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Pre-school Resource Inventory

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Hello all!


Just registered to SFS so please excuse my first attempt to communicate with you all xD

I am already hooked and have spent hours reading through topics etc that are so relevant to my charity based

village pre-school. I desperately need to update our resource inventories (which have not been touched for over three years) Just wondered how other settings attack this seemingly endless task!?!?! :(:o


Welcome and congratulations on your first post!


I do a book inventory, writing the name, author hard back or paper back and the price quoted on the cover in an excel worksheet, so it will add all the figures up.


I keep the receipts for all the equipment we have and I really suppose I should put these on a list too - a ROUNDTUIT!


hello and welcome


just did ours :oxD:( - got committe to do - they went through the lost and re wrote :(:( :wacko:


Hello all!


Just registered to SFS so please excuse my first attempt to communicate with you all xD

I am already hooked and have spent hours reading through topics etc that are so relevant to my charity based

village pre-school. I desperately need to update our resource inventories (which have not been touched for over three years) Just wondered how other settings attack this seemingly endless task!?!?! :(:o

Hi dottyp - oh yes resource inventory - that would be another thing to add to my 'to do' list. Sigh




We started ours a few months ago, we have taken photographs of the items, not all individually, jigsaw puzzles are grouped etc. We keep a copy at the setting for children to access and two off premises incase of fire/theft for insurance claim.


The children help with the book inventory in the last few weeks of the year - we sort alphabetically so it's great for letter recognition. I shout books names out (from my seat at the computer) and children locate them and put them in the box, shouting 'YES' All great fun


Great ! Thanks for all your suggestions. I like the photo inventory idea - would cut down on lots of writing and get

everyone involved.


Look forward to posting and giving ideas in future once I get the hang of FSF :o



Look forward to posting and giving ideas in future once I get the hang of FSF xD


Welcome to the forum, dottyp!


Glad you're finding us useful already - as you can see sometimes you help others by asking a question just as well as answering one! Hands up how many of us now have 'inventory' on our to do lists?


Where's the 'hands up' smiley? :o



Posted (edited)

I did ours in Excel spreadsheets which added it up , and used categories such as furniture, construction, garden, think I had about 10 different pages.. cannot remember now. It had the date we bought it and cost of the item , receipts went with the accounts.. as we bought or disposed of an item someone wrote on the copy at work and I updated it from that.... had 3 copies one at work, I had one and committee had one....


Needed it written in full fro insurance purposes..actually when I started it we were way under-insured, a good way of realising the actual cost of everything.!!



Edited by Inge
Guest MaryEMac

I added it to the committee's to do list. I haven't got the time (or the inclination) but I imagine that us staff will get fed up waiting for them to do it and will do it ourselves. :o

Welcome to the forum dottyp. you'll love it.



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