We don’t do any written planning either (other than a few scribbles on a white board- occasionally), so would say no need to keep it if you do, I have one folder from 2006 that I keep to reference how ridiculous it got when we were planning every single activity to the nth degree, who, what,where, areas 🙈
I like the idea of a termly master sheet so to speak, we started something similar Sept 2021 but in key groups and then gave up on that, I do feel since we stopped all the Tap assessing when I could pull up summative assessments that I can’t easily see where they’re all at anymore (KP’s can say).
Registers? some say 6 yrs, some say 3 🤷♀️, I read that people are scanning and saving all paperwork electronically, the thought of doing that fills me with dread 😟