Louby Lou, I am so pleased you have got to the place you are now, well done! What you say is so true, I never got to that point when I was still working, but can see it plain as day now I am out of it. I worried way too much, did far too much out of hours and unpaid, and took on far too much myself. And actually probably half of it wasn’t actually totally necessary anyway. Mousie, you need to switch off and have a total break at some point during the holiday and I hope you can do that, maybe Louby can mentor you!
sunnyday, glad you are enjoying the singing. They have a choir down in the cove and I was on the beach when they were practicing the other day. Sounds like a lot of fun! Sadly I’m completely tone deaf and would either get expelled or everyone else would leave!
I get what you are saying about the dog voice! I’m the same with my dog and grand dog. And my husband constantly thinks im talking to him!
The weather down here has been atrocious, so much rain, it’s just insane. The poor garden doesn’t know if it’s coming, going, been or gone! If we don’t get sun soon I might just hibernate!