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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Our bins have gone to a 2 week collection (i know we are lucky not to have had this before) but now find myself panicking if its a black or blue day!!
  2. I am considering a kind of temporary override policy as it were....so along the lines of our policies will continue to be upheld in the most part with the following exception during the period of June 2020 until September 2021... then listing any alterations we might need...was hoping this might suffice
  3. Thanks Stephen really helpful...are you happy to deal with older children or would you prefer to stick mainly to the EY community?
  4. absolutely i cant do anything until they have sorted this!
  5. Pacey and Morton Michael have also said OK RSA (EYA) have not yet confirmed or denied
  6. Do we know if we are insured yet???????!!!!! sorry feel im being a pain about this but i am very nervous of opening until i have had this in writing
  7. They are not vulnerable until they have a diagnosis and and EHC plan (unless they have a 'section' order). If he's been at another nursery then he will be in their 'bubble' personally i would be saying no just on the asthma ! but anyway he should be having a break of 14 days from one bubble to another really . You are in charge of this...you cannot please all of the people all of the time!
  8. The guidance suggests ratios groups.. so 1-8 for 3 year olds
  9. So i have been thinking about this ...first our sand is outside so the likelyhood of virus landing on the sand is minimised due to air movement, You would need the childs viral load to be picked up and tranfered to the other childs airways through viral drops. They would need a fairly large amount of viral load to transfer. If child 'a' sneezes will the small amount of virus be able to land and be picked up by child 'b' and then 'ingested in to their system before it is dispersed in to tiny amounts not dangerous to others.
  10. there was something similar on Twitter this morning but no one has yet been able to show me where this info has come from. Just spent lots of money sorting out our sandpit (was planned before all this) will be really cross if we can't use it!
  11. where is the guidance about sand water etc? didn't know about this.
  12. We are RSA with EYA ...no answer from either of them as yet. We really need an answer on this quickly!
  13. If i wasn't a limited company i wouldn't be opening! even then someone could take a private prosecution against me...guess i could say i was told to open....Oh no can't do that its just advice Anyhting interesting you'd like to share about your webinar...promised myself i wasn't going to work this weekend!
  14. my most pressing issue at the moment is the insurance.....! no insurance no go....
  15. Humm something chocolatey minty and creamy for my colour scheme i think Love the fruit cake colour though
  16. Any one have any of these MP's as their local ones? could you pass that on to them? (they tend to only answer if you are in their local constituency )
  17. They are why I have been so careful about not allowing mixed groupings when (IF) we return!
  18. Yes they have mixed all 4 branches of their family.for the last 7 weeks They are due to start taking children back next week. Suspect that they wont stick to the one family rule !
  19. wouldn't mind so much but they're childminders
  20. Well im glad you are only breaking the rules a little...not like my blinkin neighbours who had a bl***y party today with about 15 people from various households,,,really not on my friends Mum is dying and she's not allowed to see her and they have had their first grandchild born...can't see him either but apparently the rules don't apply to some people.....I'm very cross
  21. have you tried here!?!? https://www.bigcommunitysew.co.uk/
  22. If i was size of group i would be wanting to split each 15 in half this would then fit in with the government guidelines (if they are 3/4 years) depends of course on staff space etc etc etc
  23. ive got a meeting this afternoon that i need to be ready for....not going to happen will have to fudge it
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