Guest Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Hi We would like our parents to sign their own child in and out of nursery. Just after a few ideas on how you guys do this? I’m trying to think of a way that covers confidentiality, as we have children from social services that attend. Many Thanks
sunnyday Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Hi nickynoodles (love the name) Haven't got any useful suggestions - just wondered why you were thinking of doing this? Sunnyday
Cait Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 We have magnetic whiteboards. Children put their name up on one in Key Person groups. Name cards are laminated credit casrd size with adhesive magnet on the back. Then, if they want to, children can write their name on the large whiteboard too. Oh and they take them off when they leave. We use the cards for children to count how many children are in for cups etc.
Guest Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 wow that was quick replys thanks. We've had a request from a parent as they know another setting does this! I just wasn't sure due to confidentiality.
HappyMaz Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Cait said: Children put their mane up on one in Key Person groups. What are you running, Cait: a pony club? We don't get our parents to sign their children out each day - but they do in the full day care nursery I did my placement in. Each parent signed an A4 sheet to say they had collected their child, and at what time. We do ask parents to sign a 'collection book' when someone else is collecting their child though - and ask the collecting person to sign when they take the child home. Maz
Inge Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 we had a signing in and out system for the pre-school, it was an A4 sheet and filled in by all on arrival and leaving... copy attached Inge Signing_in_book__new.docFetching info...
Guest Wolfie Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 When I had my nursery, a member of staff signed each child in and the parent/carer signed them out - I had a signing in/out sheet printed off with each week's registers. When Oftsed came to me, they looked for that procedure to be in place.
Carol Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Staff sign children in/out in my setting. When we were ofsted a few years ago the inspector said it was better if parents did not do it due to confidentiality and the fact that some parents may not be able to read/write. Carol
Inge Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Carol said: Staff sign children in/out in my setting. When we were ofsted a few years ago the inspector said it was better if parents did not do it due to confidentiality and the fact that some parents may not be able to read/write. Carol And our praised the fact that we did it as added security , as usual 2 sides of one coin.. Inge
Alison Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 our sheet is almost identical to the one inge has posted but we numbered the rows so that we could see at a glance how many children have been signed in and we also put a space at the bottom of the sign in sheet to say which staff are on duty that session we use a fresh sheet each session the children self register when they come into the main playroom, the combination of the sign in sheet and the self register is adequate to not need to do any additional registers (unless you really want to!) we have found it has freed staff to chat to parents and exchange information at the start of sessions.
Guest Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 A member of staff ticks off the children in the register as they arrive and makes a note if the child is to be collected by another person....(their name) the children self register.
Rea Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 This is such a grey area. Ofsted told us at playgroup we had to have sign in and out book, so we got one. Now years later they dont use it, and I've only seen one setting with one. Just another incident of rules seemingly dependent on inspector.
Cait Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 It is good practice though. We have the registration as I've already described, plus I do the one on the computer which ties in to fees etc and I have a printout that the children in my oldest group take - they shout out names and tick the relevant boxes. We record which children are late or leave early as well as those who arrive early and leave late!
Guest Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 We used to this a few yers ago, but found that not all parents would sign in and out. Oh we forgot was the usual excuse, it meant that somebody had to stand over them and make sure they filled in the form. When we moved buildings we went to proper registration first thing, and that works for us. but after all its whatever works for you.
Buttercup Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 we have a daily A4 sheet childrens names already wrote on left, then dob, then columns highlighted to to times in and out. parents sign time in and out and we check it at register time. Staff and visitors are on this sheet also. The folder is then easy to take if there is a fire. I am not sure about confidentiality but parents know names of other children anyway from name cards when children self register, name cards for snack time. Birthday photos etc ofsted liked our register although the staff forgot to sign out from Friday night so she was not happy. angela
Guest Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 I'm very confused now. We were asked by ofsted to have a pre printed sheet as you've all described for parents to sign in and out. We always have a few every day that forget. That is backed up by children self registering with name cards followed by a quick formal calling out of names from register to check that all three tally. The parents signing in board is visible to everyone so I suppose that is a breach of confidentiality so i don't know whether to scrap that now and get a staff member to do the signing in at the door- what do you think?
aliamch Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 We've never been asked to do this and the way the children charge through the door (or are pushed through while their parent does a runner) I'd think we struggle with it. We have 1-2 staff on the door to meet & greet, one of whom can chat to parents if needed, 2-3 staff sitting down with the children as they come in and 1 staff floating. We call the children's and staff names, sometimes assisted by a child, one child counts all the children, a quick chat about the session and then of we go. We also record the time of late arrivals and early and late departures. At home time children are called individually when we see their parent/carer have arrived and are ready for them and then they are signed out by one of two members of staff positioned at the exit door. Karrie
Guest Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 Hi there Full daycare, so we have a signing in and out book for lates and earlies. Parents/droppers off sign in and mark the time that they arrive. This is between 8 and 9. Same happens when children collected earlier than 4 and between 4 and 5.30. The owner charges per half hour and adds an extra half hour for anything over 10 minutes after booked signing out time, e.g. if parent collects at 4.40 instead of 4.30 , charged til 5, even if phoned to advise. This is the main reason I think for having the book! However, EYA thought it a good idea. We also have self-registering cards for the children when they come into my pre-school room. I also mark them off on a register and write the number of over and under threes, total and who's staying for lunch. By that time the morning is well under way!!! For the early and late duties it is nice to be able to chat to parents dropping off and collecting without having to write in a book. Lesley
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 can i ask why do you want parents to do this? We get our children to self register, they find their names and put it on a velcro'd sheet some parents do try and do this for them but as i say to themyou know their name the children are just learning i feel self registration for children much more beneficial
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 our children self-register and parents also sign their children in and out each day. this started after our last ofsted visit. mrsW
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 We started the signing in/signing out procedure following an Ofsted when it was suggested that we had no record of who was in the building in case of fire, before we officially opened the doors. This morning I asked a member of staff to sign in the children at the door when they arrived- the parents were very confused. One said-"oh no, I need that list of children's names for party invitations and Christmas cards" According to gossip- they had been photographing the list on their mobile phones to use at a later date. That information of children's names could have been passed on to anyone!! So glad I changed the procedure.-- Thank's everyone!!!!
Inge Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 In our case it is also a back up so we know exactly who will be collecting the child that day , it put a few parents minds at ease on child safety when they are with us.. gives them some security in knowing we will only let the child go with the person nominated on that day and they have to phone to change it.. even if it is dad instead of mum..... they often put mum and dad to collect and fully understand why we do this........will not go into reasons why but it has always needed to be like that with us. No parent has abused the system, but then a staff member is usually present while they are doing this often speaking or chatting to parents... The children also self register and there is a register of children and adults with times in and out etc... may seem over the top but we felt we needed to be.. Along with alarms on all the doors, and lots of other things in place ,( like no one being able to look in through the windows at the children present....) it did give us outstanding for keeping children safe... the signing in and out was all part of the bigger picture... Inge
Cait Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 moomy said: According to gossip- they had been photographing the list on their mobile phones to use at a later date. That information of children's names could have been passed on to anyone!! So glad I changed the procedure.-- Thank's everyone!!!! Ooh goodness! what on earth! and they are happy for their own child's name to be passed about to all and sundry are they?
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 I know Cait. I was horrified and felt terrible that I had implemented such a breach at Ofsted's request!! I explained about allowing their own child's name to be photographed and the answer i got was "I wouldn't mind".!!!!!!! They would certainly be complaining if the info got into the wrong hands eh? I do wonder sometimes why i bother with the parent battle. We can't do anything right without upsetting someone.
Cait Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Oh goodness - some people haven't got the sense they were born with!
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 I've just had another thought. For years we have printed a whole cast list on our Nativity program. Where does it end??????
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 We have daily registers with the childrens names already on it and staff names, parents and staff sign in when they arrive then out when they leave, when staff go to lunch they sign out and then back in again. Ofsted said this is good practice in case of fire, as you know who is in the building.
Guest Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 we have a daily register and visitors book so i feel this is enough as i dont want to file something else !
Guest Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 (edited) Having read all these posts I am in two minds as to our signing in/out procedures- we have A4 sheet with list of children's first names which parents/carers sign with a time for dropping off and picking up, there is also a space to write staff present (time of arrival) we have a visitors book, collection book (if someone other than parent is collecting) we have self-registration for children- name card onto display board and we have registration time 15 mins into session (generally all have arrived by 9.15) where adult says good morning to each child and children say good morning to staff/parents present. This register is referred to as record of everyone present when evacuating It seems alot when I think about it but it works for us as each form of recording children and adults present has an individual purpose Edited February 24, 2009 by ExtraordinaryChicken
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