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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Looks wonderful zigzag, please you have a good time 😊 💃🏻 🕺 (for panders), the right person went, glad he didn’t get the idiots underdog votes as often happens, the others all seem quite good this early on.
  2. What wonderful news for you Gezabel, Best Wishes to you all for a healthy pregnancy 🤞
  3. No idea how/why my reply is in the quote box louby 🤷‍♀️ welcome to the forum Miss Hilton, I take my hat off to you and all Reception teachers/TA’s, we can find it difficult to manage with 8:1 with the higher number of children with challenging behaviours we seem to have now, and 6 weeks later you get to do it with likely only 2 of you and having to get the phonics and maths in 😔, we recognise many chn aren’t as ‘school ready’ as cohorts in the past were, toilet training is happening much later, independence doesn’t seem to be on the agenda at home and sadly technology as a babysitter has a lot to answer for. Good luck, hopefully other reception teachers will come along with some helpful strategies 🤞
  4. Hope everyone’s week has gone well and you haven’t all melted 🥵🤞 We unusually have more in the 2025 yr group than 2024, so 9 has seemed like 90 at times 🙈, sessions have chopped and changed which has meant a whole register reprint today 😞 and I’ve never known a group of parents who can’t return the requested paperwork 🤷‍♀️ have a good weekend ☀️
  5. That’s great, Thanks for the update 👍
  6. I had an end of year, youngest in the class who was more than ready to start school, but I now wonder if they are more affected at the other end of their school lives where having had that extra year in school would have benefited them when it came to 6th forms and uni’s, and all their friends are doing things like learning to drive way before them 🤔 FM, I’m paperwork ready to go back but that’s about it 😔 I don’t really seem to have been away from the place much but love coming and going when I want to. Holidays and expected babies sounds great 👍 Hoping those about to start back have a stress free first week 😊
  7. Hi all, everyone sounds busy, busy, busy I’ve had the dreaded email……….place your milk order for Mon 4th Sept 😭 (that they can’t deliver anyway as we never have a Monday delivery) and the registers are now printed so it must be true, I’m now ready for that break, told myself I wouldn’t do any work related things this week, I don’t know why I do that and this mornings job is change the outside tap and hope I don’t get soaked in the process 💦 then meeting a lifelong friend for our once a year catch up lunch 😊 Enjoy the rest of the week everyone x
  8. I feel really lazy compared to Froglet’s week …though I am pretty much on top of the paperwork side of things now, just the dreaded staff rota to do (which I keep finding any excuse not to 🙄), and need to get in and do some cleaning/gardening type stuff. I need an action plan for the onslaught of funded 2yr olds come April, already getting enquiries, I can see us having to staff up to cater for them, then they’ll all turn 3 and you won’t need all the staff but won’t be able to bring in more 2’s as there won’t be enough floor space 🤷‍♀️ I also went on a coach trip, Mapperton House & Gardens (& cafe 😉), it was shown on the first episode of the Alan Titmarsh Dorset series a few weeks ago, I went along to make the numbers up but it was actually a nice day.
  9. Well that’s a game changer 👍I have asked so many times and been given different things to try but who knew it was so simple 🤷‍♀️ A huge Thank you …..though it looks like the 7’s will still need updating soon 🤣
  10. Hi Jack Thank you for the advise , I did wonder if the 6’s would be up to the job. We’ve had the not adding multiple pics issue since we moved to the new app, I’ve tried different suggestions made but it hasn’t helped but haven’t had ‘hold your finger on a pic’ suggested so will give that a try 👍 Is there a minimum spec for android updates if we don’t go with iphones? I’ll give the above a read too. Many Thanks
  11. Hi, techy help appreciated please….. I’m looking to change from Amazon Fires 7’s (main issues being only being able to add one pic at a time on the latest app and photo quality is hit and miss, even in the same tablets) I’m thinking of using more sim free mobiles, any advice on the most cost effective/good for the job welcome, IPhone 6 refurbs seem reasonable but how long would they be supported with updates? Thanks 😊
  12. Reminds me of coming home from work one day and OH had decided to spring clean the lounge (😱) asked him where the curtains were ( 2x floor to ceiling dry clean) yep! in the washing machine, I could have cried but to be fair they were ok 🤞
  13. Exactly Cait! and who on earth thought those little ankle boots with the zip on the inside were a good idea 🤷‍♀️ I ask parents to consider independence when buying new shoes.
  14. Hi all, and welcome guest1 😊 Have managed to wind down a bit more this week, lots of catch ups with friends (that obviously involved food), making good progress with the TDL and feeling a little smug that we appointed a new staff member 😃
  15. Hi 👋 Not to many of our school leavers could join their zips before we finished, we have a box of zippers, button cuffs, buckles to practice during the summer term as we find when they really need to be practicing those self help skills they’ve stopped wearing coats and heavy outdoor shoes, as above little steps and lots of praise and it will suddenly just click. As for laced shoes, if it isn’t school policy they wear lace up shoes go for Velcro shoes, it will help him be independent and feel he can do it himself 😊
  16. How has a week gone already? 😔 3 days in work then a couple with family outings, lots of sun yesterday but wet, dark and gloomy today, a bit of catch t.v, a bit of knitting, key group sorting and a bit of eating (well, that’s a lie, a bit more than a bit 🐷) Acedemic calendar & diary + note pads bought 🤩 Also a bit more aware of what I post that might give me away, but that said it would be great to have more people posting about current EY issues 🤔 🤞for brighter weather soon x
  17. If your county are anything like mine they are very much ‘shut the gate after the horse has bolted’, due to collaborations on here we’d been there, done it and got the t-shirt before they even had new legislation/frameworks on their radar ….I’m still waiting to see what they come up with regards GDPR, I think that totally passed them by 🤪
  18. I think so many settings charge a ‘consumable’ charge now that this would be a really useful addition🤞
  19. We don’t do any written planning either (other than a few scribbles on a white board- occasionally), so would say no need to keep it if you do, I have one folder from 2006 that I keep to reference how ridiculous it got when we were planning every single activity to the nth degree, who, what,where, areas 🙈 I like the idea of a termly master sheet so to speak, we started something similar Sept 2021 but in key groups and then gave up on that, I do feel since we stopped all the Tap assessing when I could pull up summative assessments that I can’t easily see where they’re all at anymore (KP’s can say). Registers? some say 6 yrs, some say 3 🤷‍♀️, I read that people are scanning and saving all paperwork electronically, the thought of doing that fills me with dread 😟
  20. Thank you 😊 It really is lonely at times, I don’t even think your own staff team ‘get it’ really when it comes to the endless decisions you have to make, how many hats you have to wear and how the trying to please all of the people all of the time can be mentally exhausting. I do read a couple of the manager FB groups, though rarely post, no anonymity there, always someone you know or someone who knows someone, I don’t mind an open debate but it does get quite ‘my way or the highway’ at times and it can be quite judgemental rather than supportive ….this is home 🏡
  21. Sending a virtual hug to you all 😢
  22. I am truly saddened to read this sad news, as others have said, I’ve been lucky enough to consider Panders a ‘forum’ friend for a number of years, her wisdom and wise words will be greatly missed 😔 My heartfelt condolences to all her family and friends x
  23. Very wet and windy here too, thankfully we went on our leavers yesterday, perfect weather. yeah to a week to go 🙌 also a WhatsApp fan, is there something I should know?
  24. I’m not sure they do, it always seems that being manager is more about making sure everyone else is treated fairly, staff, parents, children and fighting for everyone else’s rights and forget your own. The local to me network of managers that I also considered friends and could catch up with and talk shop has dwindled greatly over the last few years so I don’t feel they really want to hear about the challenges we face in EY any more, I’ve always found great support on the forum from long standing forum ‘friends’, it would be good if a few more managers get involved in discussions on the forum 😊
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