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Kicking children out. FE


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Question.......................one of my mums asked me if a pre-school, nursery etc can tell a parent their child is being turfed out on the grounds that they 'only use a couple of hours over FE and we can make more money by having younger children in who are not yet entitled to FE'. My understanding is that the parent was never warned that this could happen and is absolutely shattered at the setting's stance. I know what I think............but can they do this?? The setting is in London

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I don't think that can be right at all. She needs to see their admissions policy's think, and ask for their early years advisor contact details. That'll put the wind up them! If nothing else, early years advisor may be able to find them a place in a nicer setting! Wouldn't want my child there anyway if they were just a commodity!

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I find this really shocking and agree with Cait - is it in their admissions policy that they can 'kick someone out' if a 'more lucrative' child comes along? in the past, we have had to turn away families wanting a full-time place because we there have been a couple of half days that we couldn't provide. It hurts, but if you don't have the space, you can't just turf people out!

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Ladies, thank you. I see you all agree with my thinking. I have advised my parent to tell her friend to contact the Early Years team at her LEA, ask about code of practice etc and how the FE is applied there..............and will pass on all your good advice too. Mind you, I also agree that I wouldn't want my child in there......

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I can see their point to some degree. If unfunded pays more than funded obviously the setting will want unfunded. In Birmingham, the onus is on the council to provide a place, nobody has to give one.

Saying that though its unfair and unsettling on the child and a terrible way to act even if it had been in the admissions policy, afterall if it was writen down would anyone want to go there?

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