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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. Received email from EYA confirming insurance coverage is appropriate for re-opening.
  2. Sunnyday, you and Mr S make me laugh. Xx
  3. I am literally just going to put this in the beginning of my policy folder. None of my committee have considered any of the additional paperwork and risk assessments and yet they are the ones forcing me to open and yet could be the ones that are liable. 😡I am currently doing a written risk assessment and will then put a letter out to parents (all 2 of them) asking them to read the risk assessments and sign to say that they understand the risks although minimal will still remain and that pre-school will be a different experience from what is normal. I will also get them to sign that they will not bring their children if anyone in the household has symptoms. This is the PSLA summary of policy amendments. Covid 19 updates.docx
  4. COVID-19_Updates.docx
  5. I think it’s probably half the population at the moment Sunnyday!
  6. I think if I am to have any kind of future with the pre-school we need to move away from being a parent led committee. This has really angered me that I am good enough to make all the decisions, run the place etc etc with little support until it comes to the fundraising side and now they are not listening to me and doing what they want.
  7. I only know Monday as it’s click and collect day and Wednesday as it’s bin day!
  8. Click on the insurance link on the homepage and it’s on there!
  9. I wish they would flaming hurry up!
  10. COVID 19 notice re: implications of the latest government guidance about childcare providers re-opening on 1 June: The Alliance's Scheme's Insurers, RSA, are examining the government announcement and more information will be available soon. This is really not good enough when we are all desperately trying to make plans.
  11. After a long ‘discussion’ with the committee, we are opening on the 8th for two mornings a week for 3 children. I am completely demoralised about this, knowing these children like I do, I know that it is going to be a very weird experience for them. Obviously we will do all we can to make it the best we can. In a way I am now hoping that a few more might jump back on board when we return! This was a compromise in the end, as the discussion started with me being told we will open all sessions! Last night I was so frustrated about not being listened to and was in tears. I was thanked for all my hard work, which was nice but felt empty after not being listened to.
  12. I am trying to get across how awful it would be for the three children. The 4 year old would have none of his peers there, his brother is two and still plays mostly in isolation and the three year old is in neither friendship group. Just trying to make them understand that I cannot see any benefit to them being in school. Especially as it won’t be the school they recognise.
  13. How do I respond to the “government say we HAVE to” statement?
  14. Ok have contacted the committee and let them know we only have 3 children (2 families) that want to start in June. 1 four year old his two year old brother and a three year old. I have a committee member who is a school secretary and has said we HAVE to open because the government say we do. I don’t think it’s realistic or beneficial to the children in that tiny group and in a stripped down pre-school that they attend. Help, my head is spinning, what do I do....
  15. 3 definite, 1 maybe, 1 not responding.
  16. I thought the guidance was already out, I am so confused.
  17. Gosh you are lucky to have a plan in place. I am still waiting for further info before I approach the committee. With only 3 children it seems daft (not working Mums) and two of them are siblings. Hoping I may get some answers in this webinar in a minute!
  18. All I have done is collected our click and collect order and sorted and delivered relevant shopping and worked out bills to my parents and my neighbour. This seems to take quite a chunk of my morning. I have made a bread pudding (with bread that was substituted on my order), pasta salad, coleslaw, marinaded and cooked chicken breasts and gammon ham. Just looked at the time in horror to see that it’s 3:30! Joining a webinar run by LA at 4 aimed at early years returning. Will let you know if anything helpful occurs. 😀. Quite honestly I don’t know where the day goes, how did I ever have time to go to work!🤣
  19. Have you seen that Ofsted are sending out a survey to parents to see if they should start inspecting again! It’s thought that it might make parents feel it’s safer to send their children back! I’m speechless!
  20. I was intending to have our outside sandpit available and lots of water play. I will try and track down this guidance instead of taking someone else’s word!
  21. It’s very disheartening, everything we have worked to change, develop and improve with continuous provision, natural resources and child choice all now gone. When we go back if it’s June or September, we will have a plastic (😢) toys in boxes and the children will be able to choose a few boxes at a time, then these will be washed and rotated with other toys. With lots of new starters in September I just do not know how this is going to work! It literally makes me feel cold thinking about it.
  22. I saw it on a early years group on FB. I will try to find it.
  23. Sorry couldn’t resist! (Image from Pinterest) I keep thinking of those big spheres that you get inside and roll down a hill in! And that we should all be in one of these to protect ourselves!
  24. THANK YOU! I have been trying to think who he reminds me of when speaking!🤣
  25. 😡😡Have these people even ever been in a room with children? They seem to think they sit at desks all day so they will be safe! I went to work yesterday to deep clean and prep the room. I came away feeling completely demoralised. All soft furnishings, rugs removed, wooden toys gone. Now the guidance that we cannot have water play, sand play etc. Gosh these poor children😢
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