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The Biggest Fsf Quiz Ever..2

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Half right, well done Beth1 & Steve, but for real cash, whats my mixer with it?





Stab in the dark at coke?




28. I play my keyboard and Samkellylou plays her saxophone

Youre out of time Peggy!



Thanks Susan, an extra £2 for CIN




Question 23


Nona and Inge are the two members who do not like Shetland ponies



( :(:(:( I am desperately hunting for question 17 but not getting very far :oxD


Well done everyone who has got one right so far! Can I just say a big thank you to everyone who posted in the favourite things thread. It made for such a lovely read, although ploughing through to work out the questions took quite a long time! :o




Nope, now thats what I'd mix with Pernod, a drink I haven't had since my 20's (many, many moons ago)



Doesn't Peggy like diet coke?



Well done Beau. :o




Just one question left in that round. Round 4 to follow after Ive maed tea.

Geraldine, it as Dublinbay who has all the Agatha Christie books, but well done on the others.

Nope, now thats what I'd mix with Pernod, a drink I haven't had since my 20's (many, many moons ago)




I was always a Pernod and lemonade person. :o

I was always a Pernod and lemonade person. xD


The strongest cocktail I ever tried in my late teens was (and not offence intended here)


A slow comfortable screw up against the wall. :o


Sloe gin

Southern comfort

Harvey Wallbanger


I liked White Russion - Vodka, lemonade and tia maria, it used to taste like cream soda to me. :(




OK we have two questions unanswered so far


17. I have hidden question 17, but where and what is the answer


25. Which of the following flowers was not a favourite with any of you? Daisy, Lily, Pansy, Fuchsia, Daffodil or Rose.


There's a mug up for grabs for q.17


And now for round 4







31. where does it tell us who is in the chat room?


32. What was the plant of the day on April 19th 2008?


33. Is it a bird, is it a plane, no it's Steve, but what was he doing on February 11th 2008?


34. Who is the Forum baby-sitter?


35. How many pages does the members list consist of?


36. Who posted a photograph of a 'rainbow cloud' recently?


37. Why did Chicken Licken turn down her proposal this summer?


38. Which member is a teacher in Durham and was born in 1957?


39. With a preface written by Jamie Oliver (including his recipe for chocolate biscuits), this book would be an excellent addition to your bookshelves." What is the book?


40. Show you know how to use the forum by posting a link to your favourite thread. Anyone can do this..


Question 31


On the statistics at the bottom of the forum index

It currently shows 6 members as being in there. One of them is me but I'm not there because I have 'java problems' :o

Question 31


On the statistics at the bottom of the forum index

It currently shows 6 members as being in there. One of them is me but I'm not there because I have 'java problems' xD



Sorry to hear your java has problems, it says I'm in there but I'm not because I'm here, but then I'm cheating a bit because I have 2 windows to the forum open. :o



Sorry to hear your java has problems, it says I'm in there but I'm not because I'm here, but then I'm cheating a bit because I have 2 windows to the forum open. :o




I have 3, do I win? :D

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