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Children Wearing Earrings In Pre-school


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We have recently had a child attend Pre-School having just had her ears pierced, needless to say we are worried about her knocking her ears, other children hurting them etc especially when they are playing on climbing equipment or PE.


This is the first time we have ever had a child with earings.


Our leader has talked with the mother regarding our concerns especially during physical play and asking if we could cover them with tape. The mother was not very happy with this and does not want us to do anything with her daughters earings. :(


Has anyone else ever had a situation like this?


How did you deal with this, is this something we should have in a formal policy? or is it more dealt with on a risk assessment basis, with a disclaimer to the parent explaining the hazzards?


Thanks for any help you are able to give me. :oxD:(

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I've worked with many children who wear earrings, bangles, necklaces and I've never seen a problem. Most were worn for cultural/religious reasons and removing or asking them to be removed could cause offence. Parents are usually advised that the earrings should be small rather than hoop or dangling, necklaces tuked into clothing.

Do you have a jewellry policy for staff?

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We have several children who wear jewellery for cultural and religious reasons too. We do ask when children start if it is ok to remove jewellery if we need to and then of course we go with whatever parents say. Most common are stud earrings, bangles and sometimes necklaces. We've never had any accidents but we have had a couple of things that have got lost!


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I've worked with many children who wear earrings, bangles, necklaces and I've never seen a problem. Most were worn for cultural/religious reasons and removing or asking them to be removed could cause offence. Parents are usually advised that the earrings should be small rather than hoop or dangling, necklaces tuked into clothing.

Do you have a jewellry policy for staff?

Thanks for your comments, we do have a policy for staff wearing jewellery, and it is very straight forward, i.e. wedding rings, religious/cultural jewerlly and nothing dangling around.

This is the first time we have come across a child having her ears pierced and being so young, we dont have many children from other cultural backgrounds.

As far as we know her ears pierced is not for cultural reasons.

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Even if its not for cultural reasons, you could still be going against the culture of the family if you want them removed and covering doesnt really do anything, they're still there only with a sticky cover on.

If your policies dont state that jewellry isnt allowed or must conform to a certain type, then mom has every right to be annoyed. It might be something you need to review if its something you're not happy with, but it would have to be worded very carefully, you cant ban it entirely incase you get children from a background where it is culturally acceptable, then how would you ban anyone else from doing it?

A risk assessment might be better, but I think as with most thngs the risks are probably less than we think.

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Hi and welcome to the forum! :o


I've had a few children over the years with pierced ears and to be absolutely honest I have never given it a thought............and never experienced any problems........


Wouldn't go against parents wishes here (or anywhere else really!) it's obviously an important issue to them..........keep a note of conversation with parents and risk assess........


Just read that through and it sounds like some sort of an order :( clearly not intended to be - just my take on the matter! xD

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we have two children with pierced ears and one child wears 'cluster diamond' type earrings which she is CONSTANTLY get caught in dressing ups and doll's hair and stuff, it's a real pain. We have told Mum till we're blue in the face that we've no objection to her wearing studs, it's just these claw settings - or dangly hoops. She stops for a couple of days then back to the trouble-makers, Mum says 'Oh she wanted those in today'. Last week we had to cut her free from a princess dress as she was well and truly caught in the tulle, and I have to say I wasn't best pleased .......

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we have two children with pierced ears and one child wears 'cluster diamond' type earrings which she is CONSTANTLY get caught in dressing ups and doll's hair and stuff, it's a real pain. We have told Mum till we're blue in the face that we've no objection to her wearing studs, it's just these claw settings - or dangly hoops. She stops for a couple of days then back to the trouble-makers, Mum says 'Oh she wanted those in today'. Last week we had to cut her free from a princess dress as she was well and truly caught in the tulle, and I have to say I wasn't best pleased .......


Oh crikey........good point there Cait - the only earring wearing children I've had have always worn studs.......hmmm....that's just plain dangerous.......oohhh....I'm thinking 'ripped' earlobes now - shudder :o

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We have several boys and girls with pierced ears and to date have not had a problem. We have had the odd earring come out and it is then not put back in but given to parents at home time. I can't remember any dangly ones just studs. We do have children with various types of necklace and we just ensure it is not hanging outside their clothing - never really been an issue though.... famous last words!!!!

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We just stipulate stud earrings only & quite frankly after seeing a ripped earlobe I dont care how much of a cultural issue it was I would not allow them in wearing hoops. I'm not aware of any religious issues that require the wearing of earrings

The borough I live in does not allow any earrings to be worn during P.E. They used to allow just studs and these had to be taped up during contact sports i.e if they were playing rugby or netball However in recent years they now stipulate no earrings to be worn at all during any p.e. or sports. My g/daughters school sent letters home saying if ou are having the childrens ears pierced please do it in the summer holidays.

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