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I just had a look on Amazon and I'm quite intrigued. I'll be interested to see if anyone has got it too. It has good reviews but it's a shame there's no 'Look Inside' option on this one on Amazon.

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i looked insidethis morning without any problem> Only a cursory look, much the same obviously, but with suggested phrases to write for reports by the look of it


I just had a look on Amazon and I'm quite intrigued. I'll be interested to see if anyone has got it too. It has good reviews but it's a shame there's no 'Look Inside' option on this one on Amazon.

Panders just beat me to it :1b yes I could 'see inside' too


not keen on the "i am learning to " phrase.....surely if you are recording it they should have learnt it...children of this age are learning to do all these things. Don't really see the point in this book but perhaps i'm missing something????!!!!

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Nor me I'm afraid - I encourage my practitioners to write the learning in their own words anyway as a DM statement is far too wide to be anything like a learning intention of any sort.


All I would ever use DM for is to read holistically and decide if a child was in an age appropriate band or not and how secure with the range of skills they were.



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to be honest, i have a couple of young staff/apprentices who find it hard to decipher what some of the statements are actually meaning, mainly in the 40-60 band, they usually end up asking me and it takes them longer to do their planning, which just takes up time that they could be spending with the children and i was thinking as this seems to break it down a bit it may help them to understand the DM statements better, and if they don't need to keep asking all the time, help build their confidence. We wouldn't use it to do planning but just to help weaker staff understand better. (Hopefully!)


Would this doc be of any use, it's kind of simlar and cheaper too?


attachicon.gif4Children_ParentsGuide What to expect When.pdf


Thanks, i have used this for a child who seemed to be showing as selectively mute and we needed to get parents to engage with what was happening at home, it was given to us by the area Senco but only the age band we needed and TBH i'd forgotten about it and didn't think to look for the older age bands, it looks very useful for what i need, thank you.


I've based my "entry level" data on this booklet. I discuss with my new parents where they think their child's development is, then plot it into our tracker as a starting point. Very useful parent type language

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Also going to ask parents to use this as a starting point, the idea being to give parents the 2 bands that cross over their child's age in months...I gave them all the outcomes bands last year ...big mistake we had 2 yr olds at ELGs and using the parent info to baseline didn't do much for the our Tapestry summation assessments :-/

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