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Holiday 'to Do' List


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You have shamed me Sunnyday - two steps forward and three back I think - the list just gets longer!


Thank goodness for the holiday weekend!! (daycare so are still open over the six weeks holidays...except for BH :D ::1a :D ::1a )

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You have shamed me Sunnyday - two steps forward and three back I think - the list just gets longer!


Thank goodness for the holiday weekend!! (daycare so are still open over the six weeks holidays...except for BH :D ::1a :D ::1a )


Oh don't feel shamed - I've had all holiday to achieve all these 'great things' xD

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I have a little more than you to do Sunnyday, motivation has been an extremely unhelpful problem this summer, plus the feeling of de ja vu - seems like only yesterday we were changing stuff for the original EYFS, the Pink folder Guidance, the DLO's - this list goes on!

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I have a little more than you to do Sunnyday, motivation has been an extremely unhelpful problem this summer, plus the feeling of de ja vu - seems like only yesterday we were changing stuff for the original EYFS, the Pink folder Guidance, the DLO's - this list goes on!


It was only yesterday! :ph34r: Wonder if we will still be working when they make the next change :blink: xD


Can't believe how much I've done.......those 'minor tweaks' turned out to be 'major changes'!


Something has gone very wrong with my body clock - I seem to be up at the crack of dawn every day so have used those early starts to get a lot done :1b

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I havent got a 'to do list' just a bag I stuff things into all term. I've fetched the bag out from behind the settee today, tomorrow I might even see whats in it!

Its a start! :rolleyes:

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Oooo, I bought some shiny new paperclips today, would that tempt the paperwork fairies? I could leave them scattered around on the settee and under the cushions :D


I'm going to try it in a staff meeting one day - just to see the looks on everyone's faces! ;)

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The fairies didn't come, but on opening the bag I discovered nothing of importance. That's either really lucky or I've put everything somewhere else.

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Just the laminating, parent's display, batteries to buy and install in new 'tools' (I'm going to have some happy boys! - that's not to say the girls won't enjoy a spot of drilling, chainsawing too!), move all of the files and folders that are 'decorating' every room (well not quite) room in my house to pre-school, clean setting........hmmm did I start this thread by saying I was nearly done :blink: xD :lol: xD

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Really not funny!

Playleader has been asking me to get it done for almost 3 years, but I've never done one before so its just dragged on and on. The LA advisor said we have to have one and because it was her saying it I kind of let it simmer. But now it has to be done as part of our funding criteria, apparently :ph34r:

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Really not funny!

Playleader has been asking me to get it done for almost 3 years, but I've never done one before so its just dragged on and on. The LA advisor said we have to have one and because it was her saying it I kind of let it simmer. But now it has to be done as part of our funding criteria, apparently :ph34r:


Oh my goodness :o right I'm not laughing.........honest :blink:

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Think clearly about it.

Is the list any different than it was last year?

Did you complete the list last year?

If not, and the setting didnt fall apart then I really wouldnt sweat over it.

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Think clearly about it.

Is the list any different than it was last year?

Did you complete the list last year?

If not, and the setting didnt fall apart then I really wouldnt sweat over it.

Thanks Rea you're right :1b think I really need a upbeat talk to get me 'in the zone' finished on a bit of a low last term

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i'm with you there TR but onwards and upwards and great advice Rea but i'm already having sleepless nights and as i just pointed out to OH only been there 7 months and he said 'really ? seems like years!!' do you think imay have been cascading my stress too much lol

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