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Ooohh Getting Some Responses!

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remember I told you last week I sent out my cv and covering letter to 8 local pre-schools asking if they needed bank/consider me for any vacancies?


Well this morning went to have a look at a pre-school 10 mins down the road and they have taken me on as bank (they already have 5 staff with 25 children.....blissss!!!). I will be used where poss to cover illness and courses. Good thing is unlike my setting they run afternoons too.


Got a call this afternoon from another one to go and have a visit so they can check me out too! Fingers crossed.


Will hopefully be getting lots of different experiences and you never know??!!


Only thing I am not sure of is how do bank/supply staff get paid???!!!


well done you and good luck today. i am sorry cant help you about pay as i should think all settings different - we pay a lady that comes in as bank staff at the same time as regular staff - our monies are paid straight into the bank so her details were taken and she completed a time sheet as rest of staff.

if you work for several places how do you stand with regard to tax and insurance etc., - might be worth thinking about


Hi Marley, well done for getting the responses. I have worked with an agency who paid all the NI an tax, but I have been thinking about doing just as you have done. I was thinking that the places I would approach already use agencies at a cost to themselves of around £12-£14per hour (the agency staff dont get that much!). So if I offered my services and charged them £9 we'd both be winners. I havent looked it into at all, its just a random thought I've had, but you would effectively be self employed and responsible for your own NI and tax, but thats fairly easy, my hubby is self employed and he can manage to do it xD

Hadnt got so far as thinking about timesheets or how I'd get paid. :o


good news...


you should be paid for bank staff.. ask rate... as to tax an NI you already have 2 jobs so this should be taxed at basic rate, unlikely Ni will come into it unless you happen to work a lot of hours in one week. National Insurance is calculated per job not as a total of all your wages like tax is... When you have several jobs like this I would just suggest asking tax office each year to assess your tax when you get the p60s from each job... I had one member of staff doing 3 jobs and ended up paying too much tax so had a rebate each year :o: ))



(Which reminds me not had my P60 yet and should have had it by 19th may.. must chase it up!)


Just go for it, and you may find that one of them could have a job for you in future..




Yes go for it........ we offer jobs 'internally' first - so bank staff get to apply before it goes on general release!




Rea - I did just that. I went for an interview with an agency- then thought 'hang on', they were only offering me about £8 hour.....and I knew they charged £14 as I'd used them myself. I went to my local full daycare with my details and told them £10 hour- they said no way, .and they'd pay £6.50 top maybe £7 tops!......... I said ok but it wouldn't be me and walked out - Guess what they phoned the next day asking me to start as soon possible at my rate!!!



I said ok but it wouldn't be me and walked out - Guess what they phoned the next day asking me to start as soon possible at my rate!!!

Rule number 1: know what you're worth. :(


Rule number 2: choose a figure somewhat lower than that, but stick to your guns! :o


Well done marley: hope it comes good for you! xD



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