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The Great Big Fsf Quiz

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I've found the answer Geraldine, have you yet? - thanks for the help. :o


Oh Well done! Noo I haven't got any nearer ...yet!!! so I am wandering off to try again but do post your answer ( and then I can say 'oh I was just going to say that!' xD


Longest post in any given thread - if it wasn't me (and it wasn't) surely it must be Peggy?




Is Maz writing her own questions???

Good one Maz but needs to be PM'd to Mundia our quiz master ( or should I say Mistress !!)


and possibly the longest sentence for me, but then again maybe not, I do believe someone dear to all our hearts posted the longest question. :o




Question 17 - Steve's 'honking' was a poem about geese flying in formation and helping each other out - very relevant for this site!


So from the first 10 we are still looking for an answer to


6. A 2 part question

How many 'rooms' are there in the live chat? name them


Should be a simple matter of looking in the chat room. Don't know where to find it? Look at the top right and you should see 'Live Chat' - click on it and see what happens. :o


Yeah, well donme Jacquie, thast the first 10 done and dusted.


In round 2, we have still to answer


11. What date did lovely Clemmie arrive in the forum? Ans:

12. Who got married on 25 August this year?


14. What is the longest thread in the Birth to Three Matters Forum?

15. LJW asked “Anyone got a data hazard sheet to start me off?” in which thread in ‘Nursery settings management issues’?


18. Who is member no. 6292?


19. who wrote the article about Rudolf Steiner.



Once we have a couple more answers, Ill pots up round 3.

Happymaz ,which question is that?

14, I think - longest post in Birth to Three Matters!




Good try Maz but it's the size of the thread rather than an individual post we're looking for. :o And in English that means the greatest number of replies! xD

Good try Maz but it's the size of the thread rather than an individual post we're looking for. :o And in English that means the greatest number of replies! xD

Well its no good expecting me to understand English when I'm only fluent in gobbledygook!



Happymaz ,which question is that?

Hmm. So maybe 'Peggy' is the answer to a question somewhere along the line - perhaps you were asking for clarification. Is there an emoticon for "scratches chin in a thoughtful way"...?




gosh put me out of my misery it must be 68 posts in a thread about planning formats in birth to three but I dont know which question it was!


hmm, if in doubt say Peggy is a reasonable philosophy.


OK here goes with round 3


h21. ow many ‘most recent pots’ are displayed on the forumhomepage?


22. In 2006, the FSF raised money for Children in need . What did we do?


23. Qu: What was Hali’s New Year Resolution for 2005?


24. Qu: Where did Froebel gain practical experience?


25. If you have a technical problem, what email address should you use to get help?


26. when were 343 members online simultaneously


27. Who wrote the article “Developing Art in the Foundation Stage: The Project!”?


28. There are 3 administrators to the forum. We all know that Steve is one of them but who are the other two?


29. The August 2007 newsletter contained a quote form Dr Suess.


30. Who has a blog entry entitled almost another year gone


Assuming Clemmie is Clementine (and not someone's baby or new puppy!) she joined the forum on 26-September 04 (Q11)




And Question 23 - Hali's new year's resolution was probably to drink more wine. I don't think she's had enough practice yet!




wrong on both counts, althouhg q 23 should be right


Clemmie is featured in a number of articles, the most recent of which is on the home page..


Clemmie first appeared on 10.4.06!


Sorry Maz, youre trying so hard too but Im off to bed to nurse my headache now.


Hope some more folk join in soon, it could be a race against time with more participators!

And Question 23 - Hali's new year's resolution was probably to drink more wine. I don't think she's had enough practice yet!




Thats a matter of opinion! And on that note - cheers! :o

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