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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. Can i suggest she questions the headteacher about this? This would be against all of the advice we have been given as you know. If she doesn't get a good answer maybe an email to the local LEA. It really isn't on when all of us are working so hard to get it right.
  2. Cardboard box house today. Small girl inside...two boys being the big bad wolf........"let us in, Let us in!" .....No she says......It's Locked!!!!!" 🤣
  3. hope all goes well for anyone opening today. We are thinking of you . FM xxx❤️
  4. The joy of tapestry is that you run it the way you want to! If you feel the child has achieved a certain point and can do it without help or assistance then i would class that as secure, You don't need to put refinements in if you don't want to...we do because i think it shows progression. I only do no refinement for group obs where there is a diference between child a and child b's involvement or achievement level. You'll find the way that works best for your setting Welcome!
  5. I think we will still be restricting people who come in to the setting and the need for cleaning and rotating toys will still be high on the agenda (i had set up a system for this when we started in our 'new' building, i think this will need to be reintroduced. ) Starting to think of new ways of keeping parents out....the opposite of what we do now! Hand washing will be the norm and we will spend lots of time teaching and reinforcing this and we will be much more careful when changing children and cleaning up after them.I will definitely keep a cashless system going....much easier! Fundraising will need to be done through grants or other methods rather than hands 'on' events and parties may be out for a while? (children only maybe) I do fear for the support organisations that are around like panto companies and theatre shows/school visit organisations. They may have a very quiet year. purely a guess of course!
  6. it was on twitter last night ...but thats absolutely NO guarantee it's correct! (to be fair i'd had 2 gins when i read it so could well be wrong!🤪)
  7. apparently greater manchesters r rate gone above one...schools have been told not to open on monday as planned
  8. Of course, even stick my finger out when drinking tea 😅
  9. finleysmaid


    do you need to offer the children what they had before? or could you make life a bit easier and see what the parents want/need and then plan for that scenario? similarly with staff offer them alternatives (take it or leave it!)
  10. I guess i would risk assess it for your cohort. If the modelling materials had been stored for a few days to ensure they aren't infected and the children aren't eating anything! Are you allowing paintings etc to go home? if so then i don't think waste craft technology (!!!) is any more dangerous. (probably wouldn't use loo rolls at the moment)
  11. I can completely concur with the tiredness.....and we're working 3 hours a day less!! I think its the stress and remembering the new ways of working thats done it. None of our have said anything about covid.....and several of them have NO idea how to wash their hands which i suppose means they haven't been anywhere and they haven't been spoken to about it,which actually i don't mind. In general its been really positive, the ones that have come back do seem to have needed us and the pre-school support and the parents seem grateful for a bit of respite, they have all been rather charming (long may it continue😅) the cleaning is driving me barmey but we are getting very slick at it . We have had to find new ways to do accident books and prior incidents etc. We are only taking bank transfers no cash and we asked for snack donations online too which has been really easy . The children in the most have not missed anything ...in fact one of ours said he thought the pre-school looked beautiful! 🤗 (it certainly looks empty!) they are also much better at tidying up and absolutely fine about it....lack of mess or more practice at home i wonder? We have had some who have definitely benefitted from having more time with parents and some who haven't . Certainly an interesting social experiment (one not to be repeated hopefully)
  12. 👍
  13. so as an early years establishment why are you offering places? for my children I was clear that this was an opportunity to build on their social skills and ensure that my vunerable and keyworker children were also catered for. If these 3 are coming back just because they want to play together (and thats not a bad thing) will that make a difference to them, do they need it before they go to school, will they have the resilience to manage school if you don't provide it? Small groups are quite tricky as they need entertaining too . You would need two staff one of which would need first aid etc. There will be some costs and i would suspect that 3 might not meet the costs of energy bills etc that you may not have if they are not there?
  14. actually thats not really the issue..i'm getting paid by the LEA whether they return or not. Obviously we have other costs when the children are in but viablility in terms of them returning isn't really in my remit at the moment.
  15. I gave mine very little time sort of pushed them one way or another!
  16. Phew ...all good (I'm exhausted!!l 8 this morning and 5 this afternoon. A drop in the ocean really but I guess we have to start somewhere. It felt a bit awkward with the parents at drop off and they just dropped and ran. They all followed the route in and out and stuck to the rules which has to be a first 😁 Everyone had everything I'd asked for...again a miracle. We usually ask for snack donations but weve done that 'online' and I've already had two parents who say they would prefer to do this from now on! All of them are toilet trained 😅 yeah only took a pandemic The children came in beautifully, we had put a video on tapestry to let them see what we were doing...this had definitely helped and the queuing system was like the supermarket so the parents were ok. I'm please weve done it especially for those with additional needs ...they needed to be back even if only for a few weeks. They have definitely slipped in to some bad habits. We noticed all the children needed us to take the first steps to hold hands or give a hug etc and none of them could wait for a turn in conversation, all talking over each other constantly. 2 of my little girls quite quiet but as I've had one drop out I might see if they want some more sessions to help settle them back in. I only have one family being awkward..mum and dad divorced mum wants him back dad doesn't...we told them that they need to sort it out and he needs to come in for all the sessions or not at all (they wanted 1 week in one out) I'm not doing it..for once I'm sticking to the plan ..like it or lump it.😡
  17. Aha fine on my phone...no access on my laptop. Thanks.
  18. Actually it wasn't her that said it ...it was my MIL have now read the info!!! was not going to bring back anyway she has a daughter at home to look after too 😄
  19. yes it is...the issue i have is that i don't have enough staff to create 2 bubbles of staff so if one's off we're all off. I have one who is shielding and aparently can come back tomorrow! not really going to happen...i'll wait for a couple of weeks before we sort that out.
  20. So i need some clarification.. If a child or staff member has symptoms...get tested we stay open until results are back if negative we stay open...if positive we contact PHE and follow advice but probably close for 14 days. If traced we have to go home for 14 days isolation (and so pre-school closes ...no staff) and if my husband gets traced we also have to close for 14 days. .....Think i might just hide ! does this sound right to everyone or have i missed something...have deliberatley left this to the last minute as i'm waiting for the government to change their minds.
  21. thanks guys always appreciated...no i haven't replied yet but actually formulated a response that sounds very similar to Sunnyday's response (great minds😇) ,,,shes's been iffy from the start wouldn't surprise me if she changes her mind!
  22. sort of makes me realise i don't miss the advisors too much. 🤣
  23. ahh always wondered what you looked like panders🧐
  24. So pleased for you both... 🥰 OOH and on a side line have just realised we have lots of emoji's 🤩
  25. having spent much time this week sorting things out i have deliberatley left the details of this till the last minute as i know its going to change by monday! however i have now had a parent ask if i will get the staff tested before returning (on monday!!) I am struggling with this as a) i don't think i can ask the staff to do this! b) if they test negative they might get it by Monday and c) if they have already had it are they going to get lazy about hand washing etc. but i now feel pressure to consider it ...feeling very uneasy about it
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