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Empathise Mouseketeer, I have 'transformed' areas before, with staff walking in and not noticing!!! Grrrrrr

I transformed our room in the summer, created a block area, extended the home corner, created a numeracy and literacy trolley (which didn't work very well) and the whole place looked amazing. So first day back there I am waiting for a reaction or some kind of feedback and nothing!!! I actually had to say what do you think of it? At least the children gave me a positive reaction and by their actions told me that the trolleys were not a good idea! I would love to involve all staff in this but they just either don't want to know or are just plain lazy and happy to most me do it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh thats interesting. We have started the term with 3 focus children a week (our 10%) but started to panic and have talked about each keyperson having one of their own children each week as a focus child as began to feel that maybe once a term was a bit 'lite'.

Could be because we so used to observing so many children so many times!!??

Hi All, This is my first post on here, eek.

I am currently trying to reduce paperwork / lessen stress for my staff.

I took over our preschool in Sept 2014, and have not had an inspection as yet. I went through learning journeys today to assess how many obs have been done, most staff have completed 8 obs each month per child. which doesnt sound like alot, but with 8 children, thats 64 obs per month each?? These consist of short obs , long Obs and photos. All referenced to eyfs and characteristics etc. No wonder we are stressed, another problem is finding the time to write them up, I do mine at home, along with planning / wages etc etc but expecting the staff to do this at home is unfair.

I thought about doing focus child obs, maybe each keyperson chooses 2 of their children to do obs on per week? That means they will only get 3 or 4 obs per month? What is enough? whats not enough?


We are a team of 4 and have 8 key children each currently. We work 3 hours each morning in a pack away setting.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Tia. x


Planning was a recurrent theme in recent staff appraisals - basically they don't like ' my off the cuff' attitude. We have very loose planning , we have a focus story and some activities relating to the phonic of the week. Everything else was CP and I continually modelled and encouraged staff to extend and enhance and plan in the moment .


Staff at one time planned a week each but IMO it was always about what could be done , lots of ideas but execution lacked , They want everything written down and still find it difficult to extend .

So it was agreed in my appraisal to let staff get on with it and I stepped back for the 2 weeks before half term , they have a ' planning book' and the deputy collates the ideas they all have put forward.


I lent my Anna ephgrave book to my deputy to assist as I though this may help but it seems like staff still want spoon feeding as to what goes out . The planning for outdoors is zero and this is the area I said they need to think about and next steps but it seems lost ! I feel that it is probably down to my leadership skills and me expecting everyone to think like me , help please

Phew.... Are you me????? :o :1b :1b :1b :1b


I gave up reading this thread- as everyone else seemed to have an 'on board' teams and everyone was able to move forward xD


Now, with all the posts following the lashes one I know I'm not alone :rolleyes: :rolleyes: .

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Hi All, This is my first post on here, eek.

I am currently trying to reduce paperwork / lessen stress for my staff.

I took over our preschool in Sept 2014, and have not had an inspection as yet. I went through learning journeys today to assess how many obs have been done, most staff have completed 8 obs each month per child. which doesnt sound like alot, but with 8 children, thats 64 obs per month each?? These consist of short obs , long Obs and photos. All referenced to eyfs and characteristics etc. No wonder we are stressed, another problem is finding the time to write them up, I do mine at home, along with planning / wages etc etc but expecting the staff to do this at home is unfair.

I thought about doing focus child obs, maybe each keyperson chooses 2 of their children to do obs on per week? That means they will only get 3 or 4 obs per month? What is enough? whats not enough?


We are a team of 4 and have 8 key children each currently. We work 3 hours each morning in a pack away setting.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Tia. x


Hi Jodybailey and welcome to the forum. Not sure i can answer all your questions - as I have no idea what is right or wrong in the saga of the OBS!! However I am in exactly the same situ as you re staff packaway etc so I know how impossible it is to do so mauch admin and PLAY. So that is why I have thrown away paper journels - gone on to Tapestry ( much quicker and efficient) and have no thrown out the baby with the bathwater by declaring us - planning free!! Well kind of, we still do a white board and have an objective. The focus children this term so far has worked really well. It has much more value I think then snapshots here and there. To observe a child overr a week is quite lovely, you reeally see what they like to choose, how they play, what they are achieving, what they may need support in and hiw much we 'teach' them in a session!! All my staff feel like they've achieved and so its all going well!

Why dont you give it a try for a week or two?

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Pleased to hear it's going well Rafa ....even though we are doing the 2 NS each over a half term for each child to focus on rather than the weekly focus children it seems to have been a stress free week with staff not trying to cram in pre-planned small group activities all over the place or trying to find time to fill in next weeks (well only a couple that KPs really want to do with more able children, and they happen in the afternoon which is a much smaller group and no young 2yr olds ), and we know our children are still learning from their Tap obs ...and we even managed to throw in a pop-up role play area, but I so want one of those wood work benches :-)

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Posted (edited)

..........but I so want one of those wood work benches :-)

Think woodwork benches will become all the rage......and mud kitchens will be....'so last year'. :)

Edited by Rafa
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Just have to add - wooden work benches are available from that well known resources manufacturer Community Playthings!!!

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Posted (edited)

at what cost though Isp ? I'm thinking of just getting hold of an old chunky table, cutting the legs off to correct height and adding a couple of vices from somewhere like screw fix ..bingo


just looked..its actually not bad at £340 +vat, but can be done much cheaper and I know what height it needs to be now :-)

Edited by Mouseketeer
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Well done Mouseketeer. Dont forget that other handbook for ideas - Cosy. I am sitting here looking at the height of my own coffee table - no, my husband will kill me!!!


You could be starting on a whole new career path - workbenches, mudkitchens - what next ?????

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Posted (edited)

funnily enough Isp I saw a coffee table for a tenner on a local selling site and was trying to decide if it was quite high enough lol and don't forget a trip to Ikea for one of those hanging rails with pots to screw on the end to hold nails and screws :-)


I love the cosy catalog but never read good things about their delivery service or after care ?

Edited by Mouseketeer
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Posted (edited)



I love the cosy catalog but never read good things about their delivery service or after care ?


I like to show my husband (he was a fully trained cabinet maker) the cosy catalogue for the full novelty factor of his reactions :D:D:D:D


His shed is an Aladdin's cave and I keep telling him just how much he could earn xDxD



NOTE- Community Playthings gets his full approval and thumbs up!

Edited by louby loo
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Posted (edited)

Hi Jodybailey and welcome to the forum. Not sure i can answer all your questions - as I have no idea what is right or wrong in the saga of the OBS!! However I am in exactly the same situ as you re staff packaway etc so I know how impossible it is to do so mauch admin and PLAY. So that is why I have thrown away paper journels - gone on to Tapestry ( much quicker and efficient) and have no thrown out the baby with the bathwater by declaring us - planning free!! Well kind of, we still do a white board and have an objective. The focus children this term so far has worked really well. It has much more value I think then snapshots here and there. To observe a child overr a week is quite lovely, you reeally see what they like to choose, how they play, what they are achieving, what they may need support in and hiw much we 'teach' them in a session!! All my staff feel like they've achieved and so its all going well!

Why dont you give it a try for a week or two?

Hi Rafa and thanks,

I had a little talk to staff yesterday and we are going to try having a focus child, well actually 2 each per week, and we are going to group our focus children into ability, for example next week we will each have two of our youngest children who need to focus on communication and will feature this into planning, then we will observe our 2 children and concentrate on their LJs. The only worry i have about this is with 8 children each, they will only get observations one week in 4, and will that be ok as far as the great O are concerned?


Also just to add, my husband made me a mud kitchen, which is fabulous, may need to get him on a workbench if i can find somewhere to store it!

Also i recently had an order with cosy, they were great as we only work mornings and guaranteed delivery before 12 for me. :1b

Edited by jodybailey

Hi Rafa and thanks,

I had a little talk to staff yesterday and we are going to try having a focus child, well actually 2 each per week, and we are going to group our focus children into ability, for example next week we will each have two of our youngest children who need to focus on communication and will feature this into planning, then we will observe our 2 children and concentrate on their LJs. The only worry i have about this is with 8 children each, they will only get observations one week in 4, and will that be ok as far as the great O are concerned?


Also just to add, my husband made me a mud kitchen, which is fabulous, may need to get him on a workbench if i can find somewhere to store it!

Also i recently had an order with cosy, they were great as we only work mornings and guaranteed delivery before 12 for me. :1b

As I see it I'm sure that will work fine jodybailey. After all we are looking at specific development and progression with a focus child, where as to be writing down every little thing a child does week on week is not really necessary. We are observing our children all the time - even our non-focused children - and if we see a wow moment then we we note it - snapshot style, so nothing is really overlooked and if it is well it will be 'observed' again when consolidating learning.

There have been no set rules as to how often children are observed - just that a LJ is produced showing Interests, CoL, progression and Next Steps. How you do this is up to you. Make obs Worth It! Let us know how it goes.....


I too have has no problem with Cosy - had good products from them and service! :)


Lucky you with the 'useful hubbie' - worth his weight in gold there!! Finding room for stuff tho is the packaways nightmare!!


Can anyone point me in the direction of a blow-up one?? ; )

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I was really inspired by Anna Ephgrave's books too and we are now using Spontaneous Planning sheets. At the end of the week I highlight Next Steps for the following week, so this might be more activities or resources to support cutting skills, or resources to support children's interests ..I write these up on a whiteboard in the office with a mindmap for staff to add ideas; for example if the children are interested in monsters we will have a mindmap around that theme and hopefully cover all areas of learning. Key workers put obs for their key children on Tapestry, they also have targets for their key children which may last a few weeks or over a half term but they are areas that children need support/stretching in (could be learning initial sounds for example or toilet training) and these goals are shared & discussed/agreed with parents. It feels as these are all working documents that are for the benefit of the setting and not some 'visitor'. In a perfect world all staff would feel confident enough to add to documents but I keep reminding and encouraging and saying "That was a teaching moment!". We had our Ofsted inspection a couple of weeks ago and Mrs O quite happy. (Also happy with mind map SEF which also much less onerous and feels like useful, working document Phew!!)

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sounds good haykid, a couple of my staff are confidently adding the things they've become engaged in, scaffolded, shown etc to the sheet...but a couple of others not, so next week I have set them an exercise, instead of 1:1 peer obs I want them to make a quick note of 'teaching' they notice other staff doing over the week (whether individuals or groups), just to make them aware of how much 'teaching' happens without needing to be planned to the nth degree, I hope the ones who don't feel as confident will see from others just how much they do :-)


Hi Thumperrabbit, I don't fill in the Ofsted SEF as I felt it was a lot of time spent doing something that was for Ofsted and not for us. Our LA consultant suggested using a Mindmap as a SEF. It really is as simple as it sounds. I have a book (A4 plain paper) and I write down an area in which we want to make improvements (eg the garden) and then put down all the ideas we have and tick them off and date them when they are done. Each different area is on a different page. I might write a line at the top explaining why we are looking to make improvements in this area but it really is just a line. It shows that you are evaluating your practice and shows what/when/why/how you are doing it. The best thing is that instead of feeling like this big task that needs to be done it is a really user friendly document that is easy to amend and add to, I refer to it frequently to remind me of things I still need to do. Easy peasy!


Thanks for the video Mouseketeer. :1b

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Guest mikeymoo

Really interesting read...I too have just finished this book and have started to implement 'in the moment' planning...early days but the staff seem really keen to work with me on this. I am currently thinking of ways to record what we are doing as evidence for my head...not quite got a format I'm 100% happy with yet...

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This is a short video from carterhatch :-)

Thanks for this Mousekeeter, just used the video to inspire my staff regarding the principles of 'Planning and Teaching in the Moment'.


Hope its worked! :)

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Just been thinking about this video clip. This is what I would like our setting to aspire to, boy have we got a long way to go. Attended some maths training this week, which was brilliant with loads of ideas for brilliant activities and resources and what did a member of staff put out today to develop number recognition ...boring, uninspiring number peg puzzles (again) Find it really frustrating, we pay for these courses, staff get inspired but then don't take it any further! I have set up Pinterest boards with loads of ideas but they still seem to be doing the same things over and over. I'm bored, so goodness knows how the children feel. Can feel some tough love coming in the new year!! Wish Anna would come and visit our setting and my staff!!

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Posted (edited)

I hear you zigzag.....I've been modelling making resources a available for playdough more inspiring....putting tubs of beads, feathers, conkers, twigs etc... alongside and removing chairs so they work at the table standing, I have voiced my reasoning but every time I walk back through the room someone has put plastic shape cutters out (even though chn know where they are if they want them it isn't them) and put the chairs back gggrrrr the whole b***dy lot will be in the bin soon !


....and don't even get me started on the outdoors...I spend the weekend sorting through log piles, etching numbers in to them and lugging them in with no word that anyone has even noticed them, for someone else to turn up with yet another stupid plastic, twirly thing that gets a load of "awww that's lovely" ( see green sick emoticon)

Edited by Mouseketeer
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This s


Just been thinking about this video clip. This is what I would like our setting to aspire to, boy have we got a long way to go. Attended some maths training this week, which was brilliant with loads of ideas for brilliant activities and resources and what did a member of staff put out today to develop number recognition ...boring, uninspiring number peg puzzles (again) Find it really frustrating, we pay for these courses, staff get inspired but then don't take it any further! I have set up Pinterest boards with loads of ideas but they still seem to be doing the same things over and over. I'm bored, so goodness knows how the children feel. Can feel some tough love coming in the new year!! Wish Anna would come and visit our setting and my staff!!



I hear you zigzag.....I've been modelling making resources a available for playdough more inspiring....putting tubs of beads, feathers, conkers, twigs etc... alongside and removing chairs so they work at the table standing, I have voiced my reasoning but every time I walk back through the room someone has put plastic shape cutters out (even though chn know where they are if they want them it isn't them) and put the chairs back gggrrrr the whole b***dy lot will be in the bin soon !

....and don't even get me started on the outdoors...I spend the weekend sorting through log piles, etching numbers in to them and lugging them in with no word that anyone has even noticed them, for someone else to turn up with yet another stupid plastic, twirly thing that gets a load of "awww that's lovely" ( see green sick emoticon)


This is sooooooooo not funny- but I am in stiches reading these! It's like reading about my groundhog day xDxD :lol:


Truth be told I am actually now a 'knats **ss' away from chucking it all in .. :( Staff nod and agree about changes- then go away and cut shapes our for children to stick/paint on, owner 'forgets' to pay my wages, plus all the added paperwork etc.

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Posted (edited)

All the above comments are sooooo frustrating and Im sure we can all echo your thoughts and feelings.


I think the problem is , is that we Managers/Owners are under so much pressure to provide the very best quality provision - on a very low budget and basically rely on staff to be as imaginative and proactive as we are! Unfortunately the whole environment (talking about packaway here) the low wages and the low status of our job means staff are NOT generally interested in doing anything more than the minimum. The buck stops with us so we are doing our darnest to improve but no one else REALLY cares!


What we could do with is a much higher profile, much better wages and much better buildings to work out of......thinking of the video clip.........wouldnt we all like to work there? Even our 'weakest member of staff could probably rise to the occasion if they had that as their workplace.

Meanwhile we carry on making the best out of a cereal packet!! Its really grating.........

Edited by Rafa
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All the above comments are sooooo frustrating and Im sure we can all echo your thoughts and feelings.


I think the problem is , is that we Managers/Owners are under so much pressure to provide the very best quality provision - on a very low budget and basically rely on staff to be as imaginative and proactive as we are! Unfortunately the whole environment (talking about packaway here) the low wages and the low status of our job means staff are NOT generally interested in doing anything more than the minimum. The buck stops with us so we are doing our darnest to improve but no one else REALLY cares!


What we could do with is a much higher profile, much better wages and much better buildings to work out of......thinking of the video clip.........wouldnt we all like to work there? Even our 'weakest member of staff could probably rise to the occasion if they had that as their workplace.

Meanwhile we carry on making the best out of a cereal packet!! Its really grating.........


Well said!

I think my problem is, I'm sandwiched between a totally disinterested owner- and staff on low wages that are also now seeing the owner is not really that bothered about us... so why should they bother? Hours have been cut- yet staff are still expected to do work at home. :(:( :(

I am currently working on an action plan - that sees serious changes or my notice. :o:o

Trouble is I love (well did!) my job, the children, the parents...and even the staff really- they're just so demotivated at the moment that they just want to follow the easiest route . I do a blame them? Not really :D:D ::1a :D

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