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They look good :1b

Did you just cover with food colouring in plastic bags ? (like you do with dried rice)


I've never actually used chickpeas at work..

I used a splash of white vinegar and some watercolour paints. Just don't seem to get the good old fashioned food colouring these days.


Great idea for collages! Look a bit tempting to eat though...

Yes they do look a little like the skittles sweets!


Why vinegar? Would poster paint work? Thinking about it, possibly not good for collages as the glue would dissolve the paint.

apparently the vinegar helps to set the colour!


They look fab! You must've bought chick peas in bulk!

Huge tub from Amazon.


may i ask what paint ?

Liquid watercolours, also purchased from Amazon. So much better than food colouring and don't need to use too much.

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