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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. you are right they were! my favourite was the grapes however...brilliant!
  2. My Mother who made beautiful Smocked dresses would agree
  3. Ah just found it .Recommendations made by a group of nurseries.....maybe they should think a bit more before making these recommendations This is the issue with being lots of individual settings we are ALL different and what works for one does not work for others. Some of us only have one room for instance and one set of loos and one garden and...........etc etc etc recommendations recently published by a coalition of UK nursery groups that they’d like the government to make.
  4. Thanks much appreciated. Slightly panicking as i can't see how this would work in my setting .....!!!
  5. THEY are out to get you sunnyday...better go self isolate till they go away...........oh hang on you are
  6. Thanks for this Blondie...did the second document come from an official source?
  7. Is it just me...i don't really get the testing thing!!! it can only tell you if a) you have had it...but we don't know if you can catch it again or if that gives you any immunity or b) You haven't had it but you might get it tomorrow and then we'd have to test you again...... Am i missing something ?
  8. and i would suspect most ofsted inspectors would disagree too! especially as if they were in school they would be getting free school meal vouchers. Your LA's advice seems completely incorrect
  9. I agree ..there is no way that i can 'police' the children to social distance. Some of mine don't speak English and have additional needs they will just not understand that climbing in to the water and hugging their friends is not on!!!! and anyway i will be delighted to see them having normal social contact, surely that is what they need after all this time?
  10. No ..we are completely independent but it will cause issue with our families siblings as some may return and others not as it is common to have children spread around schools . I was just reading this morning that they will return the transition years first but for this borough that is obviously a different year group...but i doubt anyone has thought about that
  11. our county, like only 5 others in the country, still operate a three school system. So we have primary, middle and upper schools meaning the children move at different year groups than in the rest of the country....and in fact even in our borough only half the schools operate like this!!!!! The problem is that the investment required to rejig this to 2 tier is huge and in the current climate not possible.
  12. We may have a slight hiccup in the plan in that our authority still runs a three tier system !!!! Suspect no one has thought abut that in governement! 🙄
  13. im so glad this thread is called it's friday......the one point in the week i know what day it is ! (even though i'm replying on saturday...it is saturday isn't it??!!)
  14. I had to order more kitkats so i have a few spare too....was short by one! (got them on delivery from the coop via deliveroo....they were here in 20 minutes!)
  15. Bit of a cheat one really ....good food recipe but had to adapt a bit due to lockdown!
  16. My distraction for today....
  17. a bit like safeguarding issues that always happen at 4 on a Friday!!
  18. there was an announcement the other day that we WOULD NOT be expcted to stay open over summer....but it wouldn't be the first time there has been a u-turn recently.
  19. biker grove (biker,biker,biker grove!!!)
  20. Ofsted made it clear yesterday that they would not be inspecting anyones response to the pandemic .. so your LEA can go jump!!! we do keep in touch over tapestry which has been fab some respond lots others not so much but our vunerable and more tricky families are contacted as often as we can. We've already had one family removed due to Domestic violence so i guess your LEA is just trying to ensure this doesn't happen (or worse!)
  21. Have sent catch ups to all of our families this week on tapestry ...one of my lovely 'Polish' parents has just responded obviously meant to write drawing but text has changed to drowning !! made for an interesting message!
  22. sorry been painting just got this 4 oz marg or butter 2 tablesp syrup 4oz caster sugar 1 tin of condensed milk put all in a saucepan when the butter has melted boil, stirring for 5 minutes (slowly) you'll probably find it looks a little bitty unless you are very patient it tends to get darker bits in it ....however it takes fantastic !!!!
  23. i just want to say that i DID NOT make those ...suddenly realised that it might have looked like i was passing them off as my own
  24. what a lovely story....nice to think that out of something negative lots of positives are appearing!
  25. Ah no need to imagine Voila!
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