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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Did anyone see the article about Italy reopening nursery schools despite schools remaining closed. 😬 I’m sorry I can’t find a link for it!
  2. I have since found out that our LA are not allowing EYPP to be spent on food, it has to be spent on something educational! In this crisis when vulnerable families are struggling to put food on the table I strongly disagree with them.
  3. I have spoken to the Mum and she wants me to hold onto the money and continue with the idea of getting someone in to do musical sessions with the children. We have the child for another year (thank goodness) At least I can now document I have had a conversation with Mum and what she wants to happen with the money.
  4. What is everyone doing with their EYPP money whilst closed? I have one child who is entitled to it and I still have their spring term money to spend as well as the summer term money. This now totals £190.80 (I was trying to set up musical sessions) before all this kicked off. I am wondering if I should contact the Mum and find out if they are struggling for anything at home food, clothing etc. If not I was thinking about buying some craft stuff, playdough stuff etc for the little girl and delivering to their home (these are her interests) what does anyone think? What are you all doing?
  5. I would love to! 😘
  6. Had to share this, that I saw on FB. Lockdown Lingo’ - are you fully conversant with the new terminology? Coronacoaster The ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic. You’re loving lockdown one minute but suddenly weepy with anxiety the next. It truly is “an emotional coronacoaster”. Quarantinis Experimental cocktails mixed from whatever random ingredients you have left in the house. The boozy equivalent of a store cupboard supper. Southern Comfort and Ribena quarantini with a glacé cherry garnish, anyone? These are sipped at “locktail hour”. Coronials As opposed to millennials, this refers to the future generation of babies conceived or born during coronavirus quarantine. They might also become known as “Generation C”. Furlough Merlot Wine consumed in an attempt to relieve the frustration of not working. Also known as “bored-eaux” or “cabernet tedium”. Coronadose An overdose of bad news from consuming too much media during a time of crisis. Can result in a “panicdemic”. Getting on your Wicks Vexing noise levels from neighbours doing their daily workout with Joe Wicks. Claphazard Someone so enthusiastic about saluting our care workers that they forget all social distancing guidelines, start hugging their neighbours and high-fiving passing pedestrians. The elephant in the Zoom The glaring issue during a videoconferencing call that nobody feels able to mention. E.g. one participant has dramatically put on weight, suddenly sprouted terrible facial hair or has a worryingly messy house visible in the background. Doughverkill One’s social media feed being dominated by smug photos of home-made sourdough or banana bread. If making sourdough is so great, how come you'd never done it before March? Covidiot One who ignores public health advice or behaves with reckless disregard for the safety of others can be said to display “covidiocy” or be “covidiotic”. Also called a “lockclown” or even a “Wuhan-ker”. Space invader Someone who routinely comes closer to you than the recommended two metres and who you’d like to zap like in an arcade game. Goutbreak The sudden fear that you’ve consumed so much wine, cheese, home-made cake and Easter chocolate in lockdown that your ankles are swelling up like a medieval king’s. Caught between a shop and a hoard place The dilemma of needing to purchase basics but not wanting to be accused of stockpiling. I'm not stockpiling, I usually buy this many tins of beans. Antisocial distancing Using health precautions as an excuse for snubbing neighbours and generally ignoring people you find irritating. Quaranteam The people and/or pets you’re in lockdown with are your “quaranteam”. This era’s equivalent of #squadgoals. Coughin’ dodger Someone so alarmed by an innocuous splutter or throat-clear that they back away in terror. Tandemic A sun-kissed glow acquired from sitting in one’s garden or (gasp!) flouting the rules on park sunbathing. Co-runner virus An infection potentially spread by selfish fitness fanatics taking up an entire path by jogging two abreast. Covid-10 The 10lbs in weight that we’re all gaining from comfort-eating and comfort-drinking. Also known as “fattening the curve”.
  7. Me too!😋
  8. I made Bakewell tart yesterday and it in no way compares to this!
  9. Wow Finleysmaid that is very clever, also looks very scrummy.
  10. I do not think my parents would like to be phoned and I would feel very uncomfortable doing it. I am popping messages on our messenger page which most are responding to alongside the activities and video of me reading stories on Tapestry. It’s all very relaxed and friendly! I personally cannot believe where the days go, at the start of all this I thought I would get so much done! But I just seem to plod through the day not achieving anything and then before I know it, it’s bedtime again. I do keep thinking I should get to my setting and start getting it straight and organised ready to return, but then I think we’ll if we are not returning (hopefully) before September, what’s the point doing it now! I really hope we get some clarity next week on what to expect. It’s really doing my head in now! I have been reading posts on a FB early years page and everyone is the same, fed up of everyone surmising different dates, and expectations of opening hours etc and just how we can manage a return safely with this age group. Settings who have stayed open (I have nothing but respect for you) clearly state that it’s impossible to social distance the children and staff and that all the cleaning that has to take place must be very time consuming each day. Right I’m stopping now as I will start getting anxious again.🤨😱 Happy and safe Friday all.x
  11. Just seen this and wanted to share. How gorgeous and such a fabulous example of early communication. And you can’t not smile very widely and go ahh when watching.
  12. zigzag


    Thank you for posting this Sunnyday, it’s not something I would have thought about.
  13. I have read books 1 and 2 and was eagerly awaiting the third, which I think is out now. I also recommend the comfort food cafe series by Debbie Johnson. Also really enjoyed A grand old time by Judy Leigh.
  14. Exactly!
  15. I saw this yesterday and couldn’t believe what I was reading! At the best of times I feel that we are a baby sitting service this will just give parents even more of an excuse!
  16. Let’s hope someone listens to him! So sick of reading all the speculation about schools going back that is being stirred up by the media.
  17. Do you have government insider info?😉
  18. I’m glad it’s not just me, It really is playing on my mind, worrying just how we return safely. I keep thinking of all different scenarios, only having the ones going to school, not starting the ones that were meant to have started this term until September etc. My little pea brain is like a roundabout!
  19. On the last morning we managed to wash loads of toys and then leave a load soaking in Milton. I did after a week go and empty those out and leave to drain and grab the dress ups to bring home and wash. Now it will be a case of wiping all the wooden toys with ant bac and then giving the whole place a through clean and airing. I just wish someone would say that we are not going back until September and then we all know where we stand and plan accordingly.
  20. I popped in to pick up post the other day and it’s very strange, like the Marley Celeste! Washed toys still in their trays where they were left to drain. I keep thinking I really should get up there and clean and sort and maybe tidy sheds, but I do not have the motivation!!
  21. It’s the little things!!🤣
  22. I think he will not be pressurised to ease the lockdown before he thinks it is as safe as it can be. I think he will stand firm. I was so pleased to see him back today, I am not a political person but I think he and the other two are doing a damn fine job in unprecedented times and circumstances. I think having the virus and being in hospital and seeing it all for REAL will make a difference to how he proceeds. Please god, no early years back until September!
  23. That is one high maintenance loaf! Hope it’s worth it!
  24. Ahh bless you, that is kind. We are exceptionally lucky here, especially being so very rural! I just worry that if they lift some restrictions that people will choose not to travel abroad but come here in the summer instead. It really is a real concern. There are already plenty of second home owners (quite a lot actually) and pockets of visitors walking around. It does make us locals a bit cross. Cornwall has one main hospital and that is it, in normal summer seasons it’s stretched to its limit as are all other facilities and services.
  25. It’s eerily quiet! Usually from Easter onwards we are inundated. The majority of businesses down here are tourist related, so just hope they can survive.
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