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Children In Need Limerick Thread 2010

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there once was a limerick wrote

it really was more of a note

to raise money and cash

then to bed i must dash

before we all miss the boat!


(ooh dear they are getting dodgy now!)


Sponsored waxes, head shaves and bean baths

Raises money and smiles and many laughs

For children in need

A great cause, yes indeed

Year after year lots of maths


Another great year's passed us by

Tears of sadness and laughter we've cried

But here on this forum

From night through to mornin'

We're here for each other, why, oh why?


To help each and every one through

Each day whether its red green or blue

Through the good times and bad

The happy and sad

We here for each other, its true.


I’d like to say thank you to all

Who have tried on this thread to enthrall

And give children some money

Being sad, being funny

And I hope that you’ve all had a ball?


We’ll be judging the rhymes soon enough

I know the competitions quite tough

I’ll try to be fair

I’ll recognise flair

With luck you’ll receive lots of stuff.


Thanks everyone who has helped to keep this thread going. We haven't broken any records this year, but we have raised some money for Children in Need. I will double the money plus £5 a friend has given me knowing what I have been doing this this weekend.

Thanks again. We'll announce the prizes soon.


thanks to jacquie L and the gang

for giving the children in need a big hand

we will all take a bow

and hope not to row

when the prizes are sent round the land!

:oxD:(:(:( :wacko: xD


its a shame more did not join us

although we made such a fuss

there are prizes to win

and not a dusty bin

but pens, pads and a foundation stage mug.


There once was an internet forum

Whos members were full of decorum

Until one went away

Then they all went to play

In the hot tub she had in the garden.

Posted (edited)

The EY saints worked with the children

To some it was only play

But they worked on their knees

While trying to please

Mrs Ofsted, who turned up one day.

Edited by Rea
Posted (edited)

Some pants were wet upon the floor

The trousers in a pile

The teacher was at her wits end

The day had been most vile.


They'd painted all the windows

And glued the classroom fish

To paper plates and stickle bricks

And left them in the sink.


The room it was in uproar

The 2 TAs had fled

The shelving was all empty

A doll had lost its head.


The children were all hiding

Beneath the role play den

They promised to each other

Not to bring their parents again.


(Not a limerick but I had some words in my head)

Edited by Rea
The funny thing about limericks is once you get going with the rhythm you start thinking in limericks all the time. Odd!


I really don't know what you mean

You're just talking nonsense it seems

I'm sure that the rhyme

Has vanished this time

I think you're just overly keen


Well you seemed to manage it Beau,

Your limerick rhymed and scanned, too.

Much better than mine

But maybe in time

I'll be as good at this business as you!


I hoped that my brain would churn out a few

But alas it seemed to be a ta-do

But still I have time

To make something rhyme

Before I tend to my winter stew


I came upon two men from up north

Both hairy and lary and why-eye

Bikers they are

Serving dishes from afar

And if they can cook.. so can I!


Theres nowt going on in the kitchen

The carpets are covered in bits

The windows are not really see through

I've not fed the cats or ferrets.

Instead I'm thinking of ditties

To post in aid of the bear

This effort will have to be it though

Or we'll not have a thing fit to wear.


Judging this was really hard as everyone did so well. There were some brilliant limericks and also a few clever poems as well, so thank you everyone.

Two members tied in first place for the most limericks, Gingerbreadman and Finlaysmaid with 7 each. Rea has added one after we finished and now has 7 as well. She has in fact added more rhymes since as have one or two others. xD


The winners are as follows:

Best Limerick ....Gingerbreadman Post 66 - cheque and pen

Best Pudsey limerick …Bridger Post 38….FSF mug

Most limericks from a recently joined member ..... Finlaysmaid - badge and book

Best ‘better late than never’ poster..Rea… pen and pad

Early poster random prize ..Debs…. mug


If you wish to add more limericks now the official competition is over, then feel free to do so. You never know there may be a few FSF pads going as spot prizes. :o


Many congratulations to the winners

Their efforts were better than hot dinners

Commiserations to the rest

Who all did their best

Though you were all limerick beginners




You've added a limerick Beau (Boo)

But Mods are excluded (that's you!)

From winning a prize

Unless in disguise.

I'd have wanted one too. :o

Posted (edited)

I'm very proud to hear

and grinning from ear to ear

a Foundation Stage pen

top marks out of ten

and I'll see you all here next year!!



Thanks to the team for entertaining threads - will need to swot up for next years quiz though and will still be looking for Mundia's Pudsey's!!!



Is it OK to donate the cheque to Children in Need please?

Edited by gingerbreadman
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