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Managers and Key Children

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Hi All,

I am the manager of a village preschool and currently have 6 key children. As you can all understand being a manager has a lot of responsibility and a heavy work load.

Do any other managers on here have key children?

Do you know if their are any guidelines saying weather a manager should or should not have key children?

Any help on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Thankyou in advance.


There are no written guidelines

I do not key work, I found I could not do both well, so I have not key worked for about 5 yrs. I do get involved with my staffs planning and I work in the hall other than the 1 day a week I am covered so I can paperwork in peace somewhere. I do know the children in my setting


I own my own setting which is quite small - up to 20 children, I key work as well as doing all the administration. Yes it is darned hard work sometimes. Currently I have 3 key children, but in the past I have had up to 6/7 I wouldn't recommend it, it just came about by circumstances. I am happy with 4 or 5 however.


I do manage the pre-school I work at doing all the administrative side of things, role model playing with the kids as well as acting as a key person for the 40 to 60 months age range. At times it can be challenging especially when I have to mentor staff as well as students on placement. I must admit though that I enjoy the challenge as It helps to boost my confidence.



I am a manager of a nursery setting that currently has 54 children daily, I don't have a key group but do attend all room planning meeting to keep on track with the children's learning as well as submitting our data. There is no way I would be able to due to all the other endless work us managers have to do!!!!


i used to have key children until sept 2012 and with all the other paperwork/demands i felt sometimes i wasn't giving my key children the input / support they deserved so since then i haven't had any key children (except for a boy with sen who would work really well with me rather than anyone else) I do do obs on children in the setting for other staff when i am in ratio (or just out to play lol) using their next steps for guidance. Must admit i wouldn't like to go back to having key children now I just don't have the time for it with next steps and planning, charting progress etc.,

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Yes, I was Manager with a dozen or so key children. My replacement is the same. There's no way that other staff could cope with additional key children. When there are 4 staff and over 50 children, it's not an option


I am Manager and SENCO and have 10 key children, including one SEN and one EAL, I am also training a newly qualified member of staff in working as a key person.


yes same as cait really have 54 children and five staff .....lots of sen so have tried to re-dress the balance a bit by taking some of the strain!.....Looked round at one point this morning to find 5 children with SEN around me.....began to wonder if i'm running a special needs school :blink: xD (all of us have eal children with 10 languages spoken it's inevitable !)


10 languages spoken in your setting!! Goodness me, we have only ever had one EAL family in all my years working at my setting. I am in awe of what you do.

feel free to bask in my glory!!!!! xDxDxD

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Yes it is! I delegated SENCO to my Deputy when I realised it would ease the workload. Safeguarding Lead got much 'heavier' and I needed to 'lose' something!


25 on roll at mo doing anywhere from two up to ten sessions. Owner, manager, SENCo, dogsbody, 11 key children, about ten EAL, three no English at all, but it's fine... I've given up sleeping.

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I am manager and have 5 key children at present, although we are not full. My staff all work either one or 2 days out of the 4 we are open, and one has no key children as she is not qualified and was not comfortable to take on the workload. So I have no choice really, even though my workload is heavy. I would change it if I could. I have just taken on a new deputy who is the only other person working all 4 days, and she is now SENCo, so I am hoping this will help. I do all my admin at home.

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