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.........................so you're saying it's not normal to check the site after you've been out all evening????

Of course it is - and when you've finally finished for the evening and you're heading off to bed... :o

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I was just forcing myself to finish my assignment when you posted that!

For those who were aware of my terrible predicament recently with three assignments due within 4 days of each other - the nightmare is now over and I can rejoin you lot!

(I might even get some sleep!! But not tonight, it's shazzaC's 40th and we're having a party xD )


Sue :o

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(I might even get some sleep!! But not tonight, it's shazzaC's 40th and we're having a party xD )

Well done Sue: enjoy the party tonight - perhaps you could have a little nap this afternoon in advance of the festivities? I think you've earned it! :o

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Ok I have tried and failed to admit my addiction but now I am ready, really ready so here goes:


My name is Geraldine and I am..................................................................





an FSF addict






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well done Shiny :o:(



well done Sue xD:(



well done geraldine i am very proud of you .................... :(



Hali - it's all well and good congratulating everyone on their confessions.. but where is YOURS?! :wacko:



Ps. My name is Siobhan and I'm really really not addicted.

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Hubby just came home from work .... are you still doing school work love,

Me looking all pitiful and sighing....yes still got bits to do.


Didn't tell him if I'd spent less time on here and on face book I'd have finished everything on Tuesday :o

not to mention playing solitaire!!



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Well I've been out and bought myself a huge pile of books with the intention of making time to read for at least 1/2 an hour each day. I find I spend so much time on here and f/b that I'm hoping I won't feel so guilty if I've done something non computer related!


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Well as I'm teetotal now I have to have one............ or two............or even three vices, one being on here everyday, the other two I'm NOT prepared to admit to. :oxD:(


Hali, so you can reflect here are a few definitions of addiction; :(


Addiction =Devotion- great interest in a particuler thing to which a lot of time is devoted, ie: internet addiction;












not sure about the last one :(



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just realised i am now"feet firmly under the table" how apt!!! feet usually under the kitchen table logged on this site!!!! again and again and again.....................!!!

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