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Was in Boots today and a sales assistant was walking through the shop with a potty at arms length behind her was a dad with a little girl in his arms of about 18 mos - 2 years old, I can only imagine she is being potty trained at the moment and saw a potty on the shelf, took it down and peed in it! Dad look highly embarrassed, but I had to chuckle.

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Haha brilliant!


We were sent one from Kandoo a few years back now, at preschool and it came in a lovely little box with a printed bow on the side. I read on the label what it was and chatted to the children in circle time about how exciting parcels were and that sometimes the packet looked more exciting than what was inside. They all shook the box and had a guess at what was in and then I opened it to a sea of disappointed faces. It was hometime for some children so I helped them out and greeted their parents etc and then there was a shout of 'OH WELL DONE!!!!' 'GOOD GIRL' from behind me as one little girl was getting up from the centre of the circle of remaining children, off the potty she had just filled. Clapping her hands with glee - to a sea of now astonished faces!!!

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I did actually see one small child sitting on a toilet (trousers and underwear around the ankles) at B&Q once... didn't hang around to see what happened though... :o



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Oh no!!!!!!!


Just read first post to Zebedee and he said that with hindsight he bet the shop assistant was happier to be cleaning it up that way than a mess on the floor!

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Not quite the same but along the same lines, many years ago when I was a student in nursery, the teacher was reading a story to the class when one little lad asked to be excused "to do a motion". The carpet area was opposite the toilets and he got as far as the door but returned with his pants and trousers round his ankles to look at the pictures, with a backwards shuffle!


The teacher and I tried hard to stay straight faced!

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Was in Boots today and a sales assistant was walking through the shop with a potty at arms length behind her was a dad with a little girl in his arms of about 18 mos - 2 years old, I can only imagine she is being potty trained at the moment and saw a potty on the shelf, took it down and peed in it! Dad look highly embarrassed, but I had to chuckle.


Now I'm thinking......did they put the put the potty back on the shelf to sell......surely that would qualify for.......'shop soiled' :o

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