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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. All the best to everyone going back next week. Mouseketeer reading your post brings back memories and I’m so very glad I am not doing that anymore! Hope you have a smooth start to the term. cannot wait for it to get a bit quieter down here again, which it should do this week. As Mum said it will be the newly weds and nearly dead’s (or golden oldies) for the next couple of months. Still no kitchen! But all the prep work is done, self levelling floor went down yesterday, so waiting for that to dry then it’s all action stations for kitchen fitting next week. I cannot wait. Have a lovely weekend all.
  2. That’s very funny Sunnyday. Nothing like looking for a bit of Granny sympathy!
  3. Such unsettled weather at the moment. One minute it’s hot and the next it’s pouring and windy! Well my husband is currently stripping out our kitchen ready to fit a new one. We are literally getting rid of everything right down to the flooring. So currently cooking in the shed with. Slow cooker, air fryer and a tiny hob plate! The biggest challenge for me is surviving the upheaval and mess, which I don’t do well! It will be worth it in the end though. I guess the summer hols are coming to an end soon? (I am so out of touch now I have no idea on term dates) so I hope you all enjoy the rest of the time you have. Happy weekend all.
  4. I recently made focaccia for the first time and it was delicious. I use a stand mixer and you have to have the dough really, really wet. I then transferred it into an oiled rectangular container for its first prove and then into a baking tin for the second prove. I also found really digging your fingers in really deep over and over before the cooking really helped the texture. Well today’s weather has been lovely which after the horrible weather yesterday is a relief. My Granddog went into be spayed yesterday but it couldn’t be done as she is having a false pregnancy! It’s a shame as we were all dreading it as she is a funny little soul who does not like strangers. It’s just prolonging the agony now! Have a good weekend all.
  5. I just don’t know where the weeks go! Time seems to fly by so quickly! Lots of jobs this week and much dog walking, my dog and grand dog. It’s very busy down here and counting down the weeks until it starts to quieten down a bit! Been loving the Olympics and have watched as much as possible. Hope Zebedee is beginning to feel better. Xx
  6. We hear you Louby!!🤣🤣
  7. It was very different! Really not my favourite opening ceremony at all. Loved Celine dion, thought she was amazing. Also liked the horse on the river and the minions! The rest was ……. actually have no words!!
  8. Sunnyday, my Mum is 88 and is a volunteer cook, server, helper at the ‘old people’s lunch’ EVERYONE she cooks for are younger than her! She also helps out at another community lunch and with the dementia cafe! Thats in between Pilates class, keep fit, table tennis and walking everyday! Honest to good she is amazing. I hope I am as fit and able at that age!!
  9. Bet Froglet will be a happy lady later! Lovely day at last down here and no work today so a Massive veggie garden weed today ( or until I get fed up). Very happy that the Olympics is starting, looking forward to that. Have a very lovely weekend all.
  10. Hang in there……
  11. All good, just been totally rubbish about checking in here! Thank you for thinking of me. Xx
  12. Louby Lou, I am so pleased you have got to the place you are now, well done! What you say is so true, I never got to that point when I was still working, but can see it plain as day now I am out of it. I worried way too much, did far too much out of hours and unpaid, and took on far too much myself. And actually probably half of it wasn’t actually totally necessary anyway. Mousie, you need to switch off and have a total break at some point during the holiday and I hope you can do that, maybe Louby can mentor you! sunnyday, glad you are enjoying the singing. They have a choir down in the cove and I was on the beach when they were practicing the other day. Sounds like a lot of fun! Sadly I’m completely tone deaf and would either get expelled or everyone else would leave! I get what you are saying about the dog voice! I’m the same with my dog and grand dog. And my husband constantly thinks im talking to him! The weather down here has been atrocious, so much rain, it’s just insane. The poor garden doesn’t know if it’s coming, going, been or gone! If we don’t get sun soon I might just hibernate!
  13. 🤯🤯🤯🤯
  14. Such a mix of weather this week! Wednesday was unbearable down here (and it’s not usually like that as we always have a coastal breeze) then Thursday was blowing a hoolie! Today has been a complete mix! Cannot stand the football but do like watching Glastonbury so happy this weekend! Louby, cutting down to two days sounds great, I’m sure you will not regret it. Had a lovely view from work today! And when one put its sails up to sail out of the bay it was so beautiful. Have a lovey weekend all.
  15. Sunnyday, you do make me laugh!
  16. The sun was shinning! Early this morning on the beach it was absolutely beautiful but now it is pouring, I cannot see the end of the field through murk and it’s cold! But I’m sure I can hear my allotment giving a big cheer! Busy week on the holiday changeovers and really making the most of non muddy dog walks as well! I am still feeling utterly blessed to being able to have this lovely work life balance at the moment. Two years on from giving up work and so wish I had done this years ago! We attended the funeral of a 96 year old neighbour this week, I was talking to his wife after her first night back at home since he died and she broke my heart! They had been married 70 years. Just cannot imagine how that must feel. Have a lovely weekend all.
  17. Brilliant day yesterday with the family and the place they are staying is just lovely with the most stunning view over a beach and a massive garden. My dear dog was in her element and was exhausted by the time we got home. Today I met up with my old dream team from the good old days at pre-school they all retired before me and we went to lunch at Roskillys which was really lovely.
  18. Beautiful weather here. My family are down from kent, so today we are all going out to a beautiful cafe for breakfast and then back to their amazing place where they are staying for pasties and yummy homemade desserts. So it should be a lovely day. Good luck with the fundraising Sunnyday, hope it’s a good day today.
  19. Thinking of you both Cait and sending you good thoughts.
  20. Happy birthday Cait. Hope you have had a lovey day. Good Job we have Sunnyday to remind us when all the birthdays are, thank you lovely lady. Loads of gardening the last couple of days making the most of the stunning weather. I have to say but my arms and face are going a very nice colour, always feel so much better with a bit of a glow! Hope everyone has had a good week and all have a great weekend.
  21. They really did! Xx
  22. I’m sure some people just don’t think before they open their mouths!
  23. The valley behind my house is just stunning with bluebells and the fresh new beech trees. Its so magical but my camera will not do it justice.
  24. Been beautiful here today, sadly it all going to go tits up at the weekend! I had some brilliant news yesterday, after a couple of weeks of worry I had an ultrasound scan and got an all clear after having elevated levels of ovarian cancer show up on a blood test. I’m so very relieved and it’s like a lead weight has been lifted. I slept like a baby last night! Hope everyone is well and has a lovely weekend. Xx
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