you - sounds like an awful lot of challenges I will test out 'The Vicar of Dibley' on my eldest granddaughters - I bet they will know what I'm talking about Just lovely to hear from you - onwards and upwards now xxx
  16. Now I acknowledge that as a dedicated balaclava wearer I probably have no right to comment but...what the heck has Shirley got on her head?🤦‍♀️
  17. Flippin' heck Cait have you got a spreadsheet 🤣
  18. Mr S would like to know what I am laughing about 🤣🤣🤣
  19. What are we thinking about tonight's Strictly final - who is your winner? I am rather hoping that it is Helen
  20. Oh my actual goodness - Ofsted should be banned from inspecting this close to the end of term grrrr
  21. Good morning all - 'tis Friday! Still no real thaw here - but the forecast looks hopeful - have I mentioned I don't do winter? 🤣 Have a lovely weekend x Oh and young Froglet - next Wednesday - oh my life that is so late to break up you poor thing - I am sending strength to you x
  22. Oh goodness yes wind is biting (even in a balaclava😂)
  23. Of course!
  24. Abso-jolly-lutely!🤣 Sheesh - it is flippin' lethal outdoors today - ice, ice and a bit more ice - have I ever mentioned I don't do winter?! 🙃
  25. I have a 'stash' of balaclavas - wouldn't want to be caught without one! 🤣
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