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Found 21 results

  1. Hi, what are ARReads doing in relation to tracking children through eyfs and year 1, 2 into 3? I'm looking for ideas to marry up the tracking. Do teachers use maps if so what is considered a realistic and then challenging goal? Are there any international schools out there that feel like they have got it sorted?
  2. Hello, I don't know if any of you have read the latest newsletter? There is some information about a linked blog and website called Learning Through Play by Maslaha. I got a few minutes into their first video and was shocked at the activities that were being advised. The first was an alphabet hunt, ok fine, for reception aged children this might be fun. The second was paint a panda . Why a panda? I have no idea, it was not related to anything. The video then explains how you get your child to paint in leaves for a background, show them where the black goes etc. Whaaaaaaaat? Have we gone back 50 years? How is this learning through play? How is the child playing if they are being directed exactly what to do. That is not playing! I didn't get any further in these videos as I was too shocked to look further. The thought that some parents may watch this and think this is ok make me shudder. Please Please Tapestry do not have any links to this website. Ask us, real reception and nursery teachers, we can give lots of ideas. Ok rant over, as you were!
  3. It's great being able to schedule observations to go out but it would be really useful to be able to schedule reply comments too. In this time of online learning, our school policy says we can't respond to parents after 6pm or on a weekend. Being able to schedule the comments would allow staff to 'work' when they want but still adhere to policy. Thanks
  4. When uploading an observation on tapestry, parents are not receiving the observation until almost 12 hours later. Is there anyway of resetting something so that they are receiving them instantly?
  5. I currently teach in a LA school nursery 26 place am /26 place pm. We are in the process of setting up 2 year old provision which I will also oversee. I understand the ratio for 2 year olds is 1:4 and that's fine. I'm now being told I will have possibly 30 children in the 3/4 year old provision but will not get an extra member of staff (me and level 3 TA currently) as we could mix with the 2 year olds and there will be extra staff in the room. My understanding is a ratio of 1:13 would still stand as the extra staff are correctly in ratio with the 2 year olds, am I correct? It's also been put to me that as we are a school infant class size could be applied (1:30) but I'm under the impression this is only when children reach reception age. I have already been told I'm incorrect but after reading the statutory guidance again I'm still of the same mind.
  6. Hello all, I am new to tapestry and can't seem to find out how to add the EYFS Development Matters Objectives to an observation. (22-36, 30-50, 40-60 and ELG's) Is this possible? Kind regards, Kevin
  7. Just wonder if any of you clever lot can clarify what a 'suitable level 6 qualification ' is in relation to staff:child ratios. I understand it's 1:4 for the 2's and 1:8 for the 3's & 4's. I was just reading that if you have a QTS, EYP or someone with Early Years Teacher Status present for most of the time the ratio can be 1:13. This section also says 'or another suitable Level 6 qualification'. Not that i want to use 1:13 but wonder if a BA(HOns) in Early Years would meet the criteria?? Thanks in advance
  8. I was wondering what everyone will be doing about heating their buildings this autumn while we are dealing with Covid-19. We are in a small hut with only fan heaters, high on the wall, which encourage germs to circulate everywhere. We have no gas supplied to the hut. Does anyone have any knowledge of infra red heaters or any other form of heating we might use or how effective they are? We don't have much of a budget to devote to this, but with the weather getting colder we will need to sort something soon. I just wondered what everyone else was doing.
  9. Hi not sure if this is right place. I just wondered how settings communicate or have been communicating with staff through lockdown? I’ve love using to memo tool to leave information for our families and we have been really impressed with the feedback and parents have commented on how handy it has been. I thought it would be really helpful to have this tool but not to leave information for families but for staff? I’ve tried to see if there is a way but haven’t been able to. I just wondered if anyone else thought that would be a good feature instead of making phone calls or sending individual emails. I had some training information for example that I could have just uploaded for them to all access instead of trying to get it to them individually....if that makes sense x
  10. Just wondering if anyone has any 'official guidance' on whether children should attend two settings from September onwards. This includes children being brought to pre-school by a child minder as well as children who attend other pre-schools? I have heard rumours and read various comments but I can't find any clarification or official guidance. Fingers crossed some of you lovely lot will know!
  11. Notifications to manager and key person when a parent leaves a comment. Notifications to parent when staff leave a comment.
  12. Hello, I hope this is ok, I'm new to this forum! I work for a group of private nurseries which are due to reopen on 1st June. We are currently working through the mammoth task that is updating policies and risk assessments etc which I am sure many of you are familiar with! I was hoping I could pick some brains and get some ideas of how you plan to carry out certain procedures safely? We usually complete a paper diary sheet which is handed to the parent at the end of the day- we would like to go paper free but the tapestry care diary cannot be viewed on the app which is a pain for parents as they would have to log onto a browser. Any ideas? The only thing I could think is to upload a photo of the diary sheet to tapestry like an obs. We would also need accident forms to be signed etc. Another worry is how we will clean toys as we go without restricting the children too much or having a pile of toys to clean at 6pm! Also, how do you plan to clean your toys? Is warm soapy water enough? I'm worried about using detergents etc incase these are not safe for children. Any ideas will be greatly received! There's a lot to think about isn't there!
  13. I have recorded this for our families to explain to the children how when they come back things will be a bit different so they know its will be a little changed and are a little prepared for whats happening .....its not perfect but as I find "outside a bit strange and stressy now I guess children might find it even more so....even though they are adaptable (as are we all) its not the same and probably wont be for some considerable time
  14. Hi, I was hoping someone could help. Is the Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, that was Published: 3 March 2017 Effective: 3 April 2017, the most relevant guidance? I have been told by a colleague that the ratio for 2 year olds is 1:6, but I believe that it is 1:4, I was just trying to find out if this was still the case, or if I have missed an update to the ratios. They are talking about having 'older 2year olds' - but I still think they are counted in the 1:4 ratio of 2 year olds, until they are actually 3. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Hi, I was hoping someone could help. Is the Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, that was Published: 3 March 2017 Effective: 3 April 2017, the most relevant guidance? I have been told by a colleague that the ratio for 2 year olds is 1:6, but I believe that it is 1:4, I was just trying to find out if this was still the case, or if I have missed an update to the ratios. They are talking about having 'older 2year olds' - but I still think they are counted in the 1:4 ratio of 2 year olds, until they are actually 3. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  16. I am a PhD researcher at the Institute of Education, UCL, exploring the impact that the 30 funded hours policy is having on settings. The study takes a broad view and seeks to examine how the policy impacts upon the day-to-day running of settings, the finances of settings, the children and families, the practitioners and so on. If you work in any setting that offers the 15 and 30 funded hours and would be happy to discuss your experiences of the 30 hours policy in an interview lasting around 45 minutes, please do e-mail me at s.vince.14@ucl.ac.uk. The project has been approved by the UCL ethics committee. Many thanks Sharon Vince PhD Researcher, Institute of Education, UCL
  17. BenTapestrySupport

    Where's Spot

    Where's Spot
  18. Hi can anyone help! We are about to sign a license to open a new preschool within a church building and have conflicting info on Buiness rates payable! Do we pay buiness rate if we are not exclusive users of the property and also have a short term license? Help and advice needed thanks in advance
  19. Supervisor Role.pdf Position: Supervisor - Permanent Salary: £9.86 - £10.36 per hour (depending on qualifications) Working hours: Monday – Friday 8.30 am – 3.45 pm (39 weeks, term time only) Staff meetings held on Wednesday 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm (compulsory) Location: Coppice, Oldham To view job description and apply for this position visit our website https://www.heathcotpreschool.co.uk/job-vacancies/
  20. NEW Training Opportunity - L3 Certificate for SENCOs in the Early Years (CERTSEY) Offered by Bedford Borough in partnership with Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) and accredited by Gateway Qualifications (13 L3 credits) Click attached flyer for more information on the course If you are a setting , located outside of Bedford Borough, please click on the following link to find out more information about the course https://easternpartnership.co.uk/ CERTSEY Flyer - Bedford Borough Council.pdf
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