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I must admit, I see people writing about the data they can produce from Tapestry and am getting worried that this will become something that Ofsted will expect as routine. We do not use an electronic system so it could become very time consuming.

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What I did when we was paper is, get staff to fill out a table where each prime area had its section so Psed had MR/MFB/SCSA with what they felt their child was at so 22-36E they did this at end of each term so over the year I could see progression in each child.

I then as I'm a bit techno devised a spreadsheet that put these into bar graphs which in turn had a line for ARE to help guide if they entered below or above ARE and where they left us therefore giving me attainment record.

The staff found it simple to pop these figures down so not time consuming for them at least. x

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There'a a really straight forward one that is excel based on TTS - it allows you to put in individual children and uses colour codes to show those children working above or below expected development. It is easy to spot trends too ie if one area is consistently high or low, if boys out perform/under perform when compared to the girls and so helps to inform provision mapping.

Edited by Ancaster
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There is a massive variation in how settings in Bedford track children's progress; lots do use electronic systems but many still use paper/excel. I think the important part is that you are aware of how different groups of children are progressing i.e. funded two year olds, those that receive EY PP, EAL etc and what you have put in place to support this.


I have attached an excel spreadsheet which some settings are using- many have adapted it to suit their own needs but it may be a good start??


EYFS tracking excel.xlsx

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We use PRAMS which provides this info and at my last inspection my inspector was more than satisifed with this method of tracking.

We do to. Out of interest though SueJ what reports do you generate from PRAMS. Some I find more useful than others and would be interested to know what other people thought.

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We do to. Out of interest though SueJ what reports do you generate from PRAMS. Some I find more useful than others and would be interested to know what other people thought.


I use quite a few of the reports so that I can pull up individual progress stuff, whole group stuff and field defined groups e.g., EAL, 2 year old funded etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Late taker to this post... I use Tapestry, but I'll be honest I really can't get my head around the analysis tools because it looks like they make no progress. Last year I made a grid with months down the side (performing) and across the top (chronological). I plot the children in when they enter, at a midpoint and when they exit (no midpoint if they only attend for a term. Then you can show hopefully them moving down and across the grid. This year I will add refinements.

Edited by MarshaD
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Hi Marsha,

We're currently working on a different screen which sounds similar to the one you describe here. Hopefully it'll be of more use to you :1b

That sounds positive! looking forward to this. As this way you should be able to see how many step progress has been made to determine good or accelerated progress etc. by looking at the increments in the ploted line.

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  • 5 weeks later...

There is a massive variation in how settings in Bedford track children's progress; lots do use electronic systems but many still use paper/excel. I think the important part is that you are aware of how different groups of children are progressing i.e. funded two year olds, those that receive EY PP, EAL etc and what you have put in place to support this.


I have attached an excel spreadsheet which some settings are using- many have adapted it to suit their own needs but it may be a good start??


attachicon.gifEYFS tracking excel.xlsx

I've just found this tracker and while it's easy enough to fill in and shows all the required info can you show groups like boys v girls or funded v no funded and if so how do you do that please x

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Is it just me who is somewhat against this kind of cohort tracking? Where is the statistical significance particularly with very small groups....and what has happened to the concept of the individual, unique child? Seems to me that ofsted( who love this stuff) need to learn a little more about "lies, damned lies and statistics". Ok rant over for today......

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I've just found this tracker and while it's easy enough to fill in and shows all the required info can you show groups like boys v girls or funded v no funded and if so how do you do that please x

that is exactly what I would like to know! other than printing it all off and spreading it out on the floor to look for patterns in the various groups...I know nothing about excel lol

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Is it just me who is somewhat against this kind of cohort tracking? Where is the statistical significance particularly with very small groups....and what has happened to the concept of the individual, unique child? Seems to me that ofsted( who love this stuff) need to learn a little more about "lies, damned lies and statistics". Ok rant over for today......

feel exactly the same and ofsted was quite happy with the way we are doing it now.....she wasn't that interested in 'groups' but in the individual and how they were progressing

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feel exactly the same and ofsted was quite happy with the way we are doing it now.....she wasn't that interested in 'groups' but in the individual and how they were progressing

oh that's good to hear, as long as we keep tracking eypp and 2 year funding, and monitor individual progress.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi can anyone tell me how I get the tracker to give me information from different groups i.e. 2 year olds boy/girls once I have imputed all the data in the spreadsheet, I am not too good with a computer so thank you in advance for anyone who can help

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You can click on the heading tab i.e. where it says gender and then tick the boxes of the group that you want to view i.e. boys. You can sort more than one column at a time so you could for example select boys that are funded twos.


This isn't a perfect spreadsheet but I hope you find it useful and please do feel free to amend :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi - I have downloaded the Excel tracking sheet which is useful (as my Excel skills are somewhat limited)... however, the 8-20 months drop down in all the areas of dev - populate the cell as August 20th....!!!!


It seems that the whole sheet is protected with a password (not just the cells - I have tried changing the cell to number from date but it will not allow it).... is there any way of changing this as my current cohort looks a little odd with dates as well as numbers!


Thanks, Kim

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Hi I am new to this forum.


Just looked at the tracker and I have to ask what does "CLA" stand for. The dropdown box just has 2 options yes or no



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