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Hi all,

I need some inspiration for our first display. I have one long board and need to get something up relatively quickly but want to get away from handprints!

Any ideas?


Green Hippo xxx


make a friendship tree? children or you paint the tree, then put a photo of each child on an apple, which could be cut out of red paper or they could paint their apple. bit adult-y potentially, but doesn't have to be. and can stay up ALL YEAR!!!!!


what about a house type shape with windows - the children's photos could go into each of the windows = to give the children a sense of belonging?

pre-school rules for the children to get to know?

photos of the staff for the children to get to know - children could draw a picture of their key person which could go underneath?


I'd just mount and display the children's creative outcomes for the first week and put a big sign up saying we are all capable learners!!


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I agree. I would make an "art gallery" of what they produce - doesn't have to be paintings if you're able to mount/display models etc. Display them with the children's photo to help them identify their own work and give them a sense of pride.

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Our display is created by the children each term , all there work with little input from staff , our other displays boards are birthday board cupcakes with months of the year , our wow wall and then space for other weekly stuff

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We have a tree painted directly onto a wall opposite the entry to our Nursery and stuck on the tree are empty laminated "gallery" frames. This stays year round but it is extremely quick and easy to add children's work be it art work, mark making \ writing, photos of the children with quotes etc... Particularly useful in the first weeks when the main focus is on settling in.

In line with the rest of the school we work out our class rules and take photos to illustrate them in the first couple of weeks - this tends to go up on a fairly prominent board I use for whatever we happen to be working on at any given time.

There are some lovely and very "cute" ideas around for displays to start the year but I find they are usually very adult led and I am not sure what the children get from them (not knocking them, they're just not for me!)



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What ages do you have? When I was at school I started off with two trees (fifteen branches each) with some mark making on the branches for the autumn, in the spring add leaves and in the summer add flowers. It really shows how children develop over the year - may not work for v young ones though.

Guest Clarestickney

Birthdays is always a nice display to do.


I take each child to the creative area and show them how to use it, where everything is etc, working alongside a group. Whatever they produce goes up on the wall with a speech bubble of what they were saying when I worked with them, sometimes, alongside a narrative from me...which can often tell such a story...."Lucy spent ages painting her rainbow, selecting the colours very carefully. When she was happy with her creation she selected black paint and covered her rainbow...a storm is coming she said!"

I like the fact that these displays show the creation process and the thinking which is often overlooked.

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