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So .......at last.......we have had some snow this morning!

Caused great excitement (and that was just the adults!) - surprising how fast we all managed to get our coats on today! :D

Not enough snow to do anything with - but we had fun trying to catch it in our hands!

Aware that for some of the youngest children this will have been their very first experience of snow (we didn't have so much as a single flake last year) - so how lucky am I that I got to share that with them! :1b

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Exactly what we did - and thought!! We had also put some water in our outside builders' tray yesterday before we left hoping for some ice - we did get some but one helpful little chap had found it on his arrival and broken it all up already! We are also having a really good time feeding the birds at the moment, they are even going on the feeders when we are outside! Amazing, they are a brazen little lot (the birds), tree sparrows, a couple of robins, and a blackbird - then much later we had 4 magpies a couple of wood pigeons and a crow! Best bit by far is hearing one of the robins singing at the top of his little heart, lovely.

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Our snow has meant the return of the red squirrels to the feeder in the garden! So lovely to see last year's kittens doing what mum taught them!

Cait how lovely - absolutely no red squirrels in this part of the world - well not that I know of anyway! :1b

Has been snowing on and off all day here - but not laying - ground too warm.........

Edited by sunnyday
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Yes we have. I think the greys will have the edge on the Reds over the speed they work out the device as they have had lots of practice with feeders meant to keep them out, whereas reds are deliberately fed!

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