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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. I was thinking about my own questions and have just watched a video on toilet spread! (nice) ..we don't have lids on our loos (if you do i would close the lid before flushing) but basically it was talking about the aerosol effect, having watched it i suspect i may limit the people in the loos at any one time unless you can be over 2 metres away from them.....going to be tricky to wipe bottoms from that distance
  2. i have stopped watching for exactly this reason!
  3. Actually just thinking about it how are people feeling about the BIG questions? Are you going to allow cuddles? will you let children hug each other? will you do activities where they will hold hands? will you allow them to go in the bathroom areas without supervision????
  4. I was having a think about this and have decided i am just going to throw the children outside and just let them run around like banshee's for about 4 days before i even try to have a conversation with them i have been told mine are mostly feral
  5. personally our home corner is one of the things we are most concerned about as we have a group of children who constanty 'eat' the toys. We have cut out food pictures to cook in the pans! no cutlery, no cups!! but thats our group. i've haven't removed carpets..can't see that if you had fitted carpets you would be able to do this.
  6. Fair enuffs enuff! (sorry couldn't resist) You have to go with what you feel is right...we are all individual settings with individual groups of children and parents. I have heard of settings where all the parents want their children back and some who have none.....i feel the power of social media may be at play here! the government have said they expect about a 50% uptake across the board. The problem at the moment is that nearly all the press is based on schools and they are doing some VERY odd things, ours have decided to pick the children up in the middle of a car park and walk them to school in order to stop the parents coming near the school...the problem is they have to walk down a narrow and public path to do so!
  7. We have 2 with asthma currenlty . One is hospitalised when she has an attack and so ive said no. The other has never shown any symptoms and i have never had to give her her inhaler i have said yes to her. I think in these cases you need to make an informed decision based on the child and the risks. The schools have been told that if the child is critically vulnerable that they may return as long as they can ensure social distancing which is why they have set out their terms ....though i think 1-2 supervision wasn't quite what the government were thinking ....what are they going to do forma circle of shame around her!
  8. our local school sent out their plan after ours...it doesn't fit ! But the one thing i think is good is that the group of keyworkers children that they have had throughout will continue to be their own bubble
  9. TBH its a blinking nightmare...and all of us are different i don't know what your setting is like size wise etc. We've just done what we think will work for us. I've told the parents they can have X or nothing and we start on the 1st....only one not happy so not bad
  10. Ive said no...two reasons 1) the children will have formed a peer group and i don't want to change so that they can get the most from that . 2) once set the bubble becomes its own protection...allowing others to join later may increase the risk of introducing a new set of possible germ transfer
  11. We are running seperate am and pm sessions...we have basically set up two sets of everything and two areas to store them in. They wil have restricted use to resources and then cleaned at the end of the session. If something gets missed as long as it goes back in the right am or pm pile should be okish!! The only thing we are doing between sessions are the climbing things that we only have one set of.
  12. I have spoken to RSA this morning about this. Apparently it is now on the EYA website....but they have confirmed it all ok...will find the email in a minute...just having a cup of tea ☕
  13. Possible risk assessment Risk Assessment draft covid.docx
  14. have they answered the insurance question on there? apparently the RSA told them their decision a few days ago!.
  15. I don't have an issue with any of these things outside...but i do know that people are being cautious about sand play, though i have found no evidence for why this might be the case...unless you have a sand muncher!
  16. Morton michael/pacey /and poundgates have all confirmed Suggest you check on their website ....
  17. enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk Make sure you put your details in (DOB/Home postcode etc) as they won't accept otherwise
  18. yes as soon as it hit my email inbox...shame they aren't as quick they may be loosing a customer quite quickly the NDNA have just put out lots of stuff for their members
  19. was on a twitter thing from them i think ...i'll try and find it but i think they were just trying to keep track! (so that they can inspect the rest of us)
  20. I have checked this...absolutley no changes and still no insurance response. getting very cross now!
  21. Ah i know this! YES !!! they have asked for everyone to email them
  22. Exactly!
  23. was struck that we may all need to do this one soon Novel Psychoactive Substances and Club Drugs Awareness!!
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