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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. It’s the same repeated refrain over and over again. Apparently they have been listening to and working closely with the sector! I think there are thousands that would disagree. And if they mention blooming Denmark once more I will scream. Different age groups gone back in Denmark and Denmark have also had under 600 deaths in total, slightly different from 34 thousand! I am shouting at the tv, as they are making me so infuriated.
  2. Thank you. It’s interesting to see how they sit. How do you manage lunchboxes? We store the lunchboxes and then take items out and put them on the child’s plate.
  3. Thank you. I am thinking of reducing sessions from 6 hours to 3 hours so that we don’t have to deal with lunchboxes and meal times. How do you cope with meal times?
  4. I know, it’s a bit of a get out cause maybe!
  5. Our county have confirmed that there are no “current plans to take funding away” if we choose not to open. So that’s good. I still don’t know if it’s worth opening for 4 to 6 children! I am worried that if myself and deputy decide not to open that the committee will say “no pay”. (Bearing in mind that the chair is pressuring me to open to take her two children) She is also very unhappy with the thought of morning only sessions instead of whole days. Again there is such a conflict of interest in having a committee made up of all parents. So I am no further forward with a decision, but I have calmed down and stopped stressing (at the moment)
  6. I agree, half term is not going to mean anything anyway! I really do t think it’s too much to be asking.
  7. Where can I find this to read?
  8. It’s so frustrating!😬
  9. Helpful as ever then!😬
  10. Sounds like you have it sorted louby loo. Now have a glass of something nice and relax. 😀
  11. So far I have 8 no I won’t bring my children back, 4 yes I will, 2 undecided and one not heard back from. So my question is where do I stand in saying I am not opening and putting staff and children at risk for 4 children?
  12. I am in a constant state of feeling sick about it. I just do not understand why the government is not listening to head teachers, unions, EYA etc when they are saying it’s not the right time to open. I am quite surprised that more of my parents seem to be choosing to keep the children at home, I really wasn’t expecting that. I am going to contact our LA today to see where we stand on not opening if we only have a few children wanting spaces.
  13. The definitely yes will NOT change their mind! The definitely yes is also the chairperson!!
  14. I have sent a message out asking if people want their children to return IF their is a possibility of it in June. So far I have two definite no’s one maybe and two definitely yes. I explained very clearly that staff and children would not be able to social distance, also explained no parents in the setting under any circumstances and the need to massively reduce the amount of toys and resources available. I also said we may change to shorter sessions. The one person I knew who would query this did! Wanting to know if it’s statutory guidance or just me! I bit my tongue and explained my reasoning very nicely😬 Just waiting for the rest to let me know now.
  15. No! One who is retiring at the end of term is not coming back and I totally support her in this. Other staff members not happy at all.
  16. We currently open two full days (9-3) and one morning. I am toying with the idea to change for the rest of the summer term to opening five mornings 9-12. This means lunch boxes do not need to be brought in, yiu haven’t got the worry of cross contamination at lunchtime where they sit close together and it also means more staff Available at the end of each session for cleaning equipment and the room. What are your thoughts on this?
  17. I have messaged with my staff to gain their point of view and general consensus is it is too soon and that the changes that will have to be made are going to be quite a lot. They don’t want to return. We are a small charity run pre-school and to be honest currently most parents would not be sending children to us because they have to work, it would be to get their ‘me time’. I am being pressured by someone who obviously cannot wait to get her two back to pre-school (this is the chairperson) and this is when I feel there may be a big conflict of interest. Our committee are ALL parents! Yesterday I told her to give me a few days to read what comes out from the government, the LA and to speak to staff. I am NOT being rushed into anything that I and my team are not comfortable with. I know we have to start somewhere to getting back to ‘normal’ but I just don’t know the time is now. I am going to spend the afternoon trying to get my whirling thoughts and ideas into some form of risk assessment and policy. May be shouting for help!
  18. Don’t you dare step away from the forum! I think it’s safe to say we are all feeling in the same boat at the moment, and let’s face it at the moment we have nothing concrete to work to, once we do I am sure we will all pull together to help each other try and sort out a plan. Sending you love Sunnyday xxx
  19. So many unanswered questions, I feel nothing but frustration after last nights statement. I know the EYA are asking for clarity today regarding EY providers. So maybe we will know more later. We are committee run and I would urge our committee to be considering opening very carefully, But I already know how that’s going to go, parents want their children out of their hair so of course they are going to say we open. There will have to be huge changes in daily routine and activities and I don’t think parents quite appreciate the changes that will have to be made. Im going to wait for later and see if anything else comes out. My head is spinning and anxiety levels going through the roof. I don’t feel capable of stringing a sensible sentence together.
  20. I think the whole nation is confused!
  21. Our village square is all decorated and it looks really lovely. The last post was played in the square this morning followed by an enormous clap that went on and on. Such a shame that the celebrations cannot be as planned.
  22. I’m just smiling and nodding at everything everyone says! I can barley sew a button on!😏
  23. Just what you need!😬
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