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Everything posted by lynned55
Much the same as everyone else really. However the biggest and perhaps most important is what Rebecca is saying- why do we keep being forgotten? Even yesterday's press conference from ED SEC (Gavin W) were nurseries or childcare even mentioned- NO! It is costing us a fortune to implement all the changes we are going to have to do- even down to the extra cleaning materials. Schools are being given extra money to help them with all this- why aren't we? We have no additional cleaning staff, so our staff will be cleaning everything themselves. Lastly- the guidance has not been written for the nurseries (& childminders) that operate out of one room, church hall or someones home- and many have different children attending on different days. So many of these settings operating like this are Outstanding settings, so why are they not being consulted when trying to work out what to do. I would love to know who is advising the government on how EY settings work- I'm pretty sure it isn't anyone who works in a setting.
Yes of course- although haven't a clue where to start. Just listened to a video conference and an EY consultant speaker said start with a blank one, do not use anyone ele's
Yes, that's how I am looking at it.
I have furloughed two staff for May- actually they are all furloughed but only claiming for two salaries. However as I stupidly left claiming for April's until week before May's salary was due- I still have another week to go before I can claim for them. I dont actually remember what I did or how I got to those figures now! So looking at it, as I wrote it all down- I'm still not too sure how I've arrived at these figures. But I dont care, if they come looking for me- it's only going to be a maximum of £3k to be paid back and that includes June's salaries!! So let them audit. They shouldn't have made it so bloody complicated- sorry- language- but really if your accountants cant sort it, how am I (who doesn't even have a CSE maths & yes, I am that old) supposed to. Sorry Mousketeer - I'm not being much help to you- I am sending all my staff a letter next week telling them they are coming of furlough on 31st May (as agreed in their original letters) I dont think I will bother to put them back on- we will have 8 staff (inc me) and 14 children coming back. But I think with all the cleaning we will be doing we are going to need them all in, most of the week. I'm more concerned about opening now and having everything in place- which is giving me an even bigger headache than this blasted furlough.
playgroup1- you are welcome
Well - I am flabbergasted- we have just been sent a 7 page letter from our LEA- mainly quoting guidance at us and telling us how important transition documents will be! Really
So would I- what if they wanted to end their furlough whilst away? Ours states that we only need to give 24 hours notice
Reluctantly we are going to say no- shared care will not be possible. Will be a waste of time trying to follow guidance of keeping to small groups if they are going off to another setting
I have just sent a letter for parents to my Deputy to see what she thinks of it (she's a good sounding board) I've spoken to our parish priest and he is agreeable to us opening Sent the full guidance to staff yesterday and asked them to let me have their thoughts/ideas. Couple have come back with some surprisingly good ideas, one is moaning about no masks (but that isnt going to happen) One has said she's more than happy to come back, one has said 'why are you sending us this- its by no means definite that we will open June- just a maybe' (I give up!) one said- I have received your email and read the guidance- and I'm still waiting to hear from 3!! Did hear from our local school asking me to verify that two of my staff will be working as they've asked for their children to be in school. So I have asked parents who is willing to come back. Told them that- we will open mornings only (to start with) for just 3 hours (our morning sessions are normally 3.5) to start open for those going to school in sept only - to start no lunches - to start no parents - children handed over at door- if your child is not willing to come in- keep them home no shared care - us or them That's as far as I have got with planning- loads of other bits but not for parents. I do wonder if I've given too much info- I said our aim was to try and follow guidelines, keeping children in a small group (the same ones as far as possible) and they probably wouldnt be with heir friends or able to choose who to be with. I also said please be aware that just as our lives have now changed I didnt think preschool would ever be the same as we were. So I will wait and see- I'm not even sure if trying to keep the children in a 'bubble' will work- not all of our children do the same days and not all staff work every session. I did add that any decision we make will be conditional and subject to change with little or no notice. I think we have 26 going to school- so I'm going to see if it is practical to keep them in separate groups. Need to do a risk assessment proper plan for how we are going to run the sessions a cleaning rota (just so we dont all clean the same thing 10 times throughout the morning and miss something else) maybe some guidelines for staff on how to approach and what messages we send to children- just so we are all singing from the same song sheet - I dont want us to be giving out the wrong messages to children or making them feel worried or anxious they are doing the wrong thing- but equally I think staff have to feel comfortable. However the thought of trying to have a meeting (virtual or otherwise) to discuss this feels me with horror- so I think I may do a 1:1 quickly to get some thoughts and then decide. Being really mean here but apart from one staff and my deputy- I feel the rest have been so unsupportive that they dont deserve any consultation! But like many of you I have a banging headache today and am back to feeling stressed again. Maybe they will change their minds about us opening in June
The only thing I thought of doing would be to contact parents first asking who would definitely be sending children in. A lot of course will depend on numbers. We had a couple of mornings with 31 children in and 8 staff- so cant see any social distancing going on there!! I dont think they are all going to return- I'm sure some will stay away. However this is assuming we go back on June 1st- so who knows. I do have a huge list of questions I will need answers to and procedures we will probably have to have in place before we open but they really will depend on when we open and what any changes to our regulations and/or guidelines are. For instance if we dont open until September our numbers are much lower, so probably wont need the same amount of staff each day. June I wouldn't be happy about parents coming in at all however Sept, we couldnt possibly settle in new children without parents coming in. So............... all depends- will just have to wait and see what is said on Thursday.
That does say it all Mousie- doesn't it! And yes- I rather think we maybe opening in Sept with me, my dep & one staff member! Thanks Cait- appreciated. You know- I dont want anyone to say 'aren't you great' or what can I do. But answering emails without me chasing them up or even answering a 'how are you doing'- would be a start! Anyway- roll on next Thursday- hopefully we should get some news then.
I did it- for April's salary- but did it wrong- only claimed for one staff member (that bit was right) but miscalculated it so not too bad. I have to do May's payroll in a few days so will get that one right- however I have just found out today- that I should have included Inclusion Funding & EYPP in my funding calculations. Now I just want to scream! I give up- really wondering if it's worth it. Found our UTR number but didnt need it! We haven't heard a thing from our LA apart from the answer to my query of if the Inclusion funding came from DSG today.Now I wish I hadn't bothered to ask. Honestly if it wasn't for my Deputy I'd be totally on my own in this- committee all but disappeared, LA the same - as for my staff- all of whom have been furloughed at 100% - they're definitely pretending how to do a disappearing act. I've emailed them a number of times about various things- and only one has had the manners to reply! I even had to chase three of them to return the furlough stuff- made me realise who I want to keep if we have to get rid of staff! Sorry- all I seem to do is moan lately.
Oops! Forgot about the UTR- I hope I can find it- I know we were sent one when the tax free childcare stuff was set up but that was so long ago and I'm not even sure if I have it at home. I have everything else I need. I think if I dont have it- then I will give up. We can only claim 22% anyway and like everyone else am so sick of it. Like you Mousie my staff (except my Dep) all seem to think that being furloughed and not allowed to work also means they cant ask how anything is going. All I seem to do is moan at the moment and I havent even attempted to use HMRC yet. Really though it's been such hard work getting to this stage that I cant see inputting the data could be any worse! Maybe I'll furlough myself next month
That was a joke BTW about giving myself a payrise!
Yes thank you. I am booked onto a web thing with HMRC this afternoon- so will have to bite the bullet and sort it after that. I was under the impression that the EYA were going to try and do some sort of calculator for us- but cannot find now where I got that info from so it'snot looking likely now. I had committed to paying all staff through to September full pay anyway-providing we got the full funding & even before this came through as we have managed to build up a healthy reserve. But did warn them that we would then have no money for emergencies, sick pay and possibly they would all have to go on short time in September. I thought if I furloughed them and could claim back even just 20% it would help us for next term. So we will see. I'm at the point now where I'm thinking what will be will be. I cant worry anymore about 1/2 or even 3/4 years time, I can only do what I think is best for now. This is not my business, I am just an employer although I think the majority of my staff (& committee) dont realise that or choose to forget!! We normally renew contract, give salary increases etc for May's payroll but I'm just keeping it the same. I have two staff that would have needed increase in salaries for NMW & therefore having a knock on effect for others. However I'm not giving anyone a salary rise this year (may give myself one though) and will sort out the NMW workers when we go back. I dont actually think anyone will moan- if they do I will remind them of all this time they have had off on full pay.
Doesnt this show how confusing this all is. All of us are doing something different. and I still cant understand why people are working out a % of their private income (no I know why they are doing that) but why- if your % is 25% - why dont you calim for 25% of each staff members salary. Why are we supposed to take 25% off 80% of our salaries and then claim that? It's ok- you dont have to answer me - I dont really know what I'm asking myself!
Oh my word!! I still haven't done mine yet. Why are you choosing someone whose salary equates to that amount Mousie, why dont you just furlough your staff and then take that % of all of them? I'm only asking as you have to get staff to agree to be furloughed- so if they've agreed and the minimum is 3 weeks how can you go back and say you are now not furloughed OR how can you put in the claim for them and then they disagree?? So sorry, I dont want to confuse anyone again. But I feel exactly as Zigzag does- sick of all of it and shouldn't be doing it! Got to do the same next month as well!
Exactly- it's so badly written.
I'l let you know how I get on. I did think I would leave it until the end of the week- knowing HMRC I was convinced the portal would crash on the first day!! I was wrong!
But your funding was for the term and presumably so was your private fees- so some of it was income for Feb. Take my advice - I am going to unfurlough my staff as soon as I possibly can, Anju has done all but one of hers - its not worth the hassle
Sorry what I meant was 80% of whatever your proportion was. See- trying to explain this even to someone 'in the know' is difficult
Hmm, I forgot the income was 3 weeks-
Well I've seen other people saying it's 80% of whatever your private income is- that's why I asked. Using what we should have been paid makes a difference of just over £1000 -so worth me using it. Will show on the bank statement but in March. To be honest its not a lot we will get back either way- so if they come after us then .............. they can have it bak!
Do yo think so- do hope not, as much as I want to get back to normal- I also think if we go back too early then what's the point in the last five weeks. I'm hoping for after the May half term. 1st June would be good.
one other thing- have just looked at your spreadsheet Anju- and it makes perfect sense to me- except I (and this is the one thing John & I did agree on) would use the figure of income that SHOULD have been for Feb.(so take from invoices ) I had a couple pay late. The main disagreement we had was he is saying that doing it this way (using Feb figures) rather than an average over the year means we will get much less for March as we had full funding to the end of March but private funding only until 20th- Most of April we would have been shut for as well. Sorry- said one thing and it's ended up 1/2 dozen!!