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Sounds perfect to me!

I really want to know what you do at your crochet workshop.

One of the very clever ladies at Knit and Natter is busy making little hanging pots/baskets and then making little flowers in Christmas colours (crochet) - we will add these to the Christmas hampers that our very lovely Parish Clerk puts together for our village 'oldies' - we are already contributing other knitted items (hmmm well we will be if 'someone' gets on with making hats for the men) - why can't I ever stick to just one project 🤷‍♀️

Anyway - have the best day! x

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Thank you everyone! Crochet workshop was great - there were 160 people there! We got the yarn and pattern to make a knight - we get to choose the different bits of armour we want. As it’s such a bug make though we started small and just made a sword today. Lots of chat, looking at crochet makes that others had done and some expert tuition. It was great.

Just had dinner with my sister, her family and my mum and dad - lovely birthday cake.

Also, my mum and dad gave me a kit to learn bookbinding. I’ve wanted to have a go for ages - am very excited!

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